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Found anxiety: 4 words & 2 translates

English Ўзбек
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2. A Scripture was revealed to you, so let there be no anxiety in your heart because of it. You are to warn with it—and a reminder for the believers. 2Бу сенга у ила огоҳлантиришинг учун ва мўминларга эслатма этиб нозил қилинган китобдир. Кўнглингда ундан танглик бўлмасин.

His face had a wistful, hungry expression. The cheeks were hollow, and the skin seemed stretched a trifle tightly across the cheek-bones. His pale blue eyes were troubled. There was that in them that showed the haunting imminence of something terrible. Doubt was in them, and anxiety and foreboding. The thin lips were thinner than they were made to be, and they seemed to hunger towards the polished frying-pan.

Очликдаги кўриниш Моргансоннинг юзини тарк этадиганга ўхшамасди, афт-ангори сўлиб, ёноқ суяклари туртиб чиққанди. Нурсиз мовий кўзлари жавдирар; уларда ночорлик олдидаги қўрқув намоён эди. Нигоҳида ёқимсиз кўнгилсизликлар, иккиланиш, ваҳима сезилиб турарди. Табиатан юпқа лаблари яна бир қават пўст бойлаганди.

I’ll just remove the anxiety. Only the anxiety. Мен вужудингиздаги ушбу ҳисни йўқотаман, холос. Ҳеч нарсадан чўчиманг