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Found angry: 8 words & 2 translates

English Ўзбек
angry баджаҳл
93. Whoever kills a believer deliberately, the penalty for him is Hell, where he will remain forever. And Allah will be angry with him, and will curse him, and will prepare for him a terrible punishment. 93Ким бир мўминни қасддан ўлдирса, унинг жазоси жаҳаннамдир. Унда абадий қолур. Унга Аллоҳнинг ғазаби ва лаънати ёғилур. Ва Аллоҳ унга улкан азобни тайёрлагандир.

60. Say, “Shall I inform you of worse than that for retribution from Allah? He whom Allah has cursed, and with whom He became angry; and He turned some of them into apes, and swine, and idol worshipers. These are in a worse position, and further away from the right way.”

60Сен:«Сизларга Аллоҳнинг ҳузуридаги бундан ҳам кўра ёмонроқ «савоб»нинг хабарини берайми? Ким Аллоҳнинг лаънатига учраган, ғазабига дучор бўлган, маймун ва чўчқага айлантирилган ва тоғутга ибодат қилган бўлса, ана ўшалар ёмон мартабадаги ва тўғри йўлдан бутунлай адашган кимсалардир», деб айт!

150. And when Moses returned to his people, angry and disappointed, he said, “What an awful thing you did in my absence. Did you forsake the commandments of your Lord so hastily?” And he threw down the tablets; and he took hold of his brother’s head, dragging him towards himself. He said, “Son of my mother, the people have overpowered me, and were about to kill me; so do not allow the enemies to gloat over me, and do not count me among the unjust people.” 150Қачонки Мусо ўз қавмига ғазабланган ва афсус қилган ҳолида қайтганида: «Менинг кетимдан қандай ҳам ёмон халифа бўлдингиз. Роббингизнинг амридан (олдин) шошилдингизми?!» деди ва лавҳларни ташлаб, акасининг бошидан тутиб, ўзига торта бошлади. У (Ҳорун): «Эй онамнинг боласи, шубҳасиз, бу қавм мени хўрлади ва ўлдириб қўйишларига сал қолди. Энди сен душманларни устимдан кулдирмагин ва мени ҳам золим қавмлардан деб билмагин», деди.

They sat on the Terrace and many of the fishermen made fun of the old man and he was not angry.

Улар Террасга келиб ўтиришди. Кўпгина балиқчилар чолни мазах қилишар, аммо у буни кўнглига оғир олмас эди.

Now that he was down, Morganson was no longer afraid. He had a vision of himself being found dead in the snow, and for a while he wept in self-pity. But he was not afraid. The struggle had gone out of him. When he tried to open his eyes he found that the wet tears had frozen them shut. He did not try to brush the ice away. It did not matter. He had not dreamed death was so easy. He was even angry that he had struggled and suffered through so many weary weeks. He had been bullied and cheated by the fear of death. Death did not hurt. Every torment he had endured had been a torment of life. Life had defamed death. It was a cruel thing. Қорда узала тушиб ётган Моргансон ортиқ ҳеч нарсадан қўрқмасди. У ўзининг ўлик танасини қай йўсинда топиб олишларини тасаввур қилди. Хўрлиги келиб кўзидан ёш оқди. Лекин ваҳима уни тарк этганди. Жанг тугади. Кўзини очмоқчи бўлди. Аммо музлаб қолган киприкларини бир-биридан ажратолмади. Қайтиб кўзини очишга уринмади. Энди барибир эмасми?! Жон таслим қилиш бунчалик енгил кечади, деб ўйламаган экан. Азоб-уқубатларга тўла шунча умрини кураш ва қийноқда ўтказганига ўзидан аччиқланди. Ўлимни рўкач қилиб, уни лақиллатишибди. Ўлим ҳеч нарса эмас экан. Барча тортган азоблари ўлим деб аталмиш неъматни бошлаб келди. Ҳаёт ўлимга туҳмат қилди. Қандай бедодлик!
So Moses returned to his people, angry and disappointed. He said, “O my people, did your Lord not promise you a good promise? Was the time too long for you? Or did you want wrath from your Lord to descend upon you, so you broke your promise to me?” 86Бас, Мусо қавмига ғазабланган, афсусланган ҳолда қайтди. У: «Эй қавмим, Роббингиз сизга яхши ваъда қилмаганмиди?! Сизларга замон узоқ кўриндими ёки бошингизга Роббингиздан ғазаб тушишини хоҳладингизми?! Менга берган ваъдага хилоф қилибсиз?!» деди.
As the debate progressed, like a boxer on the ropes, Mr Biden started to take big swings against his opponent in an attempt to change the momentum. A few of those swings landed, provoking Donald Trump into angry responses. Мунозара давом этар экан, Байден худди бурчакка тиқилган боксчи каби вазиятни ўзгартиришга уриниб, рақибига қарши кескин зарба бера бошлади. Уларнинг бир нечтаси мўлжалга тегди ва собиқ президентнинг ғазабини қўзғатди.