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English Ўзбек
‘Damn you,’ the corpulent ruler barked at his horse every time he was jolted “Ҳа, савил!”, - деб қўяди ҳар бир силкинишига дўлвор гавдали ҳоким
The mufti made a long speech in praise of the holy city of Bukhara and the dynasty of the Mangits who had brought Islam to their world, and also in praise of this dynasty’s precious jewel, Prince Nasrullo. He stepped aside only when the ruler waved his riding whip, after which the court chef came forward. Today he spoke as the master of the games: he shouted out orders to the riders while their horses stamped their hooves and snorted Қозикалон узундан узоқ қилиб, Қуввати Дин Буҳоро аморотида Иймон сирожини порлоқ тутган Манғит хонаводасию хоссатан ўшал хонавода гавҳари шаҳзода Насруллоҳхон шарафларига дуои саломлар қилиб, ҳоким қамчисини бир силкигачгина, ўртадан ғойиб бўлди-да, баковул нарироқда кишнагану ер тепган асов отларини шайлаб турган чавандозларга қарата ўз йўриқларини ҳайқирди
‘Firstly,’ the chef roared, ‘don’t pull each other off your horses, and don’t hit each other with your whips. Secondly,’ his throat straining a little with the effort, ‘don’t let your horses bite or kick. Thirdly, don’t let anyone who falls offhis horse be trampled Якум, - деди, - бир-бирингни қулатмайсан, бир-бирингга қамчи урмайсан, дуввум, - деди, - отларингни бир-бирига тишлатмайсану тепдирмайсан, севум, - деди, - йиқилганни отинг билан депсатмайсан
Just then, two horsemen came rushing up on black steeds, clutching to their thighs the carcass of a goat, the size of a calf. The horsemen pulled up about ten yards from the ruler’s marquee, just long enough to let the carcass thud to the ground. Then they wheeled around and galloped off, shoulder to shoulder, towards the crowd Шу пайт қора от минган икки навкар тақимига улоқни босганича, чекадан елдек учиб келишди-да, ҳоким капасининг шундоқ пешида ўн қадамларча нари новвосча келадиган улоқни ерга улоқтиришдию, бир зумга тўхтамай, боди раф-раф бўлиб, оломон томонга ўтиб кетишди
‘The goat’s been lifted!’ the master of the games cried out, disappearing all of a sudden behind the cloud of dust left behind by the riders rushing into the fray Баковул томоғини йиртгудек бўлиб: “Улоқ кўтарилди!” - деб буюрди ва дарров ўзини панага тортди
The horse twisted its head and foam spattered from its mouth while Nasrullo’s whip rained down blows. How could the ruler see the game like this? Отларнинг оғизлари қийшайди, оғизларидан кўпиклар сачради, қамчилар ёғилди, қани ҳоким бу орада улоқни кўрса
He wanted to push his guards aside and ride into the thick of the game, using his sword to clear a path if necessary, then bend down and pick up the dead goat, his whip poised between his teeth… Икки ясовулини икки томонга тепиб, отини ўртага солмоқчи бўлди, шамширини яланглатиб бўлса-да орага ёриб кирсаю, қамчи оғзида, бир энгашиб улоқни ўзи кўтарса
‘He’s been trampled, trampled!’ the people clamoured, “От босди, от босди!” - деган овоза чор тарафга бошлар оша тарқалди
and the court chamberlain hurried over to the scrum, which stopped moving Баковул ўртадаги пўсиб қолган даврага шошилди
The riderless horse, a young dun not much more than a colt, followed: its reins were grabbed and passed along until they reached the chamberlain, who bowed and looked enquiringly at the Prince. Nasrullo nodded унинг кетидан қўлма-қўл қилиб, етимлаган саман отини баковулга тутқазишди. Баковул ҳоким тарафга таъзим ила боққанди, ҳоким бош ирғади
The chamberlain handed the reins to the rider who had brought the contestant’s body out of the crush, and the man trotted off, leading both horses towards the lamenting spectators Баковул саман жиловини тана кўтариб чиққан отлиққа тутқизди-да, у оломон ичида дод-вой кўтарилган тарафга икки отни йўрғалатганича жўнади
Despite the hysterical tears of the dead man’s relatives, the game resumed, the goat’s carcass thrown back to be torn apart Узоқдаги оҳу-вовайлога қарамай яна улоқ кўтариш бошланиб кетди
’Nasrullo’s father was devoted to intellectual pursuits, and the Mangit dynasty had weakened with him; the Emirate was swamped with intrigues and betrayal spread like a contagion Отаси илмга берилди, ҳилмга берилди, манғитлар хонаводасини заифлади. Аморат фитналарга чўмган. Бари бир- бирини сотган
Recently, a group of armed men from the Chinese-Kipchak district had raided the viceroy of Samarkand Самарқанд ҳокими Давлат-қушбегини хитой- қипчоқ улуси талабди
‘The goat, the goat’s been lifted!’ As the goat was held up, one man tried to grab it, only to have his arm violently knocked away by another rider’s knee. There was a general clamour while the second rider snatched the carcass and galloped away at greatspeed. This rider was very young,his horse the same bay colour as the prince’s “Улоқ, улоқ кўтарилди!” Чиндан ҳам кўтарилган улоққа чап томондан узатилган қўлни тиззаси билан шарақлатиб синдириб, кетда қолган дод-войга қарамасдан, орадан ёшгина бир чавандоз отилиб чиқди-да, улоқни тақимигабосганича, ҳокимникидай тўриқ айғирини ўнгтомонга учирди
There was no chance of the chamberlain’s orders – ‘Don’t hit, kick, bite or unhorse!’ – being observed now. Men lashed out with their whips wherever they could, at faces or heads; horses harrumphed as they knocked each other over; fallen riders, trampled by hooves, lay on the turf Баковулнинг бояда “бировингга қамчи урма” дегани қани, шартиллатиб оғзи-бурнини билмай савалаб ётишибди. От отни чалган, чавандозлар чим билан бир бўлиб, туёқлар остида қолиб кетишган, яна боягиндай қиёмат!
The bay horse had barely made fifty yards when it stumbled and came to a sudden halt. Immediately, two other riderscame galloping up on both sides and the battle broke out again Эллик қадамча нарида тўриқнинг оёғи дўнгалакми, чуқурда тойдими, бир энтиккан эди, чил минган чавандоз бир тарафдан, бурноч мингани иккинчи тарафдан ўртага олишди, ва яна чопганча торт-торт бошланиб кетди
If his father, the sovereign, had been present now, Nasrullo would certainly have summoned the master of the games to his presence and reprimanded him for allowing the rules to be breached; but now, in thrall to his own private thoughts, he merely expressed his admiration for the horseman Бошқа пайт, айниқса отасининг ўнгида баковулни чақириб сўкардибалки, бироқ бу кез аллақайсихаёлда йигитга офаринлар айтди
If anything happened to his father, then Nasrullo’s brothers, the eldest Husein, the younger Umar, Zabair, Hamza and Sardar, would each try to take the throne, just as these horsemen had scuffled over the goat carcass Отаси Амир Ҳайдарга бир нарса бўлгудек бўлса, Насруллоҳхоннинг оғаси амир Ҳусайн, инилари Умархону Зубайрхон, Ҳамзахону Сардорхонлар улоққа ташлангандек, тахтига ёпишишади
Not sparing even a glance for his bewildered courtiers, the ruler left just when the game was at its nail-biting peak and – his horse no longer hobbled – he rode off towards the palace Шу фикрда, томошанинг қоқ авжида тарк этиб, шошган аёнларига қарамай, ҳоким тушовсизланган отини кўшкига қараб чоптирди