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English Ўзбек
64. This is certainly true—the feuding of the people of the Fire. 64Албатта, мана шу ҳақдир–дўзах аҳлининг ўзаро тортишувидир.
65. Say, “I am only a warner, and there is no god except God—the One, the Conqueror. 65Сен: «Мен фақат огоҳлантиргувчиман, холос. Ҳеч бир ибодатга сазовор зот йўқдир, магар ягона ва ўта қаҳрли Аллоҳгина бор.
66. The Lord of the heavens and the earth, and everything between them; the Mighty, the Forgiver.” 66У осмонлару ернинг ва уларнинг орасидаги нарсаларнинг Робби, Азизу Ғаффордир», деб айт.
71. Your Lord said to the angels, “I am creating a human being from clay. 71Эсла! Ўшанда Роббинг фаришталарга: «Албатта, мен лойдан башар яратгувчидирман.
73. So the angels fell prostrate, all of them. 73Бас, фаришталар барчалари жамланиб, сажда қилдилар.
75. He said, “O Satan, what prevented you from prostrating before what I created with My Own hands? Are you too proud, or were you one of the exalted?” 75У зот: «Эй Иблис, Ўз қўлим билан яратган нарсага сажда қилишингдан сени нима ман қилди?! Мутакаббирлик қилдингми?! Ёки олий даражалилардан бўлдингми?!» деди.
77. He said, “Then get out of here! You are an outcast! 77У зот: «Сен ундан чиқ! Бас, албатта, сен қувилгансан.
78. And My curse will be upon you until the Day of Judgment.” 78Ва, албатта, сенга жазо кунигача Менинг лаънатим бўлгай», деди.
83. Except for your loyal servants among them.” 83Магар улардан танланган бандаларинггина (мустаснодир)», деди.
85. I will fill Hell with you, and with every one of them who follows you.” 85Албатта, Мен жаҳаннамни сен ва улардан сенга эргашганлар билан жамлаб тўлдирурман», деди.
88. And you will know its message after a while.” 88Албатта, унинг хабарини бир муддатдан сўнг билурсиз», деб айт. 
Since that time he had always lived on his estate in the district of Simbirsk, where he married Avdotia, the eldest daughter of a poor gentleman in the neighbourhood. Шу вақтдан бошлаб, Симбирскдаги ўз қишлоғида турган ва шу қишлоқлик камбағал бир дворяннинг қизи Авдотья Васильевна Ю.   деган қизга уйланган.
Of the nine children born of this union I alone survived; all my brothers and sisters died young. Биз тўққиз бола бўлганмиз. Опа ва акаларим болаликда ўлиб кетишган.
His greatest weakness was a love of the fair sex. Унинг энг заиф томони хотин-халажга ўчлиги эди;
But, as in our house the wine only appeared at table, and then only in _liqueur_ glasses, and as on these occasions it somehow never came to the turn of the "_outchitel_" to be served at all, my Beaupré soon accustomed himself to the Russian brandy, and ended by even preferring it to all the wines of his native country as much better for the stomach.  Бизникида вино фақат овқат маҳалида ва шунда ҳам бир рюмкадангина берилган ва кўпинча муаллимларга берилмагани учун менинг Бопрем ҳадемай рус арағига ҳам мижоз бўлиб қолди, ҳатто бу арақни меьдага фойдалироқ ҳисоблаб, ўз юртининг виносидан ҳам аълороқ кўрадиган бўлди.
We became great friends, and though, according to the contract, he had engaged himself to teach me _French, German, and all the sciences_, he liked better learning of me to chatter Russian indifferently. Each of us busied himself with our own affairs; our friendship was firm, and I did not wish for a better mentor. Биз тез фурсатда иноқ бўлиб кетдик, гарчи шартномага кўра, у менга франсўз, немис тиллари ва бошқа илмларни ўргатишни ўз устига олган бўлсада, лекин мендан тез орада унча-мунча русча ўрганиб олишни афзалроқ кўрди, кейин ҳар қайсимиз ўз ишимиз билан машғул бўлавердик. Биз жуда қалин бўлиб кетдик. Менга бошқа домланинг кераги ҳам йўқ эди.
The washerwoman, Polashka, a fat girl, pitted with small-pox, and the one-eyed cow-girl, Akoulka, came one fine day to my mother with Палашка деган семиз, чўтир кирчи қиз билан сигир соғувчи Акулька деган қийшиқ [кўз] хотин иккови, бамаслаҳат волидамнинг оёғига йиқилиб,
  At the sight of my geographical studies he boxed my ears sharply, sprang forward to Beaupré's bed, and, awaking him without any consideration, he began to assail him with reproaches. Менинг география машғулотимни кўриб қулоғимни чўзди, сўнгра югуриб Бопренинг ёнига борди ва уни дағал уйғотиб, койий бошлади.
  I lived like a stay-at-home son (_nédoross'l_),[4] amusing myself by scaring the pigeons on the roofs, and playing leapfrog with the lads of the courtyard,[5] till I was past the age of sixteen. But at this age my life underwent a great change.  Мен ҳали вояга етмаган бола бўлиб, куним каптар учириб, ҳовлидаги болалар билан сакрамачоқ ўйнаб ўтарди. Шундай қилиб ўн олти ёшга ҳам тўлдим. Энди тақдирим ўзгача бўлди.
  One autumn day, my mother was making honey jam in her parlour, while, licking my lips, I was watching the operations, and occasionally tasting the boiling liquid.  Куз кунларининг бирида онам меҳмонхонада асалдан мураббо қайнатар, мен эса тамшаниб, қайнаётган кўпикка қараб турардим.