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Uzbekistan fully supports all practical initiatives aimed at addressing the Palestinian-Israeli problem through peace and diplomacy. Ўзбекистон Фаластин – Исроил муаммосини тинчлик ва дипломатия йўли билан ҳал этишга қаратилган барча амалий ташаббусларни тўлиқ қўллаб-қувватлайди.
In this regard, we believe that today's Summit will demonstrate common political will and unity, develop effective global and regional mechanisms and specific solutions, and swiftly put them in practice. Бу борада бугунги саммитимизда умумий сиёсий ирода ва бирдамликни намоён этиб, глобал ва минтақа даражасида самарали механизмлар ва аниқ ечимлар ишлаб чиқиб, ҳаётга тезроқ жорий этилишига ишонамиз.
In first place, here we are referring to the need to drastically increase the role and influence of the United Nations and the Security Council in addressing this long-standing conflict. Гап, энг аввало, Бирлашган Миллатлар Ташкилоти ва Хавфсизлик Кенгашининг мазкур кўп йиллик низони ҳал этишдаги ўрни ва таъсирини тубдан ошириш ҳақида бормоқда.
Immediate cessation of military action, provision of safe humanitarian corridors and, most importantly, the initiation of peace negotiations should be at constant focus of this universal international structure. Ҳарбий ҳаракатларни зудлик билан тўхтатиш, хавфсиз гуманитар йўлакларни таъминлаш ва энг асосийси – тинчлик музокараларини бошлаш масалалари бу универсал халқаро тузилманинг доимий эътибор марказида туриши мақсадга мувофиқдир.
Second. On November 15, the long suffering Palestinian people will celebrate their National Day - the Declaration of State of Palestine. Иккинчидан, 15 ноябрь куни жафокаш Фаластин халқи ўз миллий байрами – Фаластин Давлати эълон қилинган кунни нишонлайди.
I am confident that this nation with an ancient and rich history has every right to establish an independent and free state within the borders of 1967, with East Jerusalem as its capital. Аминманки, бу қадимий ва бой тарихга эга халқ 1967 йилдаги чегаралар доирасида, пойтахти Шарқий Қуддус бўлган мустақил ва озод давлатини тузишга тўла ҳақлидир.
Third. In order to prevent an unprecedented humanitarian crisis in Palestine and Lebanon, we need to expand the scope of assistance from our countries and within the framework of leading international organizations. Учинчидан, Фаластин ва Ливан ҳудудидаги мислсиз гуманитар инқирознинг олдини олиш мақсадида давлатларимиз томонидан ҳамда етакчи халқаро ташкилотлар доирасида ёрдам кўламини кенгайтиришимиз лозим.
We support increasing the necessary assistance to the activities of UNRWA and other United Nations institutions, which have great experience. Бирлашган Миллатлар Ташкилотининг катта тажрибага эга бўлган Махсус агентлиги ва бошқа институтлари фаолиятига зарурий кўмакни ошириш тарафдоримиз.
We also intend to discuss the issue of extending practical assistance to the Palestinian people at the forthcoming GCC-Central Asia Summit in Samarkand next year. Биз Фаластин халқига амалий ёрдам кўрсатиш масалаларини келгуси йили Самарқандда ўтадиган “Кўрфаз араб давлатлари – Марказий Осиё” саммитида ҳам муҳокама қилиш ниятидамиз.
Fourth. As part of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation, we should attach greater attention to ensuring the sanctity and preservation of the Holy Al-Aqsa Mosque and other unique historical and cultural sites in Jerusalem. Тўртинчидан, Ислом ҳамкорлик ташкилоти доирасида муқаддас Ал-Ақсо масжиди, Қуддусдаги бошқа ноёб тарихий-маданий ёдгорликларнинг дахлсизлигини таъминлаш ҳамда уларни бешикаст сақлаб қолиш масалаларига катта эътибор қаратишимиз лозим.
I hope that our extraordinary meeting today will be a big step towards addressing the Middle East problem. Бугунги фавқулодда учрашувимиз Яқин Шарқ муаммосини ҳал этишда катта қадам бўлади, деб умид қиламан.
I pray to Allah Almighty to bestow peace and tranquility upon the world and further strengthen the unity of our Ummah. Аллоҳ таолодан жаҳонда тинчлик-осойишталик ва хотиржамлик неъматини зиёда этишини ва умматимиз аҳиллигини янада мустаҳкам қилишини сўраб қоламан.

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