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English Ўзбек
All of us are well aware that each and every sovereign state has its own unique history and culture. The people of this nation are duly considered to be those who truly create and make this history and this culture. The centuries-long history of our Uzbekistan and the period of its last 25-year development, the progress aimed at strengthening its state independence and sovereignty has once again confirmed this truth. Барчамизга маълумки, ҳар бир суверен давлат ўзининг бетакрор тарихи ва маданиятига эгадир. Бу тарих, бу маданиятнинг ҳақиқий ижодкори, яратувчиси эса, ҳақли равишда шу мамлакат халқи ҳисобланади. Ўзбекистонимизнинг кўп асрлик тарихи ва кейинги 25 йиллик ривожланиш даври, ўз давлат мустақиллиги ва суверенитетини мустаҳкамлашга қаратилган тараққиёти бу ҳақиқатни яна бир бор яққол тасдиқлаб берди.
All foreign observers openly and unanimously acknowledged that the elections were conducted in the atmosphere of sound competition and struggle among the political parties, in full conformity with the provisions of our national legislation, the universally acclaimed international standards on elections, and in the spirit of freedom and openness. In the announcement of the final conclusions on the election results made recently by the Central Election Commission this truth has once again been confirmed. There is no doubt that all of us are pleased with such a high recognition and such a high assessment. Куни кеча Марказий сайлов комиссияси ҳам ўзининг сайлов натижалари бўйича якуний хулосаларида шу ҳақиқатни яна бир бор қайд этди. Ҳеч шубҳасиз, бундай юксак эътироф, бундай юксак баҳо барчамизни қувонтиради.
Today, I deem it necessary to once again underscore the very idea, which is important from the principle point of view: Uzbekistan and its magnanimous people are consistently and solidly upholding the position of conducting a peaceful policy and implementing the principles of respectful approach to national and universal values. However, if it is necessary, we are capable of fiercely striking back against any attempts which threaten the sovereignty and independence of our country, the peaceful and tranquil life of our people. Therefore, I would like to address to our nation that no one should have any doubt about that. We have sufficient strength and power for that. Бугун принципиал жиҳатдан ғоят муҳим бўлган бир фикрни яна таъкидлаб айтишни зарур деб биламан: Ўзбекистон ва унинг бағрикенг халқи тинчликсевар сиёсат юритиш, миллий ва умуминсоний қадриятларга ҳурмат билан қараш тамойилларини амалга ошириш позициясида доимо мустаҳкам туриб келмоқда. Лекин, зарур бўлса, биз мамлакатимиз суверенитети ва мустақиллигига, халқимизнинг тинч ва осуда ҳаётига таҳдид соладиган ҳар қандай уринишларга қарши кескин зарба беришга қодирмиз. Шунинг учун мен, халқимизга мурожаат қилиб, шуни айтмоқчиманки, бу масалада ҳеч кимда ҳеч қандай иккиланиш ва шубҳа бўлмаслиги лозим. Бунга бизнинг кучимиз ҳам, қудратимиз ҳам етарли.
We should take the strict measures in our society in terms of struggling against corruption, various crimes and other cases of infringement of law, not allowing them to happen, as well as ensuring in practice the provisions of law that stipulate the inevitability of punishment of crime. Жамиятимизда коррупция, турли жиноятларни содир этиш ва бошқа ҳуқуқбузарлик ҳолатларига қарши курашиш, уларга йўл қўймаслик, жиноятга жазо албатта муқаррар экани тўғрисидаги қонун талабларини амалда таъминлаш бўйича қатъий чоралар кўришимиз зарур.
Therefore, from now on putting obstacles to the development of entrepreneurship will be assessed as putting obstacles to the policy of state and the policy of President. I deem it important and necessary to once again underscore this position which is very important from the principle point of view. Шунинг учун бундан кейин тадбиркорликни ривожлантиришга тўсқинлик қилиш – давлат сиёсатига, Президент сиёсатига тўсқинлик қилиш, деб баҳоланади. Принципиал жиҳатдан ғоят муҳим бўлган бу позициямизни яна бир бор алоҳида таъкидлаб ўтишни муҳим ва зарур деб ҳисоблайман.
In evaluating the activity of state bodies and officials, such principles as ensuring lawfulness, to what extent the citizens’ rights and freedoms are protected, the quality and openness of rendering the public services for them must be most important criterion for us. In this respect, once again I want to emphasize one notion. It is not the people who should serve the government bodies, but it is the government bodies who should serve our people. Давлат органлари ва мансабдор шахслар фаолиятига баҳо беришда қонунийликни таъминлаш, фуқароларнинг ҳуқуқ ва эркинликлари қандай ҳимоя қилинаётгани, уларга давлат хизматлари кўрсатишнинг сифати ва очиқлиги биз учун энг асосий мезон бўлиши шарт. Шу борада бир фикрни яна такрорлаб айтмоқчиман: халқ давлат органларига эмас, балки давлат органлари халқимизга хизмат қилиши керак.
The last presidential election in 2019 led to a surge in interest in vote monitoring among youth, a phenomenon that authorities apparently failed to foresee, as a rash of alleged electoral violations helped fuel protests against the vote that handed Toqaev the presidency. 2019 йилда бўлиб ўтган президентлик сайлови давомида ёшлар орасида овоз бериш жараёнини кузатишга қизиқиш ортди. Сайлов давомида қонунбузарликлар кузатилгани иддао қилинди, натижада норозилик намойишлари бошланиб кетди.
And even if the president keeps his promise never to run again, he is unlikely to want somebody who is not loyal to him to take the reins in 2029. Тоқаев бошқа ҳеч қачон номзодини қўймаслик ваъдасини бажарган тақдирда ҳам, 2029 йилда ўрнини унга содиқ бўлмаган одам эгаллашига йўл қўйиши даргумон.
With resolve came action. He pulled himself stiffly to his feet and proceeded to break camp. He packed the rolled blankets, the frying-pan, rifle, and axe on the sled, and passed a lashing around the load. Then he warmed his hands at the fire and pulled on his mittens. He was foot-sore, and limped noticeably as he took his place at the head of the sled. When he put the looped haul-rope over his shoulder, and leant his weight against it to start the sled, he winced. His flesh was galled by many days of contact with the haul-rope. Энди оёқни қўлга олиш лозим. Моргансон аранг қаддини ростлаб, чодирни йиғиштиришга тушди; ўралган адёлни, товани, милтиқ ва болтани чанага жойлаб, барини арқон билан боғлади; кейин қўлини оловга тутиб, қўлқопини кийди. Оёқлари зир қақшар, чананинг олд қисмига ўтаётганда оқсоқланаётганини сезди. Елкасига арқон ташлаб, чанани жойидан қўзғатиш учун бор кучи билан тортди-ю, беихтиёр оғриқдан букчайиб қолди: адоқсиз йўлда арқон елкаларини шилиб юборганди.
Again he drew on his mittens, pulled down his ear-flaps, took the rifle, and went out to his station on the river bank. He crouched in the snow, himself unseen, and watched. After a few minutes of inaction, the frost began to bite in, and he rested the rifle across his knees and beat his hands back and forth. Then the sting in his feet became intolerable, and he stepped back from the bank and tramped heavily up and down among the trees. But he did not tramp long at a time. Every several minutes he came to the edge of the bank and peered up and down the trail, as though by sheer will he could materialise the form of a man upon it. The short morning passed, though it had seemed century-long to him, and the trail remained empty. Кейин яна қўлқопини кийиб, қулоқчинини тушириб, милтиқни елкасига осиб, қирғоқнинг юқори томонига кетди. Бировга кўринмайдиган панага ўтиб, атрофни кўздан кечирди. Баданига совуқ ўтмагунча бир неча дақиқа қимир этмай ўтирди; сўнг милтиқни тиззасига қўйиб, кафтларини бир-бирига ишқаб қизитган бўлди. Санчиқли оғриқларга оёқлари дош беролмай қолди. Энди қирғоқдан йироқлашиб, дарахтлар орасида у ёқдан-бу ёққа бориб кела бошлади. Бироқ бу тентирашлар узоққа чўзилмади. Ҳар беш-ўн дақиқа орасида Моргансон қирғоқ лабига келиб, одам қораси кўринармикан, деб диққат билан разм соларди. Қанчалик бениҳоя туюлмасин, қисқагина кун тун билан алмашарди. Йўл эса ўша- ўша хилватлигича қоларди.
On the fifth day the trail returned to life. To the south a dark object appeared, and grew larger. Morganson became alert. He worked his rifle, ejecting a loaded cartridge from the chamber, by the same action replacing it with another, and returning the ejected cartridge into the magazine. He lowered the trigger to half-cock, and drew on his mitten to keep the trigger-hand warm. As the dark object came nearer he made it out to be a man, without dogs or sled, travelling light. He grew nervous, cocked the trigger, then put it back to half-cock again. The man developed into an Indian, and Morganson, with a sigh of disappointment, dropped the rifle across his knees. The Indian went on past and disappeared towards Minto behind the out-jutting clump of trees. Бешинчи куни йўл жонланди. Жануб томонда қора нуқта кўзга ташланди ва у борган сари катталашаверди. Моргансон ҳушёр тортди. Милтиқни шай ҳолатга келтиришга тушди: стволдан ўқни олиб, ўрнига янгисини жойлади. Тепкини сақлагичга тушириб, қўлқопини тортиб қўйди. Қора нуқта яқинлашавергач маълум бўлдики, у ҳинду экан. Моргансон тараддудланиб қолди. Тепкини кўтарди ва яна сақлагичга туширди. Моргансон ҳафсаласи пир бўлиб, милтиқни тиззасига қўйди. Ҳинду ёнгинасидан ўтиб кетди ва дарахтлар орасида ғойиб бўлди.
As the nights grew longer, his periods of daylight watching of the trail grew shorter. Once a sled went by with jingling bells in the darkness, and with sullen resentment he chewed his biscuits and listened to the sounds. Chance conspired against him. Faithfully he had watched the trail for ten days, suffering from the cold all the prolonged torment of the damned, and nothing had happened. Only an Indian, travelling light, had passed in. Now, in the night, when it was impossible for him to watch, men and dogs and a sled loaded with life, passed out, bound south to the sea and the sun and civilisation. Тунлар узайиб, Моргансоннинг кундузги навбатчилиги қисқарди. Бир сафар кечаси қўнғироқчаларини жаранглатиб йўлдан чаналар ўтиб қолди. Моргансон бу черков жоми монанд садоларга қулоқ берганча минг ўкинч билан нон чайнаб ўтирди. Содир бўлаётганларнинг бари унинг истак-хоҳишларининг чаппаси эди гўё. Изғириннинг дўзахий азобларига дош бериб ўн кун сабот-ла йўлдан кўзини узмади. Бироқ барчаси зое кетди. Фақатгина бир ҳинду ўтиб кетди, холос. Энди эса, кечаси, пойлаш зарур бўлмаган паллада одамлар, итлар, чаналар ғизиллаб ўтишмоқда ва улар жануб томон, денгиз, серқуёш ўлкалар, тамаддун ўчоғи томон йўл олишган эди.
The cold snap broke, and he was able to remain by the bank once more, and the trail died again. For a week he crouched and watched, and never life stirred along it, not a soul passed in or out. He had cut down to one biscuit night and morning, and somehow he did not seem to notice it. Sometimes he marvelled at the way life remained in him. He never would have thought it possible to endure so much. Шундан кейин аёзнинг попуги хийла пасайди. Лекин аҳвол ўша- ўша. Нақ бир ҳафта қўриқчилик қилган Моргансоннинг кўзи бирон мавжудотга тушмади. Моргансон кунлик тановулини тағин иккита кулчага камайтирди. Гоҳида бу сезилмасди ҳам. Туриб-туриб ҳалигача нафас олаётганидан ажибланарди. Бани башарнинг шунчалар заҳмату азобларга дош бериши мумкинлигини тасаввурига сиғдиролмасди.
He was still trying to become acquainted with his own voice. He hobbled across the floor and leant against the bar. He knew he must lie consistently; and while he maintained an appearance of careless indifference, his heart was beating and pounding furiously and irregularly, and he could not help looking hungrily at the three men by the stove. They were the possessors of life--his life. У ҳануз овозини измига бўйсундиролмай ҳалак эди. Пештахтага яқинлашиб, тирсаги билан суянди. Обдон ўйлаб, кейин алдаш лозимлигини жуда яхши тушунарди; зоҳиран совуққон ва бепарво кўринса-да, юраги така-пука бўлар, ичида довул қўпган эди. Анов уч оға-инига еб қўйгудек қарашдан ўзини тиёлмади. Ахир, улар ҳаёт деб аталмиш неъматнинг соҳиблари.
Dawn broke and merged into day. It was cold and clear. Sixty below zero was Morganson's estimate of the frost. Not a breath stirred the chill Arctic quiet. He sat up suddenly, his muscular tensity increasing the hurt of the scurvy. He had heard the far sound of a man's voice and the faint whining of dogs. He began beating his hands back and forth against his sides. It was a serious matter to bare the trigger hand to sixty degrees below zero, and against that time he needed to develop all the warmth of which his flesh was capable. Тонг отди. Ҳаво совуқ ва очиқ. Моргансон, аёз олтмиш даражадан паст бўлмаса керак, деб тахмин қилди. Оғир қутб сукунатини сассизгина эпкин ҳам бузишга журъат этгани йўқ. Туйқус Моргансон қаддини ростлади. Солқиган оёқларини оғриқ хиппа бўғди. Йироқдан аллакимларнинг ҳайқириғи, итларнинг акиллаши элас-элас яқинлашарди. Моргансон қўлларини бели-биқини аралаш ура бошлади. Олтмиш даража совуқда тепкини босиш учун қўлқопни ечишнинг ўзи бўладими?
They came into view around the outjutting clump of trees. To the fore was the third man whose name he had not learnt. Then came eight dogs drawing the sled. At the front of the sled, guiding it by the gee-pole, walked John Thompson. The rear was brought up by Oleson, the Swede. He was certainly a fine man, Morganson thought, as he looked at the bulk of him in his squirrel-skin parka. The men and dogs were silhouetted sharply against the white of the landscape. They had the seeming of two dimension, cardboard figures that worked mechanically. Morganson rested his cocked rifle in the notch in the tree. He became abruptly aware that his fingers were cold, and discovered that his right hand was bare. He did not know that he had taken off the mitten. He slipped it on again hastily. The men and dogs drew closer, and he could see their breaths spouting into visibility in the cold air. When the first man was fifty yards away, Morganson slipped the mitten from his right hand. He placed the first finger on the trigger and aimed low. Улар ўрмон дўнглиги ортида кўринишди. Олдинда Моргансон исмини билмайдигани. Ортидан чанага қўшилган саккизта ит. Жон Томсон ёнбошда таёқ кўмагида уларни йўлга солиб келмоқда. Энг охирида швед Ольсон. “Хушрўй барзанги”, деб ўйлади Моргансон нигоҳлари бу девқоматнинг эгни-бошида сирпанар экан. Одамлар ва итлар қораси оқ гиламда аниқ-тиниқ намоён бўларкан. Улар сурат сингари ясси кўринар, турнақатор ҳаракатланишарди. Моргансон қуролни тиргакка қўйиб отишга чоғланган замон бармоқлари увишиб қолганини сезди. Одамлар ва итлар борган сари яқин келаверишди. Паға-паға буғ уларнинг оғзидан чиқаётган ҳовур эканлигини кўрди. Олдиндаги эллик ярдга яқинлашганда Моргансон кўрсатгич бармоғини тепкига қўйди.
When he fired the first man whirled half around and went down on the trail. In the instant of surprise, Morganson pulled the trigger on John Thompson--too low, for the latter staggered and sat down suddenly on the sled. Morganson raised his aim and fired again. John Thompson sank down backward along the top of the loaded sled. Гумбурлаган товуш янгради; олдиндаги одам сулайиб, оёғи осмондан бўлди. Моргансон ҳовлиқиб, Жон Томсонни нишонга олди. Бироқ ўқ ҳато кетди. Жон гандираклаб, чанага минди. Моргансон нишонни юқорироқ олиб, яна ўқ узди. Жон Томсон чалқанчасига ағанади.
Morganson turned his attention to Oleson. At the same time that he noted the latter running away towards Minto he noted that the dogs, coming to where the first man's body blocked the trail, had halted. Morganson fired at the fleeing man and missed, and Oleson swerved. He continued to swerve back and forth, while Morganson fired twice in rapid succession and missed both shots. Morganson stopped himself just as he was pulling the trigger again. He had fired six shots. Only one more cartridge remained, and it was in the chamber. It was imperative that he should not miss his last shot. Моргансон бор диққат-эътиборини Ольсонга қаратди. Ольсон Минто томон жидду жаҳд-ла югурарди. Итлар эса кўндалангига узала тушиб ётган ўлик ёнига келиб тўхташди. Моргансоннинг ўқи яна хато кетди; Ольсон кескин бурилиб, дам чапга, дам ўнгга ташланарди. Моргансон унинг ортидан иккита ўқни пайдар-пай қўйиб юборди. Тегмади. Тепкини таваккал босмоқчи бўлди, лекин ўзини қўлга олди. Атиги бир дона ўқ қолибди. Бу сафар янглишишга ҳаққи йўқ.
He cursed the brutes fiercely, but could not cow them. They replied with neck-bristling and snarling, and with quick lunges against their breastbands. He remembered Oleson, and turned his back upon them and went along the trail. He scarcely took notice of his lacerated leg. It was bleeding freely; the main artery had been torn, but he did not know it. У итларга ҳақоратлар ёғдирди, аммо ювошлантиролмади. Бутун тўда ириллаб, унга ташланишга чоғланарди. Шу чоқ Моргансон лоп этиб Ольсонни эслаб қолди. Қайрилиб, йўл бўйлаб кета бошлади. Ғажиб ташланган оёғи парвойига ҳам келмади. Ярадан қон шариллаб оқарди – қон томири жароҳатланибди, лекин ўзининг бундан хабари йўқ.
He prowled around the sled demented, at times weeping and pleading with the brutes for his life there on the sled, at other times raging impotently against them. Then calmness came upon him. He had been making a fool of himself. All he had to do was to go to the tent, get the axe, and return and brain the dogs. He'd show them. Ақлдан озган Моргансон чаналар теграсида тентирарди. Гоҳ ўкиниб,гоҳ ҳўнграб чаналардаги ҳаёт неъматларини итлардан ялиниб-ёлвориб сўрарди. Кейин тинчиб қолди. Қандай аҳмоқгарчилик! Ҳозир чодирга бориб, болтани олиб келади-да, итларнинг бошини мажағлаб ташлайди. Ҳали кўрсатиб қўяди бу итдан тарқаганларга!