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English Ўзбек
The washerwoman, Polashka, a fat girl, pitted with small-pox, and the one-eyed cow-girl, Akoulka, came one fine day to my mother with Палашка деган семиз, чўтир кирчи қиз билан сигир соғувчи Акулька деган қийшиқ [кўз] хотин иккови, бамаслаҳат волидамнинг оёғига йиқилиб,
she, who did not at all like these kind of jokes, in her turn complained to my father, who, a man of hasty temperament, instantly sent for that _rascal of a Frenchman_. онам бунақа ишлар тўғрисида жуда қаттиққўл эди, отамга шикоят қилибди. Отамнинг жаҳли ёмон эди. у дарҳол шум франсузни чақиртирибди.
A map had been procured for me from Moscow, which hung against the wall without ever being used, and which had been tempting me for a long time from the size and strength of its paper. Шуни айтиш керакки, менга Москвадан география картаси олдирилган. Бу карта бекорга деворга осилиб ётар ва кўпдан бери унинг қоғозига суқланиб юрар эдим.
  At the sight of my geographical studies he boxed my ears sharply, sprang forward to Beaupré's bed, and, awaking him without any consideration, he began to assail him with reproaches. Менинг география машғулотимни кўриб қулоғимни чўзди, сўнгра югуриб Бопренинг ёнига борди ва уни дағал уйғотиб, койий бошлади.
  One autumn day, my mother was making honey jam in her parlour, while, licking my lips, I was watching the operations, and occasionally tasting the boiling liquid.  Куз кунларининг бирида онам меҳмонхонада асалдан мураббо қайнатар, мен эса тамшаниб, қайнаётган кўпикка қараб турардим.
My father, seated by the window, had just opened the _Court Almanack_, which he received every year. Отам дераза ёнида ўтириб, ҳар йили келадиган Сарой Календарини ўқирди.
My mother, who knew all his whims and habits by heart, generally tried to keep the unlucky book hidden, so that sometimes whole months passed without the _Court Almanack_ falling beneath his eye. Унинг феъл-атворини яхши билган онам мудом бу китобни иложи борича панороқ ерга яширишга тиришар, отам баъзан ойлаб бу Сарой календарини кўрмасди.
He was now reading it, frequently shrugging his shoulders, and muttering, half aloud--  "General! He was sergeant in my company. Knight of the Orders of Russia! Was it so long ago that we--"  Отам календарни ўқир экан, ора-сира елкасини учириб, ўзича: Генерал-поручик [эмиш]!.. У менинг ротамда сержант эди! Ҳар икки рус орденининг кавалери!. Хўш, биз қачондан бери.” деб қўяр эди.
At last my father threw the _Almanack_ away from him on the sofa, and remained deep in a brown study, which never betokened anything good. Оқибат, отам календарни диванга қараб улоқтирди-да ўйга ботди, унинг бу авзойи яхшилик нишонаси эмас эди.
"All right," resumed my father; "it is time he should serve. 'This time he should cease running in and out of the maids' rooms and climbing into the dovecote."   -Хўп яхши –деди отам унинг сўзини бўлиб, -хизмат қиладиган вақти етибди. Оқсочлар бўлмасида югуриб-йўртгани, каптар бола тутгани бас.
I already saw myself officer of the Guard, which was, in my opinion, the height of human happiness. Ўзимни гвардия офицери хаёл қиламан, офицерликни эса киши саодатининг энг юқори чўққиси деб билар эдим.
  "Don't forget, Andréj Petróvitch," said my mother, "to remember me to Prince Banojik; tell him I hope he will do all he can for my Petróusha.  -КнязьБ. га мендан ҳам салом айтишни эсингдан чиқарма, Андрей Петрович, - деди онам, -Петрушадан марҳаматини дариғ тутмаслигига ишонаман деди, деб ёз.
"Why do you wish me to write to Prince Banojik?"  "But you have just told us you are good enough to write to Petróusha's superior officer. "  "Well, what of that?"  "But Prince Banojik is Petróusha's superior officer. You know very well he is on the roll of the Séménofsky regiment."  "On the roll! What is it to me whether he be on the roll or no? Petróusha shall not go to Petersburg! What would he learn there? To spend money and commit follies. - Нега мен князь Б. га хат ёзар эканман?. - Ўзинг Петрушани бошлиғига хат ёзаман дединг-ку.  -Хуш, деган бўлсам нима? -Ахир Петрушани бошлиғи князь Б. -да. Петруша Семёнов полкига ёздирилган эди-ку. -Ёздирилган эмиш!. Ёздирилган бўлса менга нима?. Петруша Петербургга бормайди. Петербургда хизмат қилиб нима ўрганади?. Бекорга санқиш, лақиллашними?.
No, he shall serve with the army, he shall smell powder, he shall become a soldier and not an idler of the Guard, he shall wear out the straps of his knapsack. Where is his commission? Give it to me."  Йўқ, аскар бўлиб хизмат қилсин, аскарлик жабдуғини кўтарсин, порох ҳидини ҳидласин, солдат бўлсин, такасалтанг эмас!. Гвардияга ёздирилган эмиш!. Қани унинг паспорти?. Менга бер.
 Curiosity pricked me.  "Where shall I be sent," thought I, "if not to Petersburg?"  I never took my eyes off my father's pen as it travelled slowly over the paper.  Петурбургга юбормаса қаёққа юборар экан? Шуни билиш орзуси мени қийнар эди. Икки кўзим отамнинг имиллаб қимирлаётган перосида эди.
At last he finished his letter, put it with my commission into the same cover, took off his spectacles, called me, and said--  "This letter is addressed to Andréj Karlovitch R., my old friend and comrade. Оқибат хат битди. Отам уни паспорт билан бир конвертга солди, кўзойнагини олиб, мени ёнига чақирди ва:”Мана сенга хат, буни менинг қадрдон ўртоғим ва дўстим Андрей Карлович Р. га бер.
You are to go to Orenburg[9] to serve under him."  All my brilliant expectations and high hopes vanished. Сен Оренбургга, шу кишининг қўл остида хизмат қилишга борасан”, -деди. Шундай қилиб, порлоқ умидларим пучга чиқди.

On the morning of the following day a travelling _kibitka_ stood before the hall door. There were packed in it a trunk and a box containing a tea service, and some napkins tied up full of rolls and little cakes, the last I should get of home pampering.

Эртасига эрталаб эшик олдига соябон арава келди; чемодан, чой анжомлари солинган сандиқча билан булка ва пироглар тугилган тугунча унга жойланди, булар уйдаги эркалигимнинг сўнгги аломатлари эди.

"My mother tearfully begged me not to neglect my health, and bade Savéliitch take great care of the darling. Онам кўзига ёш олиб, менга ўз сиҳатимни сақлашни, Савельичга мендан бохабар бўлишни тайинлади.
5. He created the heavens and the earth with reason. He wraps the night around the day, and He wraps the day around the night. And He regulates the sun and the moon, each running along a specific course. He is indeed the Almighty, the Forgiver. 5У осмонлару ерни ҳақ ила яратган, кечани кундуз устига ўрайдиган, кундузни кеча устига ўрайдиган, қуёш ва ойни бўйсундирадиган зотдир. Ҳар бири белгиланган муддатча юрмоқда. Огоҳ бўлингким, У азизу ўта мағфиратли зотдир.