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The main task is to form the new corps of managerial staff and officials with high professional skills and modern thinking, be capable of making the well thought-out and comprehensively correct decisions, and achieving the set goals. | Асосий вазифа – бу юқори касб маҳорати ва замонавий тафаккурга эга, пухта ўйланган, ҳар томонлама тўғри қарорлар қабул қила оладиган, белгиланган мақсадларга эришадиган раҳбарлар ва мансабдор шахсларнинг янги таркибини шакллантиришдан иборат. |
The relevant proposals are being elaborated on delegating the additional authorities to local governors’ and mayor’s offices considering their role in comprehensive development of regions, implementation of social-economic programs, ensuring implementation of laws, efficient coordination of the activity of bodies of state power at the local level. | Ҳудудларни ҳар томонлама ривожлантириш, ижтимоий-иқтисодий дастурларни амалга ошириш, қонунлар ижросини таъминлаш, жойлардаги давлат бошқаруви органлари фаолиятини самарали мувофиқлаштириш борасидаги ролини ҳисобга олиб, бугунги кунда маҳаллий ҳокимликларга қўшимча ваколатлар бериш борасида тегишли таклифлар тайёрланмоқда. |
You are well aware that the approaches and position of our state in the sphere of foreign policy have been thoroughly outlined in the address dedicated to the Constitution Day. | Давлатимизнинг ташқи сиёсат соҳасидаги ёндашув ва позицияси Конституция кунига бағишланган маърузада атрофлича баён этилгани сизларга яхши маълум. |
In addition to those ideas, I would like to say that we consider deep studying and practical implementation of the best practices in the world as one of the important conditions of successful fulfillment of the broad-scale tasks before us. | Ана шу фикрларга қўшимча қилиб айтмоқчиманки, биз жаҳондаги илғор тажрибаларни чуқур ўрганиш ва амалда жорий этишни олдимизда турган кенг кўламли вазифаларни муваффақиятли амалга оширишнинг муҳим шартларидан бири, деб ҳисоблаймиз. |
“He used to come to the Terrace sometimes too in the older days. But he was rough and harsh- spoken and difficult when he was drinking. His mind was on horses as well as baseball. At least he carried lists of horses at all times in his pocket and frequently spoke the names of horses on the telephone. ” |
— У ҳам авваллари бизнинг Террасимизга келиб турарди. Аммо ичиб олса, тамом, унга ҳеч ҳам бас келиб бўлмасди. У фақат бейсболгина эмас, от жинниси ҳам эди. Ҳар доим чўнтагида мусобақа программасини олиб юрар ва телефон орқали отларнинг номини атаб, уларга пул тикарди.
"He was a great manager," the boy said. "My father thinks he was the greatest." "Because he came here the most times," the old man said. 'If Durocher had continued to come here each year your father would think him the greatest manager." |
— У улуғ тренер эди,— деди бола.— Отам, у бутун дунёда энг улуғ тренер бўлган дейди. — Уни бошқалардан кўпроқ кўргани учун шундай дейди. Агар Дюроше ҳам биз томонларга ҳар йили келиб турганда, отанг уни ҳам дунёда энг улуғ тренер, деб мақтаган бўларди. |
The boy went out. They had eaten with no light on the table and the old man took off his trousers and went to bed in the dark. He rolled his trousers up to make a pillow, putting the newspaper inside them. He rolled himself in the blanket and slept on the other old newspapers that covered the springs of the bed. He was asleep in a short time and he dreamed of Africa when he was a boy and the long golden beaches and the white beaches, so white they hurt your eyes, and the high capes and the great brown mountains. He lived along that coast now every night and in his dreams he heard the surf roar and saw the native boats come riding through it. He smelled the tar and oakum of the deck as he slept and he smelled the smell of Africa that the land breeze brought at morning. |
Бола кетди. Улар чироқ ёқмасдан овқатланишганидан, чол қоронғида ечиниб ётди. У кийимларига газетани ҳам қўшиб ўраб, ёстиқ ўрнига бошига қўйди. Чол одеялига бурканиб, каравотнинг қуруқ пружиналарига ташлаб қўйилган эски газеталар устига чўзилди. У ётди-ю, ухлаб қолди. Уйқусида ёшлик чоғлари ўтган Африка, унинг узун, олтин қирғоқлари ва кўзни қамаштиргудек оппоқ саёзликлар, юксак қоя ва ҳай-батли қўнғир тоғлар тушига кирди. Энди у яна ҳар кеча уйқусида шу қирғоқларга қўнар, уввос билан отилган тўлқинларнинг шовқинини эшитар ва ерлилар тушган қайиқни тўлқин қирғоққа қандай суриб бораётганини кўриб турарди. Тушида у ҳамон палубадан чиқаётган лос ва смола исини туяр, димоғига эрталабки шамол қирғоқдан олиб келган Африка нафаси уриларди. |
Activists from one group, Oyan Qazaqstan, were detained on election day by police almost as soon as they had unfurled a banner at a square where peaceful protesters were fired on by government troops at the beginning of this year. Those activists were released later in the day. | Сайлов куни «Оян Қазақстан» гуруҳи фаоллари жорий йил бошида тинч намойишчилар ҳукумат қўшинлари томонидан ўққа тутилган майдонда баннер очишлари билан қўлга олиндилар. Хабарларга кўра, фаоллар ўша куннинг ўзида қўйиб юборилган. |
Monitors will face fresh restrictions next year, when parliamentary elections are expected to be held, thanks to legislative tweaks raising the barriers for accreditation that will enter force on January 1. | Қозоғистонда кейинги йил парламент сайловлари бўлиб ўтади. 1 январдан кучга кирадиган янги қонунлар туфайли сайлов кузатувчилари янада кўпроқ тўсиқларга дучор бўлишларини кутиш мумкин. |
And even if the president keeps his promise never to run again, he is unlikely to want somebody who is not loyal to him to take the reins in 2029. | Тоқаев бошқа ҳеч қачон номзодини қўймаслик ваъдасини бажарган тақдирда ҳам, 2029 йилда ўрнини унга содиқ бўлмаган одам эгаллашига йўл қўйиши даргумон. |
He sat back and drew forth a pipe. He looked into it with sharp scrutiny, and tapped it emptily on his open palm. He turned the hair-seal tobacco pouch inside out and dusted the lining, treasuring carefully each flake and mite of tobacco that his efforts gleaned. The result was scarce a thimbleful. He searched in his pockets, and brought forward, between thumb and forefinger, tiny pinches of rubbish. Here and there in this rubbish were crumbs of tobacco. These he segregated with microscopic care, though he occasionally permitted small particles of foreign substance to accompany the crumbs to the hoard in his palm. He even deliberately added small, semi-hard woolly fluffs, that had come originally from the coat lining, and that had lain for long months in the bottoms of the pockets. | Моргансон ўтириб олиб мундштугини чиқазди, ҳафсала билан кўрикдан ўтказиб, кафтига нуқиб-нуқиб кўрди, гарчи ичида тамаки бўлмаса-да. Сўнгра тюлен терисидан тикилган тамаки халтасини тескари ағдариб, тамаки қолдиқларини териб, астардан борини сидириб олди. Тўплаган тамакиси ангишвонача чиқмади; чўнтакларини титкилади, бармоқларига тамаки қолдиқлари аралаш бир чимдим қўқим илинди. Увоқдайини ҳам кўздан қочирмай тамаки зарраларини ажратиб олди, адоқсиз ойлар давомида чўнтак тубида яшириниб-чигалланиб ётган майда жун астар толалари ҳам уларга қўшилиб кетганди. |
"Kind of all in, I'd say," the other laughed sympathetically. "No dogs, no money, and the scurvy. I'd try spruce tea if I was you." | – Вой, бояқиш-ей, – деди хайрихоҳлик билан қовоқхона эгаси, – на итларинг, на ақчанг бор, бунинг устига зангила ҳам орттирволгансан. Сенинг ўрнингда бўлсам игнабарг дамламасидан босиб-босиб ичардим. |
Again he drew on his mittens, pulled down his ear-flaps, took the rifle, and went out to his station on the river bank. He crouched in the snow, himself unseen, and watched. After a few minutes of inaction, the frost began to bite in, and he rested the rifle across his knees and beat his hands back and forth. Then the sting in his feet became intolerable, and he stepped back from the bank and tramped heavily up and down among the trees. But he did not tramp long at a time. Every several minutes he came to the edge of the bank and peered up and down the trail, as though by sheer will he could materialise the form of a man upon it. The short morning passed, though it had seemed century-long to him, and the trail remained empty. | Кейин яна қўлқопини кийиб, қулоқчинини тушириб, милтиқни елкасига осиб, қирғоқнинг юқори томонига кетди. Бировга кўринмайдиган панага ўтиб, атрофни кўздан кечирди. Баданига совуқ ўтмагунча бир неча дақиқа қимир этмай ўтирди; сўнг милтиқни тиззасига қўйиб, кафтларини бир-бирига ишқаб қизитган бўлди. Санчиқли оғриқларга оёқлари дош беролмай қолди. Энди қирғоқдан йироқлашиб, дарахтлар орасида у ёқдан-бу ёққа бориб кела бошлади. Бироқ бу тентирашлар узоққа чўзилмади. Ҳар беш-ўн дақиқа орасида Моргансон қирғоқ лабига келиб, одам қораси кўринармикан, деб диққат билан разм соларди. Қанчалик бениҳоя туюлмасин, қисқагина кун тун билан алмашарди. Йўл эса ўша- ўша хилватлигича қоларди. |
Each day grew colder. Four biscuits could not keep up the heat of his body, despite the quantities of hot spruce tea he drank, and he increased his allowance, morning and evening, to three biscuits. In the middle of the day he ate nothing, contenting himself with several cups of excessively weak real tea. This programme became routine. In the morning three biscuits, at noon real tea, and at night three biscuits. In between he drank spruce tea for his scurvy. He caught himself making larger biscuits, and after a severe struggle with himself went back to the old size. | Кундан-кун совуқ забтига ола бошлади. Гарчи Моргансон босиб-босиб игнабарг дамламасидан ичса-да, эндиликда тўрт дона кулча билан бўш қоп тик турмасди. Кунлик тановулдаги кулчаларни олтитага кўпайтиришига тўғри келди – учтаси саҳарликда, учтаси кечликда. Кундузи бир тишлам ҳам нон тишламасди. Суюқ, лекин қайноқ чой билан чекланарди, холос. Орада зангилага қарши игнабарг дамламасидан ичиб турди. Кунлар шу тарзда қувлашмачоқ ўйинини давом эттирарди. |
As the nights grew longer, his periods of daylight watching of the trail grew shorter. Once a sled went by with jingling bells in the darkness, and with sullen resentment he chewed his biscuits and listened to the sounds. Chance conspired against him. Faithfully he had watched the trail for ten days, suffering from the cold all the prolonged torment of the damned, and nothing had happened. Only an Indian, travelling light, had passed in. Now, in the night, when it was impossible for him to watch, men and dogs and a sled loaded with life, passed out, bound south to the sea and the sun and civilisation. | Тунлар узайиб, Моргансоннинг кундузги навбатчилиги қисқарди. Бир сафар кечаси қўнғироқчаларини жаранглатиб йўлдан чаналар ўтиб қолди. Моргансон бу черков жоми монанд садоларга қулоқ берганча минг ўкинч билан нон чайнаб ўтирди. Содир бўлаётганларнинг бари унинг истак-хоҳишларининг чаппаси эди гўё. Изғириннинг дўзахий азобларига дош бериб ўн кун сабот-ла йўлдан кўзини узмади. Бироқ барчаси зое кетди. Фақатгина бир ҳинду ўтиб кетди, холос. Энди эса, кечаси, пойлаш зарур бўлмаган паллада одамлар, итлар, чаналар ғизиллаб ўтишмоқда ва улар жануб томон, денгиз, серқуёш ўлкалар, тамаддун ўчоғи томон йўл олишган эди. |
So it was that he conceived of the sled for which he waited. It was loaded with life, his life. His life was fading, fainting, gasping away in the tent in the snow. He was weak from lack of food, and could not travel of himself. But on the sled for which he waited were dogs that would drag him, food that would fan up the flame of his life, money that would furnish sea and sun and civilisation. Sea and sun and civilisation became terms interchangeable with life, his life, and they were loaded there on the sled for which he waited. The idea became an obsession, and he grew to think of himself as the rightful and deprived owner of the sled-load of life. | Пистирмада кўзлари тўрт бўлиб кутганча чаналар борасида шундай хаёлларга борарди. Чаналарда ҳаёт деб аталмиш неъмат бор эди, унга аталган неъмат. Унинг вужудидаги ҳаёт сўниб бораётибди. Гоҳида чодирга ташриф буюрган ўлим аскарларини қувиб солмоқда. Чалақурсоқликдан мажолсизланиб борар, сафарни давом эттиролмасди. Кўпдан бери кутаётган чаналарда унинг тириклик шамига аланга бериши мумкин бўлган егулик бор эди. Чаналарда яна муллажиринг ҳам бор эдики, улар денгиз, қуёш, тараққиётни ваъда қиларди. Денгиз, қуёш, тараққиёт – буларнинг барчаси тирикликнинг манбаи. Бу фикр унга тинчлик бермай қўйди ва аста-секин ўзини ҳаётбахш неъматлар ортилган чаналарнинг хўжайинидай ҳис эта бошлади. |
Then there came a cold snap. The temperature went down and down--forty, fifty, sixty degrees below zero. He had no thermometer, but this he knew by the signs and natural phenomena understood by all men in that country--the crackling of water thrown on the snow, the swift sharpness of the bite of the frost, and the rapidity with which his breath froze and coated the canvas walls and roof of the tent. Vainly he fought the cold and strove to maintain his watch on the bank. In his weak condition he was an easy prey, and the frost sank its teeth deep into him before he fled away to the tent and crouched by the fire. His nose and cheeks were frozen and turned black, and his left thumb had frozen inside the mitten. He concluded that he would escape with the loss of the first joint. | Аямажиз бирдан теварак-атрофни исканжага олди – ҳаво қирқ, эллик, олтмиш даража нолдан пастга тушиб кетди. Гарчи Моргансонда термометр бўлмаса-да, бу ўлкаларда муқим яшовчилар каби у ҳам ҳаво ҳароратини теваракдаги аломатларга қараб аниқлай оларди – сувни қорга сепганингда вишиллашидан, изғириннинг бутун баданингга ниш санчишидан ёхуд иланг-биланг ўрлаётган ҳовурнинг шитоб-ла музга айланишидан, баъзан қиров сингари чодирнинг дағал матодан тикилган деворларига инишидан. Қирғоқ юқорисидаги пойлоқчилигини ташламай у аёз билан бесамар олишарди. Совуқ унинг вужудига қилич тишларини ботириб олаётганди. Бурни ва ёноқлари совуқдан қорайиб кетди, сўл панжаси бошмалдоғининг биринчи бўғимидан воз кечавериш лозимлигини қўлқопни ечмаёқ тушуниб етди. |
The cold snap broke, and he was able to remain by the bank once more, and the trail died again. For a week he crouched and watched, and never life stirred along it, not a soul passed in or out. He had cut down to one biscuit night and morning, and somehow he did not seem to notice it. Sometimes he marvelled at the way life remained in him. He never would have thought it possible to endure so much. | Шундан кейин аёзнинг попуги хийла пасайди. Лекин аҳвол ўша- ўша. Нақ бир ҳафта қўриқчилик қилган Моргансоннинг кўзи бирон мавжудотга тушмади. Моргансон кунлик тановулини тағин иккита кулчага камайтирди. Гоҳида бу сезилмасди ҳам. Туриб-туриб ҳалигача нафас олаётганидан ажибланарди. Бани башарнинг шунчалар заҳмату азобларга дош бериши мумкинлигини тасаввурига сиғдиролмасди. |
On the first day after his last flour had gone it snowed. It was always warm when the snow fell, and he sat out the whole eight hours of daylight on the bank, without movement, terribly hungry and terribly patient, for all the world like a monstrous spider waiting for its prey. But the prey did not come, and he hobbled back to the tent through the darkness, drank quarts of spruce tea and hot water, and went to bed. | Охирги ун-урпоқ сарфлаб бўлинган кун чор атрофга ёйилган ва увадаси чиққан оппоқ кўрпа устига момиққина янгиси тўшалди. Қор ёғаётган палла ҳаво илийди. Моргансон қимир этмай қирғоқ тепасида мисоли ўлжасини пойлаётган ўргимчакдек оч-наҳор ва сабот билан саккиз соат вақтини ҳавога учирди. Аммо ўлжадан дарак бўлмади. Кулбаи вайронасига қандай етиб олганини ҳам билмай, игнабарг дамламасидан бир-икки ҳўплади-да қийшайиб қолди. |
Once in the tent, he proceeded to indulge in a prolonged and solitary orgy. He did not need friends. His stomach and he were company. Slice after slice and many slices of meat he fried and ate. He ate pounds of the meat. He brewed real tea, and brewed it strong. He brewed the last he had. It did not matter. On the morrow he would be buying tea in Minto. When it seemed he could eat no more, he smoked. He smoked all his stock of dried tea leaves. What of it? On the morrow he would be smoking tobacco. He knocked out his pipe, fried a final slice, and went to bed. He had eaten so much he seemed bursting, yet he got out of his blankets and had just one more mouthful of meat. | Чодирга қайтиб, ўзининг ёлғизликдаги базми жамшидини давом эттирди. Ҳамтовоқларга муҳтожлик сезмасди: ўзи-ю ошқозони – бор- йўқ улфатлар шугина. У гўштни бўлаклаб, қадоқлаб еб битирарди. Аччиққина қилиб чой дамлади. Бу сўнгги қуруқ чой эди. Ҳечқиси йўқ, эртага Минтодан сотиб олаверади. Сўнгги шамани ҳам чекиб тугатди. Нима бўпти! Эртага қўлида асл тамаки бўлади. Охирида бир парча гўштни тановул қилиб, ухлашга ётди. У шунчалар кам гўшт едики, гўё кўп еса, қорни ёрилиб кетадигандай эди. Аммо барибир устидаги адёлни ирғитиб ташлаб, яна кавшанишга тушди. |