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Found ае: 1908 words & 2 translates

English Ўзбек
The action of the two glasses of whisky on Morganson's empty stomach and weak condition was rapid. The next he knew he was sitting by the stove on a box, and it seemed as though ages had passed. A tall, broad-shouldered, black-whiskered man was paying for drinks. Morganson's swimming eyes saw him drawing a greenback from a fat roll, and Morganson's swimming eyes cleared on the instant. They were hundred-dollar bills. It was life! His life! He felt an almost irresistible impulse to snatch the money and dash madly out into the night. Оч қоринга ичилган икки стакан виски заиф танада шу заҳоти ўз ишини кўрсатди. Моргансон ҳушига келганда печ ёнидаги яшикда ўтирган эди. Орадан бир аср ўтиб кетгандай туюлди. Дароз, қорасоқол, яғриндор киши қовоқхона эгаси билан ҳисоб-китоб қилди. Моргансоннинг кўз ўнгини туман қоплаган бўлса-да, қорасоқол қалингина пул дастасидан биттасини ажратиб олганини кўрди. Туман бир зумга тарқади. Бу юз долларлик пуллар эди. Ҳаёт! Унинг ҳаёти! У пулларга чанг солиб, қоронғу бурчакка отилишдек енгиб бўлмас истакни туйди.
As the three men passed out of the door it came dimly to Morganson that it was Christmas Eve. That was the date. That was what he had come to Minto for. But it was overshadowed now by the three men themselves, and the fat roll of hundred-dollar bills. Учовлон чиқиб кетишди. Ана шундагина Моргансоннинг онгига уларнинг сўзлари етиб борди. Мана бугун қандай кун экан – Рождество арафаси! Айни шуни билиш учун Минтога қадам қўймаганмиди, ахир. Лекин ҳозир хаёлини манави уч сиймою юз долларлик бир даста пул босиб кетди.
Morganson mastered his drunkenness long enough to swallow the whisky, say good night, and get out on the trail. It was moonlight, and he hobbled along through the bright, silvery quiet, with a vision of life before him that took the form of a roll of hundred-dollar bills. Моргансон мастлигини ошкор этмай хайрлашиб, йўлга чиқишга ўзида ирода топа билди. Ойдин кеча. У кумуш сукунат ичра юз долларлик даста пулга эврилган тириклик ва ҳаёт хаёлотида кетиб борарди.
He awoke. It was dark, and he was in his blankets. He had gone to bed in his moccasins and mittens, with the flaps of his cap pulled down over his ears. He got up as quickly as his crippled condition would permit, and built the fire and boiled some water. As he put the spruce-twigs into the teapot he noted the first glimmer of the pale morning light. He caught up his rifle and hobbled in a panic out to the bank. As he crouched and waited, it came to him that he had forgotten to drink his spruce tea. The only other thought in his mind was the possibility of John Thompson changing his mind and not travelling Christmas Day. Моргансон уйғониб кетди. Ҳали тун қора пардасини йиғиштирмабди. У эгни-бошини ечмаёқ қотиб қолган экан. Дик этиб ўрнидан туриб, олов ёқиб, сув қайнатди. Декчага қарағай игнабаргидан сепаётиб субҳнинг илк оқиштоб шуълаларини пайқади-ю, милтиғини олиб, қирғоқ томон шошди. Пистирмага ўрнашиб олгандагина шифобахш дамламасидан ичмагани эсига тушди. Хаёлига, Жон Томсон Рождествонинг биринчи кунида йўлга чиқса керак, деган ўй келди.
Dawn broke and merged into day. It was cold and clear. Sixty below zero was Morganson's estimate of the frost. Not a breath stirred the chill Arctic quiet. He sat up suddenly, his muscular tensity increasing the hurt of the scurvy. He had heard the far sound of a man's voice and the faint whining of dogs. He began beating his hands back and forth against his sides. It was a serious matter to bare the trigger hand to sixty degrees below zero, and against that time he needed to develop all the warmth of which his flesh was capable. Тонг отди. Ҳаво совуқ ва очиқ. Моргансон, аёз олтмиш даражадан паст бўлмаса керак, деб тахмин қилди. Оғир қутб сукунатини сассизгина эпкин ҳам бузишга журъат этгани йўқ. Туйқус Моргансон қаддини ростлади. Солқиган оёқларини оғриқ хиппа бўғди. Йироқдан аллакимларнинг ҳайқириғи, итларнинг акиллаши элас-элас яқинлашарди. Моргансон қўлларини бели-биқини аралаш ура бошлади. Олтмиш даража совуқда тепкини босиш учун қўлқопни ечишнинг ўзи бўладими?
They came into view around the outjutting clump of trees. To the fore was the third man whose name he had not learnt. Then came eight dogs drawing the sled. At the front of the sled, guiding it by the gee-pole, walked John Thompson. The rear was brought up by Oleson, the Swede. He was certainly a fine man, Morganson thought, as he looked at the bulk of him in his squirrel-skin parka. The men and dogs were silhouetted sharply against the white of the landscape. They had the seeming of two dimension, cardboard figures that worked mechanically. Morganson rested his cocked rifle in the notch in the tree. He became abruptly aware that his fingers were cold, and discovered that his right hand was bare. He did not know that he had taken off the mitten. He slipped it on again hastily. The men and dogs drew closer, and he could see their breaths spouting into visibility in the cold air. When the first man was fifty yards away, Morganson slipped the mitten from his right hand. He placed the first finger on the trigger and aimed low. Улар ўрмон дўнглиги ортида кўринишди. Олдинда Моргансон исмини билмайдигани. Ортидан чанага қўшилган саккизта ит. Жон Томсон ёнбошда таёқ кўмагида уларни йўлга солиб келмоқда. Энг охирида швед Ольсон. “Хушрўй барзанги”, деб ўйлади Моргансон нигоҳлари бу девқоматнинг эгни-бошида сирпанар экан. Одамлар ва итлар қораси оқ гиламда аниқ-тиниқ намоён бўларкан. Улар сурат сингари ясси кўринар, турнақатор ҳаракатланишарди. Моргансон қуролни тиргакка қўйиб отишга чоғланган замон бармоқлари увишиб қолганини сезди. Одамлар ва итлар борган сари яқин келаверишди. Паға-паға буғ уларнинг оғзидан чиқаётган ҳовур эканлигини кўрди. Олдиндаги эллик ярдга яқинлашганда Моргансон кўрсатгич бармоғини тепкига қўйди.
Finding it impossible to face the dogs Morganson stepped off the trail into the deep snow and floundered in a wide circle to the rear of the sled. Under the initiative of the leader, the team swung around in its tangled harness. Because of his crippled condition, Morganson could move only slowly. He saw the animals circling around on him and tried to retreat. He almost made it, but the big leader, with a savage lunge, sank its teeth into the calf of his leg. The flesh was slashed and torn, but Morganson managed to drag himself clear. Бу иблис малайлари яқин йўлатмаслигига амин бўлгач, Моргансон қалин қор кечиб, чаналарни айланиб ўтмоқчи бўлди. Йўлбошчи унга ташланди, бутун тўда ҳам шатак қайишга ўралашиб, раҳнамолари кетидан сапчишди. Оқсоқ оёқлари Моргансонга жадалроқ ҳаракатланишга имкон бермасди. Итлар ўраб олаётганини кўриб чекинмоқчи эди, йўлбошчи ит бир ҳамла билан оёғига тиш ботирди. Болдирини тишлаб узиб олай деса-да, барибир қутулиб кета олди.
Morganson wept weakly for a space, and weakly swayed from one side to the other. Then he brushed away the frozen tears that gemmed his lashes. It was a joke. Malicious chance was having its laugh at him. Even John Thompson, with his heaven-aspiring whiskers, was laughing at him. Моргансон ночорликдан ўкириб юборди. Бу гўё қалтис ҳазилга ўхшарди. Қаттол қисмат унинг устидан мағзава тўкиб юборганди гўё. Ҳатто Жон Томсон ҳам соқолини ҳилпиллатиб, унинг устидан кулаётир.
He prowled around the sled demented, at times weeping and pleading with the brutes for his life there on the sled, at other times raging impotently against them. Then calmness came upon him. He had been making a fool of himself. All he had to do was to go to the tent, get the axe, and return and brain the dogs. He'd show them. Ақлдан озган Моргансон чаналар теграсида тентирарди. Гоҳ ўкиниб,гоҳ ҳўнграб чаналардаги ҳаёт неъматларини итлардан ялиниб-ёлвориб сўрарди. Кейин тинчиб қолди. Қандай аҳмоқгарчилик! Ҳозир чодирга бориб, болтани олиб келади-да, итларнинг бошини мажағлаб ташлайди. Ҳали кўрсатиб қўяди бу итдан тарқаганларга!
In order to get to the tent he had to go wide of the sled and the savage animals. He stepped off the trail into the soft snow. Then he felt suddenly giddy and stood still. He was afraid to go on for fear he would fall down. He stood still for a long time, balancing himself on his crippled legs that were trembling violently from weakness. He looked down and saw the snow reddening at his feet. The blood flowed freely as ever. He had not thought the bite was so severe. He controlled his giddiness and stooped to examine the wound. The snow seemed rushing up to meet him, and he recoiled from it as from a blow. He had a panic fear that he might fall down, and after a struggle he managed to stand upright again. He was afraid of that snow that had rushed up to him. Чодирга бориш учун қутурган итларни узоқдан айланиб ўтиш лозим эди. Моргансон юмшоқ қорда юра юбошлади-ю, боши айланиб, таққа тўхтади. Агар яна бир қадам қўйса, йиқилишидан қўрқди. Шу важдан оёқлари қалт-қалт титраб, узоқ туриб қолди. Пастга кўз ташлади – оёқ ости қирмизи гилам тус олибди. Ярасидан қон оқиши тўхтамаганди. Ит шунчалик чуқур тишлайди, деб ким ўйлабди дейсиз! Бош айланиши ўтиб кетгач, жароҳатини текширмоқ учун энгашди. Оппоқ қор унга ташланаётгандай туюлди ва у мушт егандай орқага тисланди. Ваҳима бутун вужудини эгаллаб олди – қулаб тушмаса гўрга эди – у зўр бериб қаддини ростлади. Милт-милт йилтиллаётган оппоқ қор рангга кирди.
Now that he was down, Morganson was no longer afraid. He had a vision of himself being found dead in the snow, and for a while he wept in self-pity. But he was not afraid. The struggle had gone out of him. When he tried to open his eyes he found that the wet tears had frozen them shut. He did not try to brush the ice away. It did not matter. He had not dreamed death was so easy. He was even angry that he had struggled and suffered through so many weary weeks. He had been bullied and cheated by the fear of death. Death did not hurt. Every torment he had endured had been a torment of life. Life had defamed death. It was a cruel thing. Қорда узала тушиб ётган Моргансон ортиқ ҳеч нарсадан қўрқмасди. У ўзининг ўлик танасини қай йўсинда топиб олишларини тасаввур қилди. Хўрлиги келиб кўзидан ёш оқди. Лекин ваҳима уни тарк этганди. Жанг тугади. Кўзини очмоқчи бўлди. Аммо музлаб қолган киприкларини бир-биридан ажратолмади. Қайтиб кўзини очишга уринмади. Энди барибир эмасми?! Жон таслим қилиш бунчалик енгил кечади, деб ўйламаган экан. Азоб-уқубатларга тўла шунча умрини кураш ва қийноқда ўтказганига ўзидан аччиқланди. Ўлимни рўкач қилиб, уни лақиллатишибди. Ўлим ҳеч нарса эмас экан. Барча тортган азоблари ўлим деб аталмиш неъматни бошлаб келди. Ҳаёт ўлимга туҳмат қилди. Қандай бедодлик!
But his anger passed. The lies and frauds of life were of no consequence now that he was coming to his own. He became aware of drowsiness, and felt a sweet sleep stealing upon him, balmy with promises of easement and rest. He heard faintly the howling of the dogs, and had a fleeting thought that in the mastering of his flesh the frost no longer bit. Then the light and the thought ceased to pulse beneath the tear-gemmed eyelids, and with a tired sigh of comfort he sank into sleep. Кейин эса қаҳр-ғазаб чекинди. Энди, ҳақиқат аён бўлгач, ёлғон ва мунофиқлик аҳамиятсиз эди. Уни мудроқ енга бошлади, ором ва озодликни ваъда қилиб, ширингина уйқу босди. Олислардан итларнинг улиши элас-элас қулоғига чалинди. Вужудини чирмаб олган аёз зиғирча-да оғриқ бермаяпти, деган ўй шууридан йилт этиб ўтди. Кейин шуури хира тортди, ортидан киприкларидаги дур оралаб қабоқларини ёриб ўтаётган нур ҳам сўнди. Сўнгги оғир хўрсиниқ ила руҳи енгиллашиб, абадий уйқу салтанатига кўчди.

Mr. Jones, of the Manor Farm, had locked the hen-houses for the night, but was too drunk to remember to shut the pop-holes. With the ring of light from his lantern dancing from side to side, he lurched across the yard, kicked off his boots at the back door, drew himself a last glass of beer from the barrel in the scullery, and made his way up to bed, where Mrs. Jones was already snoring.

“Қўрғонча” молхонасидаги мистер Жонс оқшом тушиши билан товуқхонасини тамбалаб қўйди, бироқ, у шу қадар маст эдики, девордаги тешикни беркитиш ёдидан кўтарилди. Орқа эшикни оёғи билан туртиб ёпгач, у қўлида силтаниб турган фонуси ёритган ерларда каловланиб, бироз тентиради, кейин ошхонадаги бочкадан бир стакан пивони сиздириб ичди ва хотини Жонс хоним хуррак отаётган тўшакнинг бир четига кирди.

All the animals were now present except Moses, the tame raven, who slept on a perch behind the back door. When Major saw that they had all made themselves comfortable and were waiting attentively, he cleared his throat and began: Орқа эшик ёнидаги таёқ учида ўтирган, қўлга ўргатилган қарға Мозусдан бошқа барча жониворлар жам бўлган эди. Ҳаммага қулай тарзда жойлашиб олишларини ва сукунат чўкишини кутиб, майор томоғини тозалади-да, гап бошлади:
"Comrades, you have heard already about the strange dream that I had last night. But I will come to the dream later. I have something else to say first. I do not think, comrades, that I shall be with you for many months longer, and before I die, I feel it my duty to pass on to you such wisdom as I have acquired. I have had a long life, I have had much time for thought as I lay alone in my stall, and I think I may say that I understand the nature of life on this earth as well as any animal now living. It is about this that I wish to speak to you. — Ўртоқлар, кеча оқшом менинг ғалати бир туш кўрганимни ҳаммаларингиз эшитган бўлсангиз керак. Бу тушга кейинроқ қайтаман. Энг аввало сизларга, мана, нимани айтишим лозим.Сизлар билан яна узоқ ойлар бирга бўламиз, деб айтолмайман, куним битяпти, сезяпманки, сизлар билан ўлимим олдидан йиллар бўйи орттирилган донишмандлик меваларини бўлишишим лозим. Мен узоқ умр кечирдим, бир ўзим оғилда ёлғиз ётганимда, мулоҳаза юритиш учун етарли вақтим бўлди, ўйлайманки, ҳаётнинг моҳиятини замондошларимнинг барчасидан ҳам кўпроқ тушунаман, деб таъкидлай оламан. Мана, шу ҳақда сизларга баён қилмоқчиман.
"Now, comrades, what is the nature of this life of ours? Let us face it: our lives are miserable, laborious, and short. We are born, we are given just so much food as will keep the breath in our bodies, and those of us who are capable of it are forced to work to the last atom of our strength; and the very instant that our usefulness has come to an end we are slaughtered with hideous cruelty. No animal in England knows the meaning of happiness or leisure after he is a year old. No animal in England is free. The life of an animal is misery and slavery: that is the plain truth. Шундай қилиб, дўстлар, биз ва сизнинг тириклимиздан нима маъно бор? Келинглар, ҳақиқатнинг юзига тик қарайлик: қисқа ҳаётимизнинг ҳар бир куни хўрликда ва заҳматли меҳнатда ўтади. Туғилган, дунёга келган дақиқамиздан бошлаб, бизга ҳаётимиз тугаб қолмайдиган даражадагина овқат беришади, етарли кучи бор ҳайвонлар энг сўнгги нафасигача ишлаши керак; одатда, биз ҳеч нарсага ярамай, ҳеч кимга керак бўлмай қолганимизда, бизни шафқатсизларча кушхонага равона қилишади. Бир йилни ўтказган бирорта ҳайвон бу Англияда бахт нималигини ёки меҳнатдан кейин дам олиш қандай бўлишини билмайди. Англияда бирор-бир ҳайвон эрк нима эканини англамайди. Ҳаётимиз — қашшоқлик ва қулликдир. Ҳақиқат шудир.
"But is this simply part of the order of nature? Is it because this land of ours is so poor that it cannot afford a decent life to those who dwell upon it? No, comrades, a thousand times no! The soil of England is fertile, its climate is good, it is capable of affording food in abundance to an enormously greater number of animals than now inhabit it. This single farm of ours would support a dozen horses, twenty cows, hundreds of sheep—and all of them living in a comfort and a dignity that are now almost beyond our imagining. Why then do we continue in this miserable condition? Because nearly the whole of the produce of our labour is stolen from us by human beings. There, comrades, is the answer to all our problems. It is summed up in a single word—Man. Man is the only real enemy we have. Remove Man from the scene, and the root cause of hunger and overwork is abolished for ever. Аслида ҳақиқий ҳолат шундай бўлишги мумкинми? Бу она заминимизнинг қашшоқлигиданми, ер унда яшайдиган ва меҳнат қилаётган барча жониворларни боқа олмайдими? Йўқ, ўртоқлар, минг бора йўқ! Англияда иқлим майин, замин ҳосилдор, ер ҳозир яшаётганидан ҳам кўпроқ жониворларни боқа олади. Бизники сингари молхона ўнлаб отларни, йигирмата сигирни, юзлаб қўйларни боқа олади — ва уларнинг ҳаёти қулайликларга тўла, ўзлари иззат-эътиборга эга бўладилар, биз бу ҳақда ҳали орзу ҳам қила олмаймиз. Нега биз бу қадар тубан аҳволда яшашда давом этмоқдамиз? Сабаби шундаки, биз ўз меҳнатимиз билан яратаётган деярли ҳамма нарса одамлар томонидан ўзлаштириб юборилмоқда. Мана, ўртоқлар, барча саволларнинг жавоби қай ерда экан. Бу битта, аммо ягона — одамдеган сўздадир. Бизнинг ягона ҳақиқий душманимиз — одам. Саҳнадан одамни олиб ташланг, очлик ва аёвсиз меҳнатнинг сабаби йўқолади.
And you hens, how many eggs have you laid in this last year, and how many of those eggs ever hatched into chickens? The rest have all gone to market to bring in money for Jones and his men. And you, Clover, where are those four foals you bore, who should have been the support and pleasure of your old age? Each was sold at a year old—you will never see one of them again. In return for your four confinements and all your labour in the fields, what have you ever had except your bare rations and a stall? Сизлар-чи, товуқлар, бу йил нечта тухум туғдинглар ва нечта жўжани очиб чиқдинглар? Қолганлари бозорга олиб бориб сотилди ва Жонс ҳамда у кабиларнинг чўнтагига жарангдор пул бўлиб тушди. Сен айт-чи, Кловер, сенинг азобларда туққан ва вояга етказган, қариганингда сенга таянч ва овунчоқ бўладиган тўртта тойчоғинг қаёқда? Уларнинг барчаси бир ёшга тўлар-тўлмас, сотиб юборилди — ва сен уларни бошқа ҳеч қачон кўра олмайсан, айт-чи, тўрт марта туғруқ азобини чекканинг, далаларни омоч судраб, ҳайдаганингдан кейин — сенинг бир тутам пичан ва ипли қозиғингдан бошқа ниманг қолди?
"And even the miserable lives we lead are not allowed to reach their natural span. For myself I do not grumble, for I am one of the lucky ones. I am twelve years old and have had over four hundred children. Such is the natural life of a pig. But no animal escapes the cruel knife in the end. You young porkers who are sitting in front of me, every one of you will scream your lives out at the block within a year. To that horror we all must come—cows, pigs, hens, sheep, everyone. Even the horses and the dogs have no better fate. You, Boxer, the very day that those great muscles of yours lose their power, Jones will sell you to the knacker, who will cut your throat and boil you down for the foxhounds. As for the dogs, when they grow old and toothless, Jones ties a brick round their necks and drowns them in the nearest pond. Бизнинг шўрлик умримиз ҳам табиий йўл билан тугамайди. Мен ўзимни айтмаяпман, менинг омадим бор экан. Ўн икки ёшгача яшадим ва тўрт юзтадан зиёд чўчқачаларни туғдирдим. Бир чўчқа учун муносиб умр кўрдим. Аммо ҳеч бир ҳайвон умри охирида шафқатсиз пичоқдан қутилиб қололмайди. Мана, сиз, олдимда турган ёш чўчқачалар, — бир йил ўтмай, ҳаётларингизни анави шаҳар ташқарисидаги қассобхонада тугатасиз. Бундай даҳшатли тақдир ҳаммани кутади — сигирларни, чўчқаларни, товуқларни, қўйларни, ҳамма-ҳаммангизни кутади. Ҳатто отлар ва кўппакларга ҳам раҳм қилинмайди. Сенинг бақувват мускулларинг сенга хизмат қилолмайдиган ўша олис кун келади, Боксёр, ўшанда сени мистер Жонс тери шилувчига жўнатади, у эса сенинг гўштингдан итларга овқат тайёрлайди. Итларга келсак, улар қариб, тишлари ўтмаслашиб қолганда, мистер Жонс уларнинг бўйнига ғишт боғлаб, яқин атрофдаги ҳовузга чўктиради.
"Is it not crystal clear, then, comrades, that all the evils of this life of ours spring from the tyranny of human beings? Only get rid of Man, and the produce of our labour would be our own. Almost overnight we could become rich and free. What then must we do? Why, work night and day, body and soul, for the overthrow of the human race! That is my message to you, comrades: Rebellion! I do not know when that Rebellion will come, it might be in a week or in a hundred years, but I know, as surely as I see this straw beneath my feet, that sooner or later justice will be done. Fix your eyes on that, comrades, throughout the short remainder of your lives! And above all, pass on this message of mine to those who come after you, so that future generations shall carry on the struggle until it is victorious. Шунча гаплардан кейин, ўртоқлар, ҳаётимизни заҳарлаган ёвузликнинг манбаи, — одамзоднинг ҳукмронлиги экани аниқ-равшан бўлмадими? Одамдан холос бўлсак бўлди, меҳнатларимизнинг барча мевалари бизнинг мулкимизга айланади! Истасак, шу бугун кечқурундан бошлаб, эркимизнинг қуёши ёнади ва бой ҳамда мустақил жониворларга айлантиради. Бунинг учун нима қилишимиз керак? Вужудимизни ва қалбимизни одамнинг ҳукмронлигини йўқ қилиш учун фидо қилиб, туну кун меҳнат қилишимиз шарт! Мен сизларни, ўртоқлар, — исёнга даъват қиламан! У қачон аланга олади, буни билмайман, балким бир ҳафтадан сўнгдир ёки юз йилдан кейиндир, аммо мен, мана шу сомонни кўриб турганимдек, аниқ ва равшан кўрмоқдаманки, эртами-кечми, адолат тантана қилади. Ҳаётимиз қанча қолган бўлса ҳам, ўз ҳаётимизни бу ғояга фидо қилайлик! Бундан ташқари, менинг бу Мурожаатномамни сизлардан кейин келадиганларга ҳам етказинглар, зеро келгуси авлодлар курашни ғалабага эришгунга қадар олиб борсинлар.