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Found armed: 44 words & 2 translates

English Ўзбек
This year, as part of the humanitarian operations Mehr-1 and Mehr-2, a group of 261 citizens, mostly women and children, was returned to their homeland from the zone of armed conflict. Жорий йилда “Меҳр-1” ва “Меҳр-2” инсонпарварлик амалиётлари доирасида қуролли можаролар майдонидан 261 нафар фуқаро, асосан аёллар ва болалар юртимизга қайтариб келинди.
10. Among the people is he who says, “We have believed in God.” Yet when he is harmed on God’s account, he equates the people's persecution with God’s retribution. And if help comes from your Lord, he says, “We were actually with you.” Is not God aware of what is inside the hearts of the people? 10Ва одамлардан, Аллоҳга иймон келтирдик, дейдиган, сўнгра Аллоҳнинг йўлида озорланса, одамларнинг фитнасини Аллоҳнинг азобидек қабул қиладиганлари ҳам бор. Агар Роббинг томонидан нусрат келса, улар, албатта, биз сиз билан бирга эдик, дерлар. Аллоҳ оламларнинг кўксиларидаги нарсаларни ўта билгувчи зот эмасми?!
With her adjacent project, "Pazabordo" (Peace on board), she also travels to areas affected by violence during Colombia's 50-year internal armed conflict. Ўзининг Pazabordo (Тинчлик борти) лойиҳаси доирасида у Колумбиянинг 50 йиллик ички уруш пайтида зўравонликдан жабр кўрган ҳудудларига ҳам боради.
Caution should be exercised in the choice of language, and interviewees should be allowed to determine their own terminology. It is important to be especially cautious if armed or other persons express a desire to be present at the interview, as they may be accomplices or know the offenders, but one should not confront them, as this could affect the safety of the people being interviewed. Тил воситаларини танлашда эҳтиёт бўлиш ва суҳбатдошга терминологияни ўзи белгилашига рухсат бериш керак. Агар қуролланган ёки бошқа шахслар интервьюда иштирок этиш истагини билдирса, алоҳида эҳтиёт бўлиш керак, чунки уларнинг ўзи зўравоннинг шериги бўлиши ёки жиноятчиларни таниши мумкин, лекин улар билан зиддиятга бориш мумкин эмас, чунки бу сиз интервью олаётган одамларнинг хавфсизлигига таъсир қилиши мумкин.