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English Ўзбек
But Morganson conceived an idea. He changed his crouching spot to a place where cottonwood limbs projected on either side of him. Into these with his axe he chopped two broad notches. Then in one of the notches he rested the barrel of his rifle and glanced along the sights. He covered the trail thoroughly in that direction. He turned about, rested the rifle in the other notch, and, looking along the sights, swept the trail to the clump of trees behind which it disappeared. Моргансоннинг хаёлига ялт этиб бир фикр келиб қолди. Дарахт шохлари ерга тегай-тегай деб турган жойга ўтди. Йўғон шохларни болта билан йўниб, тиргак учун иккита чуқур кертик ясади. Кейин милтиқни тиргакка қўйиб, йўлни кузата бошлади. Йўлнинг бир қисми унинг нишони остида эди. Моргансон милтиқни нариги тиргакка жойлади; бу вазиятда у ўрмон дўнглигигача бўлган сайҳонликни нишони остида кузата оларди.
The cold snap broke, and he was able to remain by the bank once more, and the trail died again. For a week he crouched and watched, and never life stirred along it, not a soul passed in or out. He had cut down to one biscuit night and morning, and somehow he did not seem to notice it. Sometimes he marvelled at the way life remained in him. He never would have thought it possible to endure so much. Шундан кейин аёзнинг попуги хийла пасайди. Лекин аҳвол ўша- ўша. Нақ бир ҳафта қўриқчилик қилган Моргансоннинг кўзи бирон мавжудотга тушмади. Моргансон кунлик тановулини тағин иккита кулчага камайтирди. Гоҳида бу сезилмасди ҳам. Туриб-туриб ҳалигача нафас олаётганидан ажибланарди. Бани башарнинг шунчалар заҳмату азобларга дош бериши мумкинлигини тасаввурига сиғдиролмасди.
But he did not mind. He was glad that the sled had not passed before the coming of the moose. The moose had changed his plans. Its meat was worth fifty cents a pound, and he was but little more than three miles from Minto. He need no longer wait for the sled-load of life. The moose was the sled-load of life. He would sell it. He would buy a couple of dogs at Minto, some food and some tobacco, and the dogs would haul him south along the trail to the sea, the sun, and civilisation. Лекин у аза тутиб ўтирмади. Чаналар аввалроқ ўтиб кетмаганидан хурсанд эди: буғу режаларини ўзгартириб юборди. Бир қадоқ гўшт эллик цент туради, Минтогача эса уч чақиримдан зиёдроқ йўлни босиб ўтиши керак. Энди ноз-неъматлар ортилган чаналарни кутиб ўтиришга ҳожат йўқ: буғу уларнинг ўрнини боса олади. У гўштни сотиб, Минтода бир нечта ит, егулик ва тамаки харид қилади ҳамда итлар уни жанубга – денгиз, серқуёш ўлкалар, тамаддун ўчоғи томон олиб кетади.
In the middle of the day he thought of the wild animals that might eat his meat, and he climbed the hill, carrying along his axe, the haul rope, and a sled lashing. In his weak state the making of the cache and storing of the meat was an all-afternoon task. He cut young saplings, trimmed them, and tied them together into a tall scaffold. It was not so strong a cache as he would have desired to make, but he had done his best. To hoist the meat to the top was heart-breaking. The larger pieces defied him until he passed the rope over a limb above, and, with one end fast to a piece of meat, put all his weight on the other end. Кундузи унинг миясига йиртқич ҳайвонлар озуқа захирасини ғажиб ташлайдилар, деган ўй келиб қолди-ю болта ва арқонни олиб, тепалик томон одимлади. Гўштни яшириш учун ўра кавлашга мадори етмасди; бунга нақд бир кун кетади. Бир қанча дарахт ғўлаларини жипс боғлаб, баландгина тахтасупа ясади. Кўзлагани кўнглидагидек чиқмаган эса- да, бундан ортиғи қўлидан келмасди. Гўштни юқорига кўтариш учун ўлардек зўриқиш зарур эди. Шу ерда Моргансон ҳийла ишлатди: арқонни дарахтнинг баланд шохидан ошириб ирғитди-да, бир томонига залворли гўшт бўлагини боғлаб, нариги учига бор вазнини ташлаб, юқорига тортди.
Morganson mastered his drunkenness long enough to swallow the whisky, say good night, and get out on the trail. It was moonlight, and he hobbled along through the bright, silvery quiet, with a vision of life before him that took the form of a roll of hundred-dollar bills. Моргансон мастлигини ошкор этмай хайрлашиб, йўлга чиқишга ўзида ирода топа билди. Ойдин кеча. У кумуш сукунат ичра юз долларлик даста пулга эврилган тириклик ва ҳаёт хаёлотида кетиб борарди.
When he fired the first man whirled half around and went down on the trail. In the instant of surprise, Morganson pulled the trigger on John Thompson--too low, for the latter staggered and sat down suddenly on the sled. Morganson raised his aim and fired again. John Thompson sank down backward along the top of the loaded sled. Гумбурлаган товуш янгради; олдиндаги одам сулайиб, оёғи осмондан бўлди. Моргансон ҳовлиқиб, Жон Томсонни нишонга олди. Бироқ ўқ ҳато кетди. Жон гандираклаб, чанага минди. Моргансон нишонни юқорироқ олиб, яна ўқ узди. Жон Томсон чалқанчасига ағанади.
He held his fire and desperately studied Oleson's flight. The giant was grotesquely curving and twisting and running at top speed along the trail, the tail of his parka flapping smartly behind. Morganson trained his rifle on the man and with a swaying action followed his erratic flight. Morganson's finger was getting numb. He could scarcely feel the trigger. "God help me," he breathed a prayer aloud, and pulled the trigger. The running man pitched forward on his face, rebounded from the hard trail, and slid along, rolling over and over. He threshed for a moment with his arms and then lay quiet. Моргансон зўр диққат билан қочоқни кузатар эди. У олға силжиётган Ольсонга милтиғи милини тўғрилади. Бармоғи увушиб қолибди, тепкини сезмади. – Тангрим, ўзинг мадад бер! – нидо қилди ва тепкини босди. Ольсон юзтубан йиқилди, заранг йўлда бир неча марта ўмбалоқ ошди. Қўллари ёрдамида туришга чиранди, бироздан кейин қимирламай қолди.
He cursed the brutes fiercely, but could not cow them. They replied with neck-bristling and snarling, and with quick lunges against their breastbands. He remembered Oleson, and turned his back upon them and went along the trail. He scarcely took notice of his lacerated leg. It was bleeding freely; the main artery had been torn, but he did not know it. У итларга ҳақоратлар ёғдирди, аммо ювошлантиролмади. Бутун тўда ириллаб, унга ташланишга чоғланарди. Шу чоқ Моргансон лоп этиб Ольсонни эслаб қолди. Қайрилиб, йўл бўйлаб кета бошлади. Ғажиб ташланган оёғи парвойига ҳам келмади. Ярадан қон шариллаб оқарди – қон томири жароҳатланибди, лекин ўзининг бундан хабари йўқ.
He made a movement to start back toward the sled, but found his foot rooted to the trail. He glanced down and saw that he stood in a fresh deposit of frozen red. There was red ice on his torn pants leg and on the moccasin beneath. With a quick effort he broke the frozen clutch of his blood and hobbled along the trail to the sled. The big leader that had bitten him began snarling and lunging, and was followed in this conduct by the whole team. Моргансон чаналари ёнига қайтиб бормоқчи бўлди-ю, бироқ ўрнидан жилолмади: оёғи ерга ёпишиб қолибди. Қараса, оёғи музлаган қизил кўлмакда турганини кўрди. Бир силташ билан бу алвон муз кишандан халос бўлди ва чаналар томон ошиқди. Баҳайбат йўлбошчи ириллаб олдинга талпинар, бутун тўда унга тақлид қиларди.

So use it then, all this fine energy,
And drive along the work of poetry,
To show how we are driven in Love’s play.
By chance we meet, we feel, we stay,
And bit by bit we’re tightly bound:
Happiness grows, and then it’s fenced around:
We’re all inflamed then comes the sorrowing:
Before you know it, there’s a novel brewing!

Шундай экан, демак, илҳомни чоғланг! 
Ўшал сеҳрингизни кўрсатинг, наби. 
Ҳодисалар ипин тезгина боғланг 
Муҳаббат риштасин боғлаган каби. 
Ахир севгида ҳам шу бўлур такрор, 
Тасодиф учрашув, дўстлик, сўнг оҳ-воҳ, 
Уришиш, ярашиш, бўса ва никоҳ. 

The hours swept along, but Imber did not vary his posture, did not by a hair's-breadth move a muscle; and Dickensen remembered the man who once sat upright on a sled in the main street where men passed to and fro. They thought the man was resting, but later, when they touched him, they found him stiff and cold, frozen to death in the midst of the busy street.
To undouble him, that he might fit into a coffin, they had been forced to lug him to a fire and thaw him out a bit. Dickensen shivered at the recollection.

Соатлар бир-бирини қувалашар, Имбер эса қилт этмай ўша ҳолатда ўтирарди. Диккенсен бир пайтлар шоҳкўча ўртасида чана келиб тўхтаганини, устида шундай ҳаракациз ўтирган кимсани эслади; унинг теграсида ўткинчилар уймаланишар, ҳамма уни дам оляпти, деб ўйлар, кейин эса унга қўл теккизиб кўришганда мурдага айланганлиги маълум бўлди – совуқда тарашадай қотиб қолганди. Жасадни тўғрилаш учун – йўқса тобутга сиғмасди – уни гулхан ёнига келтириб, музини туширишга мажбур бўлишганди. Диккенсеннинг бу ўйлардан эти жимирлаб кетди.

Later on, Dickensen went out on the sidewalk to smoke a cigar and cool off; and a little later Emily Travis happened along. Emily Travis was dainty and delicate and rare, and whether in London or Klondike she gowned herself as befitted the daughter of a millionnaire mining engineer. Little Dickensen deposited his cigar on an outside window ledge where he could find it again, and lifted his hat.

Бир оздан сўнг Диккенсен сигара чекиб, шамоллагани кўчага чиқди. Дақиқа ўтиб Эмили Тревис пайдо бўлди. Эмили Тревис латофатли, нозикниҳол ойимтилла эди, Лондон ёинки Клондайкда бўлишидан қатъи назар миллионларга эга тоғ муҳандисининг арзандасидек кийинарди. Митти Диккенсен сигарасини дераза токчасига ташлаб, шляпасини андак кўтариб қўйди.

"What did he say?" asked Dickensen.
"Him say um all the same one man, dat p'liceman," Jimmy interpreted.
Little Dickensen was little, and what of Miss Travis, he felt sorry for having asked the question.
The policeman was sorry for him and stepped into the breach. "I fancy there may be something in his story. I'll take him up to the captain for examination. Tell him to come along with me, Jimmy."
Jimmy indulged in more throaty spasms, and Imber grunted and looked satisfied.
"But ask him what he said, Jimmy, and what he meant when he took hold of my arm."
So spoke Emily Travis, and Jimmy put the question and received the answer. "Him say you no afraid," said Jimmy.
Emily Travis looked pleased.
“Him say you no skookum, no strong, all the same very soft like little baby. Him break you, in um two hands, to little pieces. Him t'ink much funny, very strange, how you can be mother of men so big, so strong, like dat p'liceman.”

– Нима деяпти? – сўради Диккенсен.
– У айтдики – бу кишиларнинг барчаси миршабга ўхшаган дароз, бир тоифадан экан, – таржима қилди Жимми.
Митти Диккенсен паст бўйли эди, шу боис Тревис хоним қошида бундай савол берганига пушаймон бўлди.
Миршаб буни пайқаб, гапни бошқа ёққа бурди. – Бунда бир гап бор, шекилли. Уни капитаннинг ҳузурига олиб бораман. Унга айт, Жимми, мен билан юрсин.
Жимми тағин кекса ҳиндуни сиқувга олди, Имбер бир нима деб тўнғиллади, лекин юзидан мамнуниятни уқиш мумкин эди.
– Ундан сўра-чи, Жимми, қўлимни ушлаганда нималарни ўйлаган экан?
– Унинг айтишича, сиз қўрқоқ эмассиз.
Бундай жавобдан Эмили Тревис ҳузурланиб кетди.
– Айтдики, сиз скукум эмассиз, шундай нозиксизки, худди мурғак боладек. У сизни қўллари билан минг бўлакка бўлиб ташлаши мумкин. Манов миршабдек азаматни дунёга келтира олишингизга лол қоляпти.

112. So be upright, as you are commanded, along with those who repented with you, and do not transgress. He is Seeing of everything you do. 112Бас, сен ва сен билан тавба қилганлар мустақийм туринглар ва туғёнга кетманглар. Чунки У нима қилаётганингизни кўриб тургувчидир.
23. Everlasting Gardens, which they will enter, along with the righteous among their parents, and their spouses, and their descendants. And the angels will enter upon them from every gate. 23Адн жаннатларидир. Унга улар ва уларнинг оталари, жуфти ҳалоллари ва зурриётларидан солиҳ бўлганлари кирарлар. Сўнгра уларнинг ҳузурларига ҳар эшикдан фаришталар кириб:

The lightning's devastations blaze
Along the thunder-crashes’ way:
Yet, Lord, your messengers, shall praise
The gentle passage of your day.

Титрар гулдиракдан гумбази даввор, 
Шамширин кўтарур ер узра чақин. 
Ва лекин, эй холиқ, бул мўъжизакор — 
Сенинг қудратингга ўқиймиз таҳсин. 

O my father, there has come to me knowledge that never came to you. So follow me, and I will guide you along a straight way. 43Эй отам, албатта, сенга келмаган илм менга келди. Бас, менга эргаш, сени тўғри йўлга бошлайман.
When your sister walked along, and said, ‘Shall I tell you about someone who will take care of him?' So We returned you to your mother, that she may be comforted, and not sorrow. And you killed a person, but We saved you from stress; and We tested you thoroughly. And you stayed years among the people of Median. Then you came back, as ordained, O Moses. 40Ўшанда опанг юриб бориб: «У (Мусо)ни кафилликка оладиганларга далолат қилайми?« деган эди. Бас, Биз сени кўзи қувониши ва хафа бўлмаслиги учун онангга қайтардик. Ва бир жонни ўлдирдинг. Бас, Биз сени ғамдан қутқардик ва турли синовлар ила синадик. Сўнгра Мадян аҳли ила йилларга қолдинг ва тақдирга биноан келдинг, эй Мусо!
We have established a Ministry of Energy, along with structural divisions in charge and responsible for specific area. Энергетика вазирлиги, шунингдек, ҳар бир алоҳида йўналиш бўйича масъул ва жавобгар бўлган янги ташкилотлар тузилди.
Naturally, this is an extremely complex process, and there are obstacles along the way – not least vested interest who resist reforms because they were benefiting from the status quo ante Табиийки, бу – ўта мураккаб жараён ва бу йўлда тўсиқлар, айниқса, ислоҳотларга тўсқинлик қилаётган манфаатдор шахслар бор, чунки улар мавжуд вазиятдан фойда кўради