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English Ўзбек
As for me, I was absorbed in a deeply interesting occupation.  Мен ўз ишим билан банд эдим.
A map had been procured for me from Moscow, which hung against the wall without ever being used, and which had been tempting me for a long time from the size and strength of its paper. Шуни айтиш керакки, менга Москвадан география картаси олдирилган. Бу карта бекорга деворга осилиб ётар ва кўпдан бери унинг қоғозига суқланиб юрар эдим.
I had at last resolved to make a kite of it, and, taking advantage of Beaupré's slumbers, I had set to work.  My father came in just at the very moment when I was tying a tail to the Cape of Good Hope. Мен шу қоғоздан варрак қилмоқчи бўлиб, Бопренинг уйқуда эканини ғанимат билиб, ишга киришган эдим. Варракни ясаб, Добрая Надежда бурнига энди дум боғлаётганимда отам кириб келди.
  At the sight of my geographical studies he boxed my ears sharply, sprang forward to Beaupré's bed, and, awaking him without any consideration, he began to assail him with reproaches. Менинг география машғулотимни кўриб қулоғимни чўзди, сўнгра югуриб Бопренинг ёнига борди ва уни дағал уйғотиб, койий бошлади.
In his trouble and confusion Beaupré vainly strove to rise; the poor "_outchitel_" was dead drunk. Бопре гангиб, ўрнидан тўрмоқчи бўлган эди, тўра олмади, бечора француз ўлгудай маст эди.
My father pulled him up by the collar of his coat, kicked him out of the room, and dismissed him the same day, to the inexpressible joy of Savéliitch. Отам уни ёқасидан ушлаб каравотдан турғизди-да, эшикдан улоқтириб юборди ва шу куннинг ўзидаёқ, Савельичнинг бахтига, уни уйдан ҳайдади.
  Thus was my education finished. Шу билан менинг ўқишим ҳам тамом бўлди.
  I lived like a stay-at-home son (_nédoross'l_),[4] amusing myself by scaring the pigeons on the roofs, and playing leapfrog with the lads of the courtyard,[5] till I was past the age of sixteen. But at this age my life underwent a great change.  Мен ҳали вояга етмаган бола бўлиб, куним каптар учириб, ҳовлидаги болалар билан сакрамачоқ ўйнаб ўтарди. Шундай қилиб ўн олти ёшга ҳам тўлдим. Энди тақдирим ўзгача бўлди.
  One autumn day, my mother was making honey jam in her parlour, while, licking my lips, I was watching the operations, and occasionally tasting the boiling liquid.  Куз кунларининг бирида онам меҳмонхонада асалдан мураббо қайнатар, мен эса тамшаниб, қайнаётган кўпикка қараб турардим.
My father, seated by the window, had just opened the _Court Almanack_, which he received every year. Отам дераза ёнида ўтириб, ҳар йили келадиган Сарой Календарини ўқирди.
He was very fond of this book; he never read it except with great attention, and it had the power of upsetting his temper very much. Бу китоб унга ҳамма вақт зўр таъсир қиларди. Бу китобни у сира совуққонлик билан ўқий олмас, бу ўқиш ҳамиша унинг зардасини қайнатиб юборарди.
My mother, who knew all his whims and habits by heart, generally tried to keep the unlucky book hidden, so that sometimes whole months passed without the _Court Almanack_ falling beneath his eye. Унинг феъл-атворини яхши билган онам мудом бу китобни иложи борича панороқ ерга яширишга тиришар, отам баъзан ойлаб бу Сарой календарини кўрмасди.
On the other hand, when he did chance to find it, he never left it for hours together. У Сарой календарини топиб олгудай бўлса, соатлаб қўлидан қўймас эди
He was now reading it, frequently shrugging his shoulders, and muttering, half aloud--  "General! He was sergeant in my company. Knight of the Orders of Russia! Was it so long ago that we--"  Отам календарни ўқир экан, ора-сира елкасини учириб, ўзича: Генерал-поручик [эмиш]!.. У менинг ротамда сержант эди! Ҳар икки рус орденининг кавалери!. Хўш, биз қачондан бери.” деб қўяр эди.
At last my father threw the _Almanack_ away from him on the sofa, and remained deep in a brown study, which never betokened anything good. Оқибат, отам календарни диванга қараб улоқтирди-да ўйга ботди, унинг бу авзойи яхшилик нишонаси эмас эди.
 "Avdotia Vassiliéva,"[6] said he, sharply addressing my mother, "how old is Petróusha?"[7] "His seventeenth year has just begun," replied my mother. "Petróusha was born the same year our Aunt Anastasia Garasimofna[8] lost an eye, and that--"  У тўсатдан онамга қараб: ”Авдотья Васильевна, Петруша нечага кирди?” деб сўради. - Мана энди ўн еттига қадам қўйди, - деди онам.  Петруша Настасья Герасимовна холанинг кўзи ожиз бўлган йили тўғилган эди, у тўғилганда ҳали…
"All right," resumed my father; "it is time he should serve. 'This time he should cease running in and out of the maids' rooms and climbing into the dovecote."   -Хўп яхши –деди отам унинг сўзини бўлиб, -хизмат қиладиган вақти етибди. Оқсочлар бўлмасида югуриб-йўртгани, каптар бола тутгани бас.
The thought of a coming separation made such an impression on my mother that she dropped her spoon into her saucepan, and her eyes filled with tears.  Тез фурсатда мендан айрилиб қолишини эшитиб, онам шундай ҳанг –манг бўлдики, қўлидаги қошиқ кастрюлга тушиб кетди, кўзидан дув-дув ёш тўкилди.
As for me, it is difficult to express the joy which took possession of me. Мен, аксинча, тасвир этиб бўлмайдиган даражада севиндим.
The idea of service was mingled in my mind with the liberty and pleasures offered by the town of Petersburg. Хизмат деганда эркинлик ҳақидаги фикрлар, Петрбург ҳаётининг ҳузур-ҳаловати кўз олдимга келар эди.