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English Ўзбек
Of the nine children born of this union I alone survived; all my brothers and sisters died young. Биз тўққиз бола бўлганмиз. Опа ва акаларим болаликда ўлиб кетишган.
I had been enrolled as sergeant in the Séménofsky regiment by favour of the major of the Guard, Prince Banojik, our near relation.  Яқин қариндошимиз гвардия майори князь Б. нинг илтифоти билан мен Семёнов полкига сержантликка ёздирилган эканман.
I was supposed to be away on leave till my education was finished.  Мен таҳсилни тамом қилгунимча полкда отпускада деб ҳисобланганман.
At that time we were brought up in another manner than is usual now. У замонда биз ҳозиргидан бошқача тарбияланар эканмиз.
  From five years old I was given over to the care of the huntsman, Savéliitch,[2] who from his steadiness and sobriety was considered worthy of becoming my attendant. Беш яшарлигимда жиловдор Савельичнинг қўлига топширилганман. Бу одам тавфиқли, тадбирли киши бўлгани учун менга оға этилиб тайинланган.
Thanks to his care, at twelve years old I could read and write, and was considered a good judge of the points of a greyhound. Унинг қарамоғида ўн икки ёшимда русча хат-савод чиқардим ва илдам овчи итларнинг хусисиятлари ҳақида баҳузур муҳокама юргизадиган бўлдим.
At this time, to complete my education, my father hired a Frenchman, M. Beaupré, who was imported from Moscow at the same time as the annual provision of wine and Provence oil. His arrival displeased Savéliitch very much.  Шу вақтда отам Москвада мосье Бопре деган бир франсузни менга мураббий қилиш учун бир йилга етарли вино ва зайтун ёғи билан бирга олдириб келтирди. У одам келиши Савельичга ёқмади.
  "It seems to me, thank heaven," murmured he, "the child was washed, combed, and fed. What was the good of spending money and hiring a '_moussié_,' as if there were not enough servants in the house?"  У ўзича:”Худога шукур, боланинг уст боши тоза , ўзи озода, қорни тўқ бўлса, ортиқча чиқимдор бўлиб бу мосьени олдириш нима ҳожат эди, гўё буерда одам қўриб кетгандай-а!”деб дўнғиллади.
Beaupré, in his native country, had been a hairdresser, then a soldier in Prussia, and then had come to Russia to be "_outchitel_," without very well knowing the meaning of this word.  Бопре ўз юртида сартарош, сўнгра Пруссияда солдат бўлиб, ундан кейин Русияга pour ёtre outchitel (ўқитувчи бўлиш учун) келган, лекин бу сўзнинг маьносига ўзи ҳам унча тушунмаган экан.
[3] He was a good creature, but wonderfully absent and hare-brained. У хушфеъл, мулойим, аммо ўлгудай енгил табиат, бузуқ одам эди.
His greatest weakness was a love of the fair sex. Унинг энг заиф томони хотин-халажга ўчлиги эди;
Neither, as he said himself, was he averse to the bottle, that is, as we say in Russia, that his passion was drink. Яна (ўзининг айтишича) шишанинг ҳам душмани эмасди, яьни (русча айтганда) бир қўлтум ортиқроқ ютишни яхши кўрарди.
But, as in our house the wine only appeared at table, and then only in _liqueur_ glasses, and as on these occasions it somehow never came to the turn of the "_outchitel_" to be served at all, my Beaupré soon accustomed himself to the Russian brandy, and ended by even preferring it to all the wines of his native country as much better for the stomach.  Бизникида вино фақат овқат маҳалида ва шунда ҳам бир рюмкадангина берилган ва кўпинча муаллимларга берилмагани учун менинг Бопрем ҳадемай рус арағига ҳам мижоз бўлиб қолди, ҳатто бу арақни меьдага фойдалироқ ҳисоблаб, ўз юртининг виносидан ҳам аълороқ кўрадиган бўлди.
We became great friends, and though, according to the contract, he had engaged himself to teach me _French, German, and all the sciences_, he liked better learning of me to chatter Russian indifferently. Each of us busied himself with our own affairs; our friendship was firm, and I did not wish for a better mentor. Биз тез фурсатда иноқ бўлиб кетдик, гарчи шартномага кўра, у менга франсўз, немис тиллари ва бошқа илмларни ўргатишни ўз устига олган бўлсада, лекин мендан тез орада унча-мунча русча ўрганиб олишни афзалроқ кўрди, кейин ҳар қайсимиз ўз ишимиз билан машғул бўлавердик. Биз жуда қалин бўлиб кетдик. Менга бошқа домланинг кераги ҳам йўқ эди.
But Fate soon parted us, and it was through an event which I am going to relate. Бироқ тақдир бизни бир-биримиздан айирди, айрилишимизни сабаби бундай бўлди:
The washerwoman, Polashka, a fat girl, pitted with small-pox, and the one-eyed cow-girl, Akoulka, came one fine day to my mother with Палашка деган семиз, чўтир кирчи қиз билан сигир соғувчи Акулька деган қийшиқ [кўз] хотин иккови, бамаслаҳат волидамнинг оёғига йиқилиб,
she, who did not at all like these kind of jokes, in her turn complained to my father, who, a man of hasty temperament, instantly sent for that _rascal of a Frenchman_. онам бунақа ишлар тўғрисида жуда қаттиққўл эди, отамга шикоят қилибди. Отамнинг жаҳли ёмон эди. у дарҳол шум франсузни чақиртирибди.
He was answered humbly that the "_moussié_" was giving me a lesson. Мусье ўғлингизга дарс бераётибди дейишибди.
My father ran to my room.  Отам менинг ҳужрамга кириб келди.
Beaupré was sleeping on his bed the sleep of the just.  Бопре шу чоғ донг қотиб ухлаб ётган эди.