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English Ўзбек
In this regard, we believe that you will support our proposal to hold a Global Media Forum that aims to effectively harness the power of journalists in the fight against corruption and increase their influence. Шу маънода, бизнинг коррупцияга қарши курашиш бўйича журналистлар имкониятларидан унумли фойдаланиш ва улар таъсирини янада ошириш учун Глобал медиа форумни ўтказиш таклифимизни сизлар қўллаб-қувватлайсиз, деб ишонамиз.
She is the founder of One India Stories, a production house that aims to tell impactful stories that, in her own words, "make you pause and think". У "One India Stories" ижодий уйи асосчиси бўлиб, у ўз сўзлари билан айтганда, "сизни бир зум тўхтаб, ўйлашга мажбур қиладиган" таъсирли ҳикояларни сўзлаб беришга қаратилган.
She is an ambassador for OneNeurology, an initiative which aims to make neurological conditions a global public health priority. У OneNeurology лойиҳаси вакилидир. Ушбу ташаббус глобал соғлиқни сақлашда неврологик касалликларга эътиборни кучайтиришга қаратилган.  
On this case, it is known that an administrative case was initiated against the groom under Article 183 (disorderly conduct) of the Code of Administrative Responsibility and the case was sent to court. However, in the end, the groom was not penalized due to the lack of claims from the bride. Бу ҳолат юзасидан куёвга нисбатан Маъмурий жавобгарлик тўғрисидаги кодекснинг 183-моддаси (майда безорилик) бўйича маъмурий иш қўзғатилгани ва иш судга юборилгани маълум. Аммо кейинчалик келиннинг шикоятлари йўқлиги сабабли куёв жаримага тортилмади.