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English Ўзбек
The way of the disaster was clear to him. The wolves had scented his cache. One of them had leapt from the trunk of the fallen tree to the top of the cache. He could see marks of the brute's paws in the snow that covered the trunk. He had not dreamt a wolf could leap so far. A second had followed the first, and a third and fourth, until the flimsy scaffold had gone down under their weight and movement. Моргансон фалокат қандай юз берганинин тахмин қилди. Бўрилар гўшт исини олишган. Улардан бири тахтасупага ўзини отган. Моргансон бу сўйлоқтишлар шунчалик баландга сакрай олишини хаёлига ҳам келтирмаганди. Бўрилар бирин-кетин сакрайверишган ва натижада шундоғам омонот турган тахтасупа қулаб тушган.
He spent the rest of the morning dragging the wreckage of the moose down the hillside. In addition, he had at least ten pounds left of the chunk of meat he had dragged down the previous day. "I'm good for weeks yet," was his comment as he surveyed the heap. Тушгача қолган-қутган сарқит суякларни чодирга ташиди. Чодирда ҳам тунов куни олиб келган гўштдан ўн қадоқча қолганди. Озиқ-овқат захирасига назар ташлаб, ўзича: “Икки-уч ҳафтага етади”, деб қўйди.
"I did the chopping before the scurvy got bad," he said. "Then I got a moose right at the start. I've been living high all right. It's the scurvy that's run me down." He filled the glass, and added, "But the spruce tea's knocking it, I think." "Have another," the barkeeper said. – Зангилага йўлиқишимдан аввал ўрмон кесишни бошлагандим. Ундан ташқари буғу овладим. Ана шунақа, яшашим чакки эмас. Фақат бу дард ўлгур бошга битган бало бўлди. – Стаканни тўлдириб, илова қилди: – Игнабарг дамламасидан ичиб турибман. Анча нафи тегди. – Қуй яна, – манзират қилди қовоқхона эгаси.
He awoke. It was dark, and he was in his blankets. He had gone to bed in his moccasins and mittens, with the flaps of his cap pulled down over his ears. He got up as quickly as his crippled condition would permit, and built the fire and boiled some water. As he put the spruce-twigs into the teapot he noted the first glimmer of the pale morning light. He caught up his rifle and hobbled in a panic out to the bank. As he crouched and waited, it came to him that he had forgotten to drink his spruce tea. The only other thought in his mind was the possibility of John Thompson changing his mind and not travelling Christmas Day. Моргансон уйғониб кетди. Ҳали тун қора пардасини йиғиштирмабди. У эгни-бошини ечмаёқ қотиб қолган экан. Дик этиб ўрнидан туриб, олов ёқиб, сув қайнатди. Декчага қарағай игнабаргидан сепаётиб субҳнинг илк оқиштоб шуълаларини пайқади-ю, милтиғини олиб, қирғоқ томон шошди. Пистирмага ўрнашиб олгандагина шифобахш дамламасидан ичмагани эсига тушди. Хаёлига, Жон Томсон Рождествонинг биринчи кунида йўлга чиқса керак, деган ўй келди.

Morganson dropped his rifle (worthless now that the last cartridge was gone) and slid down the bank through the soft snow. 

Моргансон қуролни ташлади (сўнгги ўқ сарфлаб бўлингач, нимагаям ярарди) ва юмшоқ қор устида пастга тайғониб кетди.

In order to get to the tent he had to go wide of the sled and the savage animals. He stepped off the trail into the soft snow. Then he felt suddenly giddy and stood still. He was afraid to go on for fear he would fall down. He stood still for a long time, balancing himself on his crippled legs that were trembling violently from weakness. He looked down and saw the snow reddening at his feet. The blood flowed freely as ever. He had not thought the bite was so severe. He controlled his giddiness and stooped to examine the wound. The snow seemed rushing up to meet him, and he recoiled from it as from a blow. He had a panic fear that he might fall down, and after a struggle he managed to stand upright again. He was afraid of that snow that had rushed up to him. Чодирга бориш учун қутурган итларни узоқдан айланиб ўтиш лозим эди. Моргансон юмшоқ қорда юра юбошлади-ю, боши айланиб, таққа тўхтади. Агар яна бир қадам қўйса, йиқилишидан қўрқди. Шу важдан оёқлари қалт-қалт титраб, узоқ туриб қолди. Пастга кўз ташлади – оёқ ости қирмизи гилам тус олибди. Ярасидан қон оқиши тўхтамаганди. Ит шунчалик чуқур тишлайди, деб ким ўйлабди дейсиз! Бош айланиши ўтиб кетгач, жароҳатини текширмоқ учун энгашди. Оппоқ қор унга ташланаётгандай туюлди ва у мушт егандай орқага тисланди. Ваҳима бутун вужудини эгаллаб олди – қулаб тушмаса гўрга эди – у зўр бериб қаддини ростлади. Милт-милт йилтиллаётган оппоқ қор рангга кирди.
Then the white glimmer turned black, and the next he knew he was awakening in the snow where he had fallen. He was no longer giddy. The cobwebs were gone. But he could not get up. There was no strength in his limbs. His body seemed lifeless. By a desperate effort he managed to roll over on his side. In this position he caught a glimpse of the sled and of John Thompson's black beard pointing skyward. Also he saw the lead dog licking the face of the man who lay on the trail. Morganson watched curiously. The dog was nervous and eager. Sometimes it uttered short, sharp yelps, as though to arouse the man, and surveyed him with ears cocked forward and wagging tail. At last it sat down, pointed its nose upward, and began to howl. Soon all the team was howling. Ўзига келганда Моргансон қорда ётарди. Боши айланмас, кўз олдини қоплаган туман тарқалиб кетибди. Шундай эса-да, ўрнидан туролмади: мажоли етмади. Жисми жонсиз эди. Минг машаққат-ла ёнига ағдарилди. Чана ва серрайиб ётган қорасоқол Жон Томсонни кўрди. Йўл бошловчи кўппак кўндаланг ётган эгасининг юзини ялаб-юлқарди. Моргансон қизиқсиниб кузатаверди. Ит бетоқат бўларди. Ора-сира ўликни уйғотмоқчидай вовулларди. Ахийри ўтириб, калласини кўкка чўзди-да, увиллади. Ортидан бутун гала мотам куйини бошлади.
Now that he was down, Morganson was no longer afraid. He had a vision of himself being found dead in the snow, and for a while he wept in self-pity. But he was not afraid. The struggle had gone out of him. When he tried to open his eyes he found that the wet tears had frozen them shut. He did not try to brush the ice away. It did not matter. He had not dreamed death was so easy. He was even angry that he had struggled and suffered through so many weary weeks. He had been bullied and cheated by the fear of death. Death did not hurt. Every torment he had endured had been a torment of life. Life had defamed death. It was a cruel thing. Қорда узала тушиб ётган Моргансон ортиқ ҳеч нарсадан қўрқмасди. У ўзининг ўлик танасини қай йўсинда топиб олишларини тасаввур қилди. Хўрлиги келиб кўзидан ёш оқди. Лекин ваҳима уни тарк этганди. Жанг тугади. Кўзини очмоқчи бўлди. Аммо музлаб қолган киприкларини бир-биридан ажратолмади. Қайтиб кўзини очишга уринмади. Энди барибир эмасми?! Жон таслим қилиш бунчалик енгил кечади, деб ўйламаган экан. Азоб-уқубатларга тўла шунча умрини кураш ва қийноқда ўтказганига ўзидан аччиқланди. Ўлимни рўкач қилиб, уни лақиллатишибди. Ўлим ҳеч нарса эмас экан. Барча тортган азоблари ўлим деб аталмиш неъматни бошлаб келди. Ҳаёт ўлимга туҳмат қилди. Қандай бедодлик!
The two cart-horses, Boxer and Clover, came in together, walking very slowly and setting down their vast hairy hoofs with great care lest there should be some small animal concealed in the straw. Clover was a stout motherly mare approaching middle life, who had never quite got her figure back after her fourth foal. Boxer was an enormous beast, nearly eighteen hands high, and as strong as any two ordinary horses put together. A white stripe down his nose gave him a somewhat stupid appearance, and in fact he was not of first-rate intelligence, but he was universally respected for his steadiness of character and tremendous powers of work. Боксёр ва Кловер исмли тулпорлар биргаликда келишди. Улар, кенг ва юнгли туёқлари имкон қадар оз жойни эгаллаши учун, эҳтиёткорлик билан, секин ҳаракатланишарди. Кловер ўрта ёшлардаги баланд байтал бўлиб, тўртинчи тойчоғини туққанидан кейин сўлқиллаб қолганди. Боксёрнинг ташқи кўриниши ғайриихтиёрий ҳурматни уйғотарди — яғрини баландлигидан бўйи 6 фут бўлиб, у шу қадар кучли эдики, оддий отларнинг иккитасичалик қувватга эга эди. Унинг башарасини кесиб ўтган оқ чизиқ тулпорга ахмоқона кўриниш берар, ростини айтганда, ўзи ҳам у қадар ақлли эмас эди, бироқ ўзининг сокин хулқ-атвори ва ғаройиб меҳнатсеварлиги билан ҳаммага ёқар эди.
"Man is the only creature that consumes without producing. He does not give milk, he does not lay eggs, he is too weak to pull the plough, he cannot run fast enough to catch rabbits. Yet he is lord of all the animals. He sets them to work, he gives back to them the bare minimum that will prevent them from starving, and the rest he keeps for himself. Our labour tills the soil, our dung fertilises it, and yet there is not one of us that owns more than his bare skin. You cows that I see before me, how many thousands of gallons of milk have you given during this last year? And what has happened to that milk which should have been breeding up sturdy calves? Every drop of it has gone down the throats of our enemies. Одам — ўзи ҳеч нарса ишлаб чиқармай, ҳаммасини ҳазм қиладиган ягона махлуқдир. У сут бермайди, тухум туғмайди, омочни судраш учун унинг кучи етмайди, қуёнларни тутиб олиш учун тезлиги суст. Шунга қарамай, у барча жонзодларнинг олий ҳокими. У жониворларни ишга ҳайдайди, емишни фақат улар очликдан азоб чекмайдиган даражада беради — қолган ҳамма нарса унинг ихтиёрида қолади. Бизнинг меҳнатимиз билан ер шудгор қилинади, бизнинг гўнгимиз билан ер озиқланади, — бизнинг эса баданимизни ёпган теримиздан бошқа мулкимиз йўқ. Мана сизлар, ҳозир қаршимда ястаниб ўтирган сигирлар, — ўтган йил мобайнида қанча сут бердинглар? Сизлар бўлиқ бузоқларингизни озиқлантиришингиз мумкин бўлган сут нима бўлди? Уларни сўнгги томчисигача душманларимиз ичиб, ютиб юборишди.

At the Barracks a man was being tried for his life. He was an old man, a native from the Whitefish River, which empties into the Yukon below Lake Le Barge. All Dawson was wrought up over the affair, and likewise the Yukon-dwellers for a thousand miles up and down. It has been the custom of the land-robbing and sea- robbing Anglo-Saxon to give the law to conquered peoples, and ofttimes this law is harsh. But in the case of Imber the law for once seemed inadequate and weak. In the mathematical nature of things, equity did not reside in the punishment to be accorded him. The punishment was a foregone conclusion, there could be no doubt of that; and though it was capital, Imber had but one life, while the tale against him was one of scores.

Казарма биносида ҳаёт-мамот масаласи ҳал бўлаётган бир одамни суд қилишарди. Бу – Оқбалиқ дарёси соҳилларидан келган чол эди. Чолнинг кўрилаётган иши бутун Доусонни оёққа турғизди, нафақат Доусонни, балки оқим бўйлаб иккала томонга минглаб чақиримларга чўзилган Юкон ўлкасини-да жунбушга келтирди. Денгизда қароқчилар, қуруқликда талончилар айшини сураётган бир замонда англосакслар аллақачонлар итоаткор халқлар ҳаётига қонунни сингдириб бўлишганди ва бу қонун шафқациз эди. Лекин Имбернинг ишига келганда қонун илк дафъа мурувватли бўлиб кўринди. Бу қонун оддий ҳисоб-китоб нуқтаи назаридан қаралганда мутлақ жиноят билан тенглаша оладиган бунақанги жазони мўлжалламаганди. Жиноятчи олий жазога маҳкум, бунда иккиланишга ўрин йўқ асло; бироқ жазо қатл билан якунланса-да Имбер бор-йўғи ўзининг бошини кундага қўя оларди, холос; бўйнида эса кўпларнинг ҳаёти қарз бўлиб қолаётганди.

I am happy to join with you today in what will go down in history as the greatest demonstration for freedom in the history of our nation.

Бугун мен сизлар билан бирга Ватанимиз тарихидаги энг буюк озодлик юриши сифатида тарихга кирадиган тадбир иштирокчиси бўлганимдан хурсандман.

I have a dream that one day down in Alabama, with its vicious racists, with its governor having his lips dripping with the words of interposition and nullification; one day right down in Alabama little black boys and black girls will be able to join hands with little white boys and white girls as sisters and brothers.

Умидим шулдирки, кун келиб ҳозирги губернатор: «Штатнинг ички ишларига аралашманглар, конгресс қабул қилган қонунларнинг бизга дахли йўқ, уларни тан олмаймиз», — дея иддао қилаётган Алабама штатида вазият ўзгариб, жажжи-жажжи қора болакайлар ва қизчалар жажжи-жажжи оқ болакай ва қизчалар билан худди ака-ука ва опа-сингиллардай қўл ушлашиб юрадиган бўладилар.

20. And they say, “If only a miracle was sent down to him from his Lord.” Say, “The realm of the unseen belongs to God; so wait, I am waiting with you.” 20Ва улар: «Унга Роббидан оят­мўъжиза тушса эди», дерлар. Бас, сен: «Ғайб Аллоҳникидир. Интизор бўлиб туринг, мен ҳам сиз ила интизор бўлувчиларданман», деб айт.
21. When We make the people taste mercy after some adversity has touched them, they begin to scheme against Our revelations. Say, “God is swifter in scheming.” Our envoys are writing down what you scheme. 21Қачонки одамларга уларга етган зарардан сўнг раҳматни тотдирсак, баногоҳ, уларда оятларимиз ҳақида макр бўлур. Сен:«Аллоҳ макрда тезкордир. Албатта, элчиларимиз қилаётган макрларингизни ёзиб борурлар», деб айт.
59. Say, “Have you considered the sustenance God has sent down for you, some of which you made unlawful, and some lawful?” Say, “Did God give you permission, or do you fabricate lies and attribute them to God?” 59Сен:«Аллоҳ сизга нозил қилган ризқдан хабар беринг­чи! Уни ҳаром ва ҳалол қилиб олдингиз!» деб айт. Сен:«Аллоҳ сизга изн бердими ёки Аллоҳга нисбатан ёлғон тўқияпсизми?» деб айт.
12. Perhaps you wish to disregard some of what is revealed to you, and you may be stressed because of it, since they say, “If only a treasure was sent down to him, or an angel came with him.” You are only a warner, and God is Responsible for all things. 12Эҳтимол сен уларнинг: «Унга хазина туширилса эди» ёки «У билан бирга фаришта келса эди», деганлари учун ўзингга ваҳий қилинган нарсанинг баъзисини тарк қилмоқчи бўларсан ёки ундан юрагинг сиқилар. Сен огоҳлантирувчисан, холос. Аллоҳнинг Ўзи ҳамма нарсага вакилдир.

40. “You do not worship, besides Him, except names you have named, you and your ancestors, for which God has sent down no authority. Judgment belongs to none but God. He has commanded that you worship none but Him. This is the right religion, but most people do not know.

Сизлар Ундан ўзга, ўзингиз ва ота-боболарингиз номлаб олган исмларга, Аллоҳ уларга бирон ҳужжат нозил қилмаган нарсаларга ибодат қилмоқдасизлар. Ҳукм қилиш фақат Аллоҳнинг Ўзига хосдир, У фақат Ўзигагина ибодат қилишингизни амр этди. Ана ўша тўғри диндир. Лекин одамларнинг кўпи билмаслар.

17. He sends down water from the sky, and riverbeds flow according to their capacity. The current carries swelling froth. And from what they heat in fire of ornaments or utensils comes a similar froth. Thus God exemplifies truth and falsehood. As for the froth, it is swept away, but what benefits the people remains in the ground. Thus God presents the analogies. 17У зот осмондан сув туширди. Сўнгра водийларда ўз миқдорича сел оқди. Бас, сел ўз устига чиққан кўпикни кўтариб келди. Ва зеб­зийнат, асбоб­ускуна ясаш мақсадида ўтда тобланадиган нарсаларда ҳам шунга ўхшаш кўпик бўладир. Аллоҳ ҳақ ва ботилга мана шундай зарбулмасал келтирур. Аммо кўпик ўз­ўзидан йўқ бўлиб кетди. Одамларга манфаат берадиган нарса эса, ер юзида қолди. Аллоҳ мисолларни ана шундай келтирадир.
27. Those who disbelieve say, “If only a miracle was sent down to him from his Lord.” Say, “God leads astray whomever He wills, and He guides to Himself whoever repents.” 27Ва куфр келтирганлар: «Унга Роббидан бир оят­мўъжиза тушса эди», дерлар. Сен: «Албатта, Аллоҳ кимни хоҳласа, залолатга кетказадир ва Ўзига йўналганларини ҳидоят қиладир», деб айт.