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Two of her books—Heroines: Powerful Indian Women of Myth and History and Daughters of the Sun: Empresses, Queens and Begums of the Mughal Empire—are about women who played outstanding roles in history but have not made it into textbooks as their male counterparts have Унинг 2 та китоби – Heroines: Powerful Indian Women of Myth and History (“Қаҳрамон аёллар: мифлар ва тарихдаги қудратли ҳинд аёллари” ва Daughters of the Sun: Empresses, Queens and Begums of the Mughal Empire (“Қуёш қизлари: Буюк Мўғуллар Империясининг император аёллари, қироличалари ва бегимлари”) – тарихда буюк рол ўйнаган, бироқ ҳукмдор эркаклар қатори дарсликларга кирмаган аёлларга бағишланган
In this interview, we discuss these female heroines of the Mughal Empire, from Babur’s mother and grandmother; to Gulbadan Begum, who wrote the biography of Emperor Akbar; to Sultan Raziya, the first and only female Sultan to ascend the throne of the Delhi Sultanate Ушбу интервюда биз Буюк Мўғуллар Империясидан Бобурнинг онаси ва бувисидан император Акбарнинг таржимаи ҳолини ёзган Гулбаданбегим ва Деҳли султонлиги тахтига чиққан ягона султон хотин Розиягача бўлган қаҳрамонларни муҳокама қиламиз
They have to fit within the mold of being very good women according to the Indian system, which means getting married, having sons, and sort of propagating the male line Улар ҳинд тизимига мос равишда жуда яхши аёллар тимсолига мос келиши шарт эди, бу никоҳ қуришни, ўғил фарзандлар туғишни ва эркаклар шажараси бўйича уруғни давом эттиришни англатади
If we think of Sita from Ramayana, that is what is held up to us—that is the perfection of Indian womanhood Масалан, бизга “Рамаяна” достонидан ҳинд аёллари назокати мукаммаллиги тимсоли бўлган Сита образи таклиф этилади
So that was troubling me a little bit and I thought there must be other women from history or maybe from the epics that are culturally Indian symbols, but a bit different from the ones we are normally shown Бу мени бироз хавотирга солиб келаётган эди ва мен, бизга кўрсатилаётганидан бироз фарқ қиладиган ва ҳиндларнинг маданий рамзи бўлган тарихий ёки афсоналар қаҳрамони бўлган аёллар бўлиши керак–ку, деб ўйлаб қолдим
The first woman I talked about was in the sixth century BC, the time of the Buddha; she was a courtesan who later became a nun Мен тавсифламоқчи бўлган аёл милоддан олдинги VI асрда, яъни Будда замонларида яшаган, дастлаб енгилтак аёл, аммо келгусида роҳиба бўлган
I thought if we were to write about different sorts of Indian women and the different ways in which they had been able to live out their passions, fulfill their ambitions, become rulers or do something worthwhile, then maybe we could find a different model for being an Indian woman Мен, агар биз ҳинд аёлларининг ҳар хил турлари, улар эҳтиросларини ҳаётга қандай татбиқ эта олгани, орзу–истакларини рўёбга чиқаргани, ҳукмдорлар бўлгани ёки арзийдиган бошқа бирор ишни амалга оширгани ҳақида ёзганимизда, ҳинд аёли учун бошқа бирор рол моделини топган бўлар эдек, деб ўйладим
And that’s really how the idea started and that’s how I found Raziya Sultan, one of the great Indian women that we do not talk about enough considering how extraordinary she was Ғоя шундай пайдо бўлди, айнан шу тариқа у ғайриоддий аёл бўлганини ҳисобга олсак, кам гапирадиганимиз, буюк ҳинд аёлларидан бири Розия Султонни топдим
I think throughout recorded history, in most societies, women have been constrained within patriarchal systems Фикримча, бутун ёзма тарих давомида аксарият жамиятларда аёллар патриархал тизимлар билан чеклаб турилган
Even then, there were great strictures on them: they had to submit to male monks even if the monks were younger and less experienced than they, etc Ҳатто ўша пайтда ҳам уларга нисбатан жиддий чекловлар қўлланган: аёллар ҳатто ёши ўзидан кичик ва тажрибасизроқ ва ҳк бўлса ҳам, эркак роҳибларга бўйсуниши шарт бўлган
Then by the fifteenth century, Rajput women began to be put into purdah, because men’s honor was heavily dependent on the chastity of their women Сўнгра XV асрга келиб, ражпутлар пурдани амалиётда қўллай бошлаган, чунки эркакнинг шаъни аёлларининг жинсий содиқлигига қаттиқ боғлиқ бўлган
And because the Rajput tribes were constantly warring with each other and with invaders from the north-east from the fifteenth century on, elite men encouraged a strict purdah for their women Ражпут қабилалари бир–бири билан ва шимоли–шарқдан келган босқинчилар билан XV асрдан бошлаб доимий жанг қилиб тургани сабабли юксак лавозимли эркаклар ўз аёллари учун қатъий пурдага риоя этишни рағбатлантириб турган
With the arrival of the Mughals, and especially from the time of Akbar onwards, this system of purdah became de rigueur among elite women, Hindu and Muslim alike, because Akbar married into Rajput houses Буюк мўғуллар келиши, айниқса, Акбар замонидан бошлаб, мана шу пурда тизимини ҳам ҳинди, ҳам мусулмон зодагон аёллари учун бажариш мажбурий эди, чунки Акбар ражпутлар билан қариндош бўлган
I am very interested in her story, because if we examine the writings on her, it is clear that unlike Sita, Draupadi rails against her fate and voices her anger with the men in her life very powerfully Мени унинг тарихи қизиқтиради, чунки яхшилаб ўрганилса, Драупади Ситадан фарқли ўлароқ, ўз тақдирига қарши исён қилади ва ҳаётида дуч қелган эркакларга нисбатан қаҳру ғазабини кескин сўзлар билан ифода қила олади
But Draupadi is acknowledged to be learned (she is called a pandita) and virtuous but also argumentative, dismissive and critical of her husbands, and volatile Аммо Драупади олима (у пандит аёл деб аталади) ва яхши фазилатларга ҳам эга, аммо шу билан бирга, у баҳсларга, эркакларига танқидий фикр билдиришга мойил, шунингдек, айнимачи шахс, деб ҳисобланади
As a result, generations of women would continue to receive a thorough education similar to that given to male Timurid elites Натижада аёллар авлодига темурий зодагонлардан бўлган эркакларга берилгани каби ажойиб таълим олиш имконияти берилган
I came across them when I was writing my book on Akbar (Akbar: The Great Mughal) and on Daughters of the Sun before Akbar Мен улар ҳақидаги Акбарга бағишланган китобимда (Akbar: The Great Mughal; “Акбар: Буюк мўғул”) ва яна Daughters of the Sun (“Қуёш қизлари”) китобимда ёзганман
On Babur’s mother and grandmother, I think he would probably not have managed to do what he did in India without the help of these women Бобурнинг онаси ва бувисига келсак, мана шу аёллар ёрдамисиз у Ҳиндистонда қилган ишлар амалга ошиши даргумон эди
So we see the physical bravery of these women, in addition to the fact that they understood their own value and they put a worth on their own value—they were not just there to be slaves or to be passed from man to man Шу тариқа, бу аёллар нафақат жисмонан жасур бўлган, қолаверса, ўз қадрини билган ва унга аҳамият берган – улар ҳаёти қул бўлиш ва бир эркакнинг қўлидан иккинчисининг қўлига ўтиш бўлмаган
And amazingly, after all these years, Babur took her back into his court and he made her Padshah Begum—that is, she was the most senior woman of the Harem and she was the one who controlled the administration and the running of the Harem Қизиғи шундаки, шунча йиллардан сўнг Бобур уни қайтиб ўз саройга олади ва уни подшоҳбегим қилиб тайинлайди, яъни у ҳарамнинг энг ёши катта аёли эди ва ҳарам бошқарувини назорат қилади