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English Ўзбек
and in it there was a bed, a table, one chair, and a place on the dirt floor to cook with charcoal. Кулбада каравот, стол, стул ва қуруқ саҳнга пистакўмир билан оби ёвғон тайёрлаш учун ўйилган ўчоқ бор эди.
When the boy came back the old man was asleep in the chair and the sun was down. Бола қайтиб келганда, кун ботган, чол эса курсида ўтирганича, уйқуга кетган эди.
The boy took the old army blanket off the bed and spread it over the back of the chair and over the old man's shoulders. Бола каравотдан эски солдат одеялини олиб, курси суянчиғи аралаш чолнинг елкасини ёпиб қўйди.
The government maintained its National Commission on Trafficking in Persons and Forced Labor (the Commission) with the Chair of the Senate serving as the National Rapporteur. Ҳукумат Одам савдоси ва мажбурий меҳнатга қарши курашиш миллий комиссияси ишини давом эттирди, унда Сенат раиси миллий маърузачи ҳисобланади.
The Commission comprised two high-level sub-committees: one on trafficking in persons, chaired by the Minister of Internal Affairs, and one on forced labor, chaired by the Minister of Employment and Labor Relations. Комиссия 2 та юқори даражадаги кичик комиссиядан иборат: биттаси одам савдосига қарши курашиш бўйича кичик коммиссия бўлиб, унга ички ишлар вазири, яна бири мажбурий меҳнатга қарши курашиш бўйича кичик коммисия бўлиб, унга бандлик ва меҳнат муносбатлари вазири раислик қилади.
In general, it is fair to say that the Great Silk Road complex shall become another gateway which will open up wide to the whole world. Умуман, “Буюк ипак йўли” мажмуаси Ўзбекистоннинг дунёга кенг очилаётган яна бир дарвозаси, десак, айни ҳақиқат бўлади.
The newly built airport - the air harbor of Samarkand, is undoubtedly one of the most important links in the development of tourism. Самарқанднинг ҳаво дарвозаси бўлган аэропортни бутунлай янгитдан барпо этганимиз, ҳеч шубҳасиз, туризмни ривожлантириш йўналишидаги энг муҳим ишларимиздан бири бўлди.
The concept of the new airport is in tune with our goals of building the Great Silk Road Center. Янги аэропорт бугун очилаётган “Буюк ипак йўли” марказини барпо этишдан кўзлаган мақсадларимизга ғоят уйғун ва ҳамоҳангдир.
It’s a top spot for Taliban tourism. As the sun sinks, bathing the city in warm golden hues, gaggles of young men from across the country keep showing up, sporting Taliban trademarks – long hair, short-leg trousers, an assortment of shimmering caps and swirling turbans. Sunset is peak selfie time, then time for prayers. Бу Толибон туризми учун энг яхши манзил. Қуёш ботиши билан шаҳар иссиқ тилларанг тусга бурканади ва мамлакатнинг турли бурчакларидан келган ёшлар Толибоннинг белгиларини - узун соч қўйган, калта шим, ҳар хил қалпоқ ва саллаларини кийиб олган. Қуёш ботиши - селфига тушишнинг айни вақти, кейин эса ибодат вақти.
Along with this, I once again express my gratitude to the chairman of the Central Council of the People’s Democratic Party of Uzbekistan Khatamjon Ketmonov, the chairman of the Central Council of the “Milliy Tiklanish” Democratic Party Sarvar Otamurodov and the chairman of the Political Council of the “Adolat” Social-Democratic Party Narimon Umarov who have participated in these elections conducted on alternative basis. Шу билан бирга, муқобиллик асосида ўтган ушбу сайловларда иштирок этган Ўзбекистон Халқ демократик партияси Марказий кенгаши раиси Ҳатамжон Кетмоновга, «Миллий тикланиш» демократик партияси Марказий кенгаши раиси Сарвар Отамуродов ва «Адолат» социал-демократик партияси Сиёсий кенгаши раиси Наримон Умаровга яна бир бор ўз ташаккуримни изҳор этаман.
We accept the election results, first of all, as a fair and true assessment given by our compatriots of the democratic reforms being accomplished in Uzbekistan, the strategic program of progress defined for the near-term and long-term perspective. Сайлов натижаларини биз аввало ватандошларимизнинг Ўзбекистонда амалга оширилаётган демократик ислоҳотларга, яқин ва олис истиқбол учун белгилаб олинган стратегик тараққиёт дастуримизга берган холис ва ҳаққоний баҳоси, деб қабул қиламиз.
In this regard, I ask the Speaker of the Legislative Chamber, deputies, the Chairman of the Senate and the senators along with State advisors of the President and the Government jointly elaborate the set of concrete measures on further improving and strengthening the legal foundations of the reforms and transformations to be implemented in our country. Шу муносабат билан Қонунчилик палатаси Спикери ва депутатлар, Сенат Раиси ва сенаторлардан Президентнинг Давлат маслаҳатчилари хизматлари ҳамда Ҳукумат билан биргаликда мамлакатимизда келажакда амалга ошириладиган ислоҳот ва ўзгаришларнинг ҳуқуқий асосларини янада такомиллаштириш ва мустаҳкамлаш бўйича аниқ чора-тадбирлар комплексини ишлаб чиқишни сўрайман.
You are well aware that at the festive ceremony held on the occasion of the anniversary of our Constitution, I have addressed to the deputies and senators with one proposal. My proposal was about that with an aim to create the influential mechanisms of the parliamentary and public control, it was necessary to introduce the procedure according to which they should learn the true state of affairs in the cities and districts and introduce the report of the relevant heads to the sessions of the councils of people’s deputies. Хабарингиз бор, мен Конституциямиз қабул қилинган кунга бағишлаб ўтказилган ўша йиғилишда депутатлар ва сенаторларга бир таклиф билан мурожаат қилган эдим. Яъни, парламент ва жамоатчилик назоратининг таъсирчан механизмларини шакллантириш мақсадида шаҳар ва туманларда ҳақиқий аҳволни ўрганиб, тегишли раҳбарларнинг ҳисоботини халқ депутатлари кенгашлари сессияси муҳокамасига киритиш тартибини жорий этишни таклиф этган эдим.
For this purpose, the deputies and senators of Oliy Majlis, elected from each region, on a monthly basis need to travel to a district for 10-12 days. They should thoroughly learn, analyze and draw the relevant conclusions about the activity of the local government bodies, prosecutor’s office and interior department. Based on this, our distinguished Speaker and the Chairman of Senate must lead the discussions of these issues with local kengashes (councils). If such a system is introduced, certainly, tomorrow it will give its positive efficiency. Бунинг учун ҳар қайси вилоятдан сайланган Олий Мажлис депутатлари ва сенаторлар ҳар ойда 10-12 кун давомида бир туманда бўлиб, ҳокимият идоралари, прокуратура ва ички ишлар бўлимининг фаолиятини пухта ўрганиб, таҳлил қилиши ҳамда тегишли хулоса беришлари лозим бўлади. Шу асосда ҳурматли Спикер ва Сенат Раиси жойларда ўзлари бош бўлиб, маҳаллий кенгашларда ана шундай муҳокамалар ўтказиш тизими жорий этилса, бу ишлар эртага албатта ўзининг ижобий самарасини беради.
Thus, with an aim to create the system of effective parliamentary supervision over the activity of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and other state departments in this direction, the post of the First Deputy Chairman of Senate was instituted. From now on the activity of the relevant Senate committee will be radically improved. Шу боис Ташқи ишлар вазирлиги ва бошқа давлат идораларининг бу йўналишлардаги фаолияти устидан самарали парламент назорати тизимини яратиш мақсадида Сенат раисининг биринчи ўринбосари лавозими жорий этилди ва бундан буён Сенатнинг тегишли қўмитаси фаолияти тубдан такомиллаштирилади.
He sat back and drew forth a pipe. He looked into it with sharp scrutiny, and tapped it emptily on his open palm. He turned the hair-seal tobacco pouch inside out and dusted the lining, treasuring carefully each flake and mite of tobacco that his efforts gleaned. The result was scarce a thimbleful. He searched in his pockets, and brought forward, between thumb and forefinger, tiny pinches of rubbish. Here and there in this rubbish were crumbs of tobacco. These he segregated with microscopic care, though he occasionally permitted small particles of foreign substance to accompany the crumbs to the hoard in his palm. He even deliberately added small, semi-hard woolly fluffs, that had come originally from the coat lining, and that had lain for long months in the bottoms of the pockets. Моргансон ўтириб олиб мундштугини чиқазди, ҳафсала билан кўрикдан ўтказиб, кафтига нуқиб-нуқиб кўрди, гарчи ичида тамаки бўлмаса-да. Сўнгра тюлен терисидан тикилган тамаки халтасини тескари ағдариб, тамаки қолдиқларини териб, астардан борини сидириб олди. Тўплаган тамакиси ангишвонача чиқмади; чўнтакларини титкилади, бармоқларига тамаки қолдиқлари аралаш бир чимдим қўқим илинди. Увоқдайини ҳам кўздан қочирмай тамаки зарраларини ажратиб олди, адоқсиз ойлар давомида чўнтак тубида яшириниб-чигалланиб ётган майда жун астар толалари ҳам уларга қўшилиб кетганди.
In the morning, as soon as he got up, he drew on his mittens, pulled the flaps of his cap down over his ears, and crossed through the cottonwoods to the Yukon. He took his rifle with him. As before, he did not descend the bank. He watched the empty trail for an hour, beating his hands and stamping his feet to keep up the circulation, then returned to the tent for breakfast. There was little tea left in the canister--half a dozen drawings at most; but so meagre a pinch did he put in the teapot that he bade fair to extend the lifetime of the tea indefinitely. His entire food supply consisted of half-a-sack of flour and a part-full can of baking powder. He made biscuits, and ate them slowly, chewing each mouthful with infinite relish. When he had had three he called a halt. He debated a while, reached for another biscuit, then hesitated. He turned to the part sack of flour, lifted it, and judged its weight. "I'm good for a couple of weeks," he spoke aloud. "Maybe three," he added, as he put the biscuits away. Субҳи содиқда Моргансон қўлқопини кийиб, қулоқчинини бостириб, Юкон томон йўл солди. Елкасида милтиқ. Бугун ҳам пастга тушмади. Нақ бир соат кимсасиз йўлни кузатди, қизиш мақсадида депсиниб, кафтини кафтига уриб турди. Кейин нонушта қилгани чодирга қайтиб келди. Тунука қутидаги қуруқ чой ҳам оз қолибди, беш дамламга етади. Декчасига бир чимдимгина чой ташлади. Бор-йўқ озиқ-овқат захираси ярим қопчиқ ун-у оғзи очилган қутидаги хамиртурушдан иборат эди. Моргансон печ устида нон пишириб, шошмасдан нонуштага ўтирди. Ҳар бир луқмадан лаззатланиб тановул қилди. Учта нонни паққос тушириб, тўртинчисига қўл чўзди-ю иккиланиб қолди; қопчиқни кўтариб салмоқлаб кўрди. “Икки ҳафтага етади”, – деди овоз чиқариб ўзига ўзи. Кулчаларни нарироқ суриб: “Балки, уч ҳафтага ҳам етар”, деб қўшиб қўйди.
He stopped shooting, and watched. He noted the direction of the animal's flight, and, high up on the hillside in an opening among the trees, saw the trunk of a fallen pine. Continuing the moose's flight in his mind he saw that it must pass the trunk. He resolved on one more shot, and in the empty air above the trunk he aimed and steadied his wavering rifle. The animal sprang into his field of vision, with lifted fore-legs as it took the leap. He pulled the trigger. With the explosion the moose seemed to somersault in the air. It crashed down to earth in the snow beyond and flurried the snow into dust. Зимдан кузата бошлади. Буғунинг йўналишини белгилаётиб, ўрмон ичидаги ялангликда қулаб ётган қарағайни пайқаб қолди. Хаёлан “қочоқ”нинг йўналиш чизиғини тортаётиб, буғу айнан шу қарағайнинг ён-веридан ўтади, деган тўхтамга келди. Яна битта ўқнинг баҳридан ўтса ўтибди-да. Қалтироқ қўллари билан милтиқни маҳкамроқ сиқиб, қарағай узра бўшлиқни нишонга олди. Буғу олд оёқларини кўтариб сакраган кез Моргансон варанглатиб ўқ узди. Буғу ҳаводаёқ жонсизланиб, қорга қулади.
The black-whiskered man and one of his companions arose. "Come on, Oleson," the former said to the third one of the party, a fair-haired, ruddy-faced giant. Oleson came to his feet, yawning and stretching. "What are you going to bed so soon for?" the barkeeper asked plaintively. "It's early yet." "Got to make Selkirk to-morrow," said he of the black whiskers. "On Christmas Day!" the barkeeper cried. "The better the day the better the deed," the other laughed. Қорасоқол қўзғалди: ортидан жўраларидан бири ҳам ўрнидан турди. – Кетдик, Ольсон, – деди қорасоқол норғул, юзи қизил, малладан келган йўлдошларига. Ольсон эснаб, керишганча ўрнидан қўзғалди. – Нима, дарров ётмоқчимисизлар? – деди ранжигансимон қовоқхона эгаси. –Ҳали эрта-ку. – Эртага Селкеркда бўлишимиз лозим.– Рождествонинг биринчи кунида-я! – Кундузи йўл юриш хийла осонроқ.
They came into view around the outjutting clump of trees. To the fore was the third man whose name he had not learnt. Then came eight dogs drawing the sled. At the front of the sled, guiding it by the gee-pole, walked John Thompson. The rear was brought up by Oleson, the Swede. He was certainly a fine man, Morganson thought, as he looked at the bulk of him in his squirrel-skin parka. The men and dogs were silhouetted sharply against the white of the landscape. They had the seeming of two dimension, cardboard figures that worked mechanically. Morganson rested his cocked rifle in the notch in the tree. He became abruptly aware that his fingers were cold, and discovered that his right hand was bare. He did not know that he had taken off the mitten. He slipped it on again hastily. The men and dogs drew closer, and he could see their breaths spouting into visibility in the cold air. When the first man was fifty yards away, Morganson slipped the mitten from his right hand. He placed the first finger on the trigger and aimed low. Улар ўрмон дўнглиги ортида кўринишди. Олдинда Моргансон исмини билмайдигани. Ортидан чанага қўшилган саккизта ит. Жон Томсон ёнбошда таёқ кўмагида уларни йўлга солиб келмоқда. Энг охирида швед Ольсон. “Хушрўй барзанги”, деб ўйлади Моргансон нигоҳлари бу девқоматнинг эгни-бошида сирпанар экан. Одамлар ва итлар қораси оқ гиламда аниқ-тиниқ намоён бўларкан. Улар сурат сингари ясси кўринар, турнақатор ҳаракатланишарди. Моргансон қуролни тиргакка қўйиб отишга чоғланган замон бармоқлари увишиб қолганини сезди. Одамлар ва итлар борган сари яқин келаверишди. Паға-паға буғ уларнинг оғзидан чиқаётган ҳовур эканлигини кўрди. Олдиндаги эллик ярдга яқинлашганда Моргансон кўрсатгич бармоғини тепкига қўйди.