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English Ўзбек
35. That they may eat from its fruits, although their hands did not make it. Will they not be appreciative? 35Унинг меваларидан ва ўз қўллари қилган нарсалардан ейишлари учун. Шукр қилмайдиларми?!
55. The inhabitants of Paradise, on that Day, will be happily busy. 55Албатта, жаннат эгалари у кунда завқланувчилик ила машғуллар.
74. Yet they have taken to themselves gods other than God, that perhaps they may be helped. 74Улар Аллоҳдан ўзга илоҳлар тутдилар. Гўёки улардан ёрдам берилар эмиш.
50. Then they will approach one another, questioning. 50Бас, улар бир­бирларидан сўрай бошлайдилар.
Trump also appeared on the back foot when talking about his response to the 6 January attack on the US Capitol. He initially tried to turn a question about his responsibility for the riot into a condemnation of Mr Biden’s record, but this time the president wouldn’t let him off the hook. Трамп 6 январда АҚШ Конгрессига уюштирилган ҳужумга жавобида ҳам қийин аҳволга тушиб қолди. У дастлаб Капитолий тартибсизликлари учун жавобгарлиги ҳақидаги саволни жаноб Байденни қоралашга айлантирмоқчи бўлди, аммо бу сафар президент уни (тизгинни) қўйиб юбормади.
“He encouraged those folks to go up to Capitol Hill. He sat there for three hours as his aides begged him to do something,” Mr Biden said. “He didn’t do a damn thing.” "У одамларни Капитолийга чиқишга ундади. У ёрдамчилари ундан бирор нарса қилишни илтимос қилишмагунча, ўша ерда уч соат ўтирди. У ҳеч нарса қилмади", деди жаноб Байден.
The Democrats have their party convention in August, when they will be able to offer a more scripted vision of a second Biden term for Americans. There is another debate in September, which - if it happens - will be fresher in American minds as they head to the polls in November. Август ойида демократлар ўзларининг партия қурултойини ўтказадилар, унда улар америкаликлар учун Байденнинг иккинчи муддати ҳақида кўпроқ скриптлаштирилган тасаввурни таклиф қилишлари мумкин. Сентябр ойига режалаштирилган яна бир мунозара бор, агар бу содир бўлса, ноябрь ойида сайловга борадиган америкаликларнинг онгида янги бўлади.
3. How many generations have We destroyed before them? They cried out when it was too late to escape. 3Биз улардан илгари ҳам қанча асрларни ҳалок этганмиз. Улар (ёрдам сўраб) нидо қилдилар. Аммо қочиб қутулиш вақти эмас эди.
32. He said, “I have preferred the love of niceties to the remembrance of my Lord—until it disappeared behind the veil. 32У: «Албатта, мен Роббимнинг зикридан кўра дунё ишқига берилиб кетиб, ҳатто(қуёш) парда ила беркинибди­ку! 
81. Until the Day of the Time Appointed.” 81Маълум вақтли кунгача», деди.
But, as in our house the wine only appeared at table, and then only in _liqueur_ glasses, and as on these occasions it somehow never came to the turn of the "_outchitel_" to be served at all, my Beaupré soon accustomed himself to the Russian brandy, and ended by even preferring it to all the wines of his native country as much better for the stomach.  Бизникида вино фақат овқат маҳалида ва шунда ҳам бир рюмкадангина берилган ва кўпинча муаллимларга берилмагани учун менинг Бопрем ҳадемай рус арағига ҳам мижоз бўлиб қолди, ҳатто бу арақни меьдага фойдалироқ ҳисоблаб, ўз юртининг виносидан ҳам аълороқ кўрадиган бўлди.
A map had been procured for me from Moscow, which hung against the wall without ever being used, and which had been tempting me for a long time from the size and strength of its paper. Шуни айтиш керакки, менга Москвадан география картаси олдирилган. Бу карта бекорга деворга осилиб ётар ва кўпдан бери унинг қоғозига суқланиб юрар эдим.
I had at last resolved to make a kite of it, and, taking advantage of Beaupré's slumbers, I had set to work.  My father came in just at the very moment when I was tying a tail to the Cape of Good Hope. Мен шу қоғоздан варрак қилмоқчи бўлиб, Бопренинг уйқуда эканини ғанимат билиб, ишга киришган эдим. Варракни ясаб, Добрая Надежда бурнига энди дум боғлаётганимда отам кириб келди.
  At the sight of my geographical studies he boxed my ears sharply, sprang forward to Beaupré's bed, and, awaking him without any consideration, he began to assail him with reproaches. Менинг география машғулотимни кўриб қулоғимни чўзди, сўнгра югуриб Бопренинг ёнига борди ва уни дағал уйғотиб, койий бошлади.
  I lived like a stay-at-home son (_nédoross'l_),[4] amusing myself by scaring the pigeons on the roofs, and playing leapfrog with the lads of the courtyard,[5] till I was past the age of sixteen. But at this age my life underwent a great change.  Мен ҳали вояга етмаган бола бўлиб, куним каптар учириб, ҳовлидаги болалар билан сакрамачоқ ўйнаб ўтарди. Шундай қилиб ўн олти ёшга ҳам тўлдим. Энди тақдирим ўзгача бўлди.
I already saw myself officer of the Guard, which was, in my opinion, the height of human happiness. Ўзимни гвардия офицери хаёл қиламан, офицерликни эса киши саодатининг энг юқори чўққиси деб билар эдим.
The evening before my father told me that he was going to give me a letter for my future superior officer, and bid me bring him pen and paper.  Кетишимдан бир кун илгари отам, бўлажак бошлиғимга мен орқали хат юбормоқчи эканини айтиб, қалам билан қоғоз сўради.
No, he shall serve with the army, he shall smell powder, he shall become a soldier and not an idler of the Guard, he shall wear out the straps of his knapsack. Where is his commission? Give it to me."  Йўқ, аскар бўлиб хизмат қилсин, аскарлик жабдуғини кўтарсин, порох ҳидини ҳидласин, солдат бўлсин, такасалтанг эмас!. Гвардияга ёздирилган эмиш!. Қани унинг паспорти?. Менга бер.
 Curiosity pricked me.  "Where shall I be sent," thought I, "if not to Petersburg?"  I never took my eyes off my father's pen as it travelled slowly over the paper.  Петурбургга юбормаса қаёққа юборар экан? Шуни билиш орзуси мени қийнар эди. Икки кўзим отамнинг имиллаб қимирлаётган перосида эди.

On the morning of the following day a travelling _kibitka_ stood before the hall door. There were packed in it a trunk and a box containing a tea service, and some napkins tied up full of rolls and little cakes, the last I should get of home pampering.

Эртасига эрталаб эшик олдига соябон арава келди; чемодан, чой анжомлари солинган сандиқча билан булка ва пироглар тугилган тугунча унга жойланди, булар уйдаги эркалигимнинг сўнгги аломатлари эди.