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English Ўзбек
163. No associate has He. Thus I am commanded, and I am the first of those who submit. 163Унинг шериги йўқ. Ана шунга буюрилганман. Ва мен энг аввалги мусулмонман.
164. Say, “Am I to seek a Lord other than Allah, when He is the Lord of all things?” No soul gets except what it is due, and no soul bears the burdens of another. Then to your Lord is your return, then He will inform you regarding your disputes. 164Аллоҳдан ўзгани Роббим дейми? Ҳолбуки У ҳамма нарсанинг Роббидир. Ҳар бир жон ёмон касб қилса, фақат ўзига зиён қиладир. Ҳеч бир жон бошқанинг оғирлигини кўтармас. Сўнгра Роббиларингизга қайтишингиз бор. Бас, У сизларга ихтилоф қилган нарсаларингиз хабарини берур.
165. It is He who made you successors on the earth, and raised some of you in ranks over others, in order to test you through what He has given you. Your Lord is Quick in retribution, and He is Forgiving and Merciful. 165У сизларни ер юзида халифалар қилган ва Ўзи берган нарсаларда сизни синаш учун баъзингизнинг даражасини баъзингиздан устун қилган зотдир. Албатта, Роббинг иқоби тез зотдир. Ва, албатта, у мағфират қилувчи ва раҳмлидир», деб айт.
He preferred bay horses to those of any other colour, possibly because he could whip the horse’s croup or slash its leg with his sword and the blood would barely be noticeable against its copper coat Отлар ичида Насруллоҳхон тўриқларини хушлар,балки сағрисига қамчи урганда, ё сонини қилич тилганда сизган қон кўзга ташланмаганлиги учунми
When they saw their ruler and his courtiers, the people raised their voices in welcome Nasrullo glanced at his lively mount with satisfaction: tiny golden bells were attached to its mane, and it quivered nervously each time it caught the faint sound of their ringing Ҳокимни аъёнлари билан кўрган оломон ғала-ғовурда такбирлар ҳайқиришга киришар экан, Насруллоҳхон ўзининг бедав тўриғига кўз қирини ташлаб қўйди: отмисан-от-да: ёлларига жажжигина зар қўнғироқлар боғланган, буларнинг ҳар эшитилар-эшитилмас зинғирига тафти совуса-да қони ҳали совумаган айғир сесканиб, зийрак тортади,
And what a wonderful gold-embroidered gown he wore! It shone so bright that it dazzled the eyes Унинг зарчопонларини айтмайсизми, қараган одамларнинг кўзлари қамашади,
But even more bewitching was his belt with its pure gold buckle and a jewel the size of a horse’s eye. A scabbard and sword were attached by a strap to the belt айниқса тоза тилло устига от кўзидек гавҳар қўндирилган камар тўқасию бу камарга осилган ғилофу шамшир
As he rode up to a spacious open marquee, one of his eager guards immediately seized the reins of his horse and deftly hobbled it, while two servant boys worked the fans on either side: the applause was immediately replaced by silence. The khan’s chef and the city mufti stepped out Мана силлиқ юзлигу, бироқ чап кўзи билан бети аҳён-аҳён учар ёш ҳоким кенг чорпоя капа остига кириб борди-да, эпчил ясовуллардан бири хумоюн тўриқнинг оёғига тушов солди-ю, икки ёндан икки ғулом елпиғичларини кўтаришган эди ҳамки, такбирлар бир зумда тиниб, ўртага баковул ила шаҳар қозиси чиқишди
The mufti made a long speech in praise of the holy city of Bukhara and the dynasty of the Mangits who had brought Islam to their world, and also in praise of this dynasty’s precious jewel, Prince Nasrullo. He stepped aside only when the ruler waved his riding whip, after which the court chef came forward. Today he spoke as the master of the games: he shouted out orders to the riders while their horses stamped their hooves and snorted Қозикалон узундан узоқ қилиб, Қуввати Дин Буҳоро аморотида Иймон сирожини порлоқ тутган Манғит хонаводасию хоссатан ўшал хонавода гавҳари шаҳзода Насруллоҳхон шарафларига дуои саломлар қилиб, ҳоким қамчисини бир силкигачгина, ўртадан ғойиб бўлди-да, баковул нарироқда кишнагану ер тепган асов отларини шайлаб турган чавандозларга қарата ўз йўриқларини ҳайқирди
‘Firstly,’ the chef roared, ‘don’t pull each other off your horses, and don’t hit each other with your whips. Secondly,’ his throat straining a little with the effort, ‘don’t let your horses bite or kick. Thirdly, don’t let anyone who falls offhis horse be trampled Якум, - деди, - бир-бирингни қулатмайсан, бир-бирингга қамчи урмайсан, дуввум, - деди, - отларингни бир-бирига тишлатмайсану тепдирмайсан, севум, - деди, - йиқилганни отинг билан депсатмайсан
Just then, two horsemen came rushing up on black steeds, clutching to their thighs the carcass of a goat, the size of a calf. The horsemen pulled up about ten yards from the ruler’s marquee, just long enough to let the carcass thud to the ground. Then they wheeled around and galloped off, shoulder to shoulder, towards the crowd Шу пайт қора от минган икки навкар тақимига улоқни босганича, чекадан елдек учиб келишди-да, ҳоким капасининг шундоқ пешида ўн қадамларча нари новвосча келадиган улоқни ерга улоқтиришдию, бир зумга тўхтамай, боди раф-раф бўлиб, оломон томонга ўтиб кетишди
It was like the Last Judgement: the wild horses barely controlled by their riders; the sound of hooves hitting the ground, of riders urging their mounts on, and of the spectators roaring;it was as if tight reins had been loosened, everything had leapt into motion and been drowned in noise Ана бошланди шунда рўзи маҳшар! Гижинглаб турган отлар чангу-чим кўтариб, дупур- дупурга тушди, авом, тизгини қўйиб юборилгандек, ғалаён кўтарди,
The thousands who had assembled to watch echoed such cries. There was such confusion that it was hard to work out what was happening. A dog wouldn’t have been able to recognise its own master Мингларча одам тўпланган бўла ҳар бири бу жўрга қўшилди, ит эгасини танимай қолди
The snorting of the horses as they joined battle either frightened or excited Nasrullo’s bay – it too tried to rush forwards, despite its fetters. It managed to keep its balance, but lashed out furiously with its hind hooves. The Prince gripped the reins hard to hold the horse back, and two guards clung to the stirrups on either side Даврага интилган отларнинг пишқиришларидан Насруллоҳхоннинг тўриғи чўчидими, ё қони қўзиб, тушовига қарамасдан юлкинди, тепина бошлади, бироқ “Ё, сабил” – деб жиловни қўлига маҳкам ўраган ҳоким тортишга ҳам улгурмасдан, икки ясовул икки тарафдан ўзангига ёпишишди
The horse twisted its head and foam spattered from its mouth while Nasrullo’s whip rained down blows. How could the ruler see the game like this? Отларнинг оғизлари қийшайди, оғизларидан кўпиклар сачради, қамчилар ёғилди, қани ҳоким бу орада улоқни кўрса
He wanted to push his guards aside and ride into the thick of the game, using his sword to clear a path if necessary, then bend down and pick up the dead goat, his whip poised between his teeth… Икки ясовулини икки томонга тепиб, отини ўртага солмоқчи бўлди, шамширини яланглатиб бўлса-да орага ёриб кирсаю, қамчи оғзида, бир энгашиб улоқни ўзи кўтарса
If a piercing, heart-stopping cry had not just then come from the crush of circling horses, then who knows? Perhaps Nasrullo would have overlooked his royal status and thrown himself into the skirmish ва агарда шунда тумонот отлар даврасидан қулоқ пардасини йиртгудек чинқириқ кўтарилмаганида эди, ким билсин, савлату-давлатига қарамай Насруллоҳхон ўзини даврага урармиди
The flanks of the horses on the outer edge shifted and he caught a glimpse between their hooves of a carcass, not a goat’s but a man’s, being picked up by the ankle and flung onto the back of a horse Чека отлар бирданига сийраклашиб, туёқлар оралаб кўргани шу бўлдики, кимдир улоқни эмас, илигидан тортиб тақимига одам боласини кўтармоқда эди
and the court chamberlain hurried over to the scrum, which stopped moving Баковул ўртадаги пўсиб қолган даврага шошилди
The riderless horse, a young dun not much more than a colt, followed: its reins were grabbed and passed along until they reached the chamberlain, who bowed and looked enquiringly at the Prince. Nasrullo nodded унинг кетидан қўлма-қўл қилиб, етимлаган саман отини баковулга тутқазишди. Баковул ҳоким тарафга таъзим ила боққанди, ҳоким бош ирғади