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English Ўзбек

Today, December 7, the Palace of International Forums “Uzbekistan” in Tashkent played host to a festive meeting in tribute to the 27th anniversary of the Constitution of the Republic of Uzbekistan.

“Ўзбекистон” халқаро анжуманлар саройида 7 декабрь куни Ўзбекистон Республикаси Конституцияси қабул қилинганининг 27 йиллигига бағишланган тантанали йиғилиш бўлиб ўтди.

The head of our state outlined urgent tasks in bolstering the independence of courts, in ensuring a system of checks and balances in the investigative-inquiry process, in improving the institution of the bar. Судларнинг мустақиллигини мустаҳкамлаш, тергов-суриштирув жараёнида ўзаро тийиб туриш тамойилларини таъминлаш, адвокатура институтини такомиллаштиришга оид долзарб вазифаларни кўрсатиб ўтди.
10. Blessed is He who, if He wills, can provide you with better than that—gardens beneath which rivers flow—and He will give you palaces. 10Агар хоҳласа, сенга ўшандан яхшироғини–остидан анҳорлар оқиб турадиган боғларни ва қасрларни қилиб берадиган Зот баракотли ва улуғ бўлди.
44. It was said to her, “Go inside the palace.” And when she saw it, she thought it was a deep pond, and she bared her legs. He said, “It is a palace paved with glass.” She said, “My Lord, I have done wrong to myself, and I have submitted with Solomon, to God, Lord of the Worlds.” 44У(малика)га: «Саройга кир», дейилди. Қачонки уни кўрганида, сув деб ўйлаб, пойчаларини очди. У(Сулаймон): «Албатта, бу биллурдан силлиқ қилиб ясалган саройдир», деди. У (малика): «Эй Роббим, албатта, мен ўзимга зулм қилиб юрган эканман, Сулаймон ила оламларнинг Робби– Аллоҳга мусулмон бўлдим!» деди.
47. Otherwise, if a calamity befell them as a result of what their hands have perpetrated, they would say, “Our Lord, if only You had sent us a messenger, we would have followed Your revelations, and been among the believers.” 46Биз нидо қилган чоғимизда Турнинг ёнида йўқ эдинг. Лекин Роббингдан раҳмат сифатида сендан олдин огоҳлантиргувчи келмаган қавмни огоҳлантириш учун (қиссаларни сенга билдирдик). Шоядки эсласалар.

It's a quasar - the bright core of a galaxy that is powered by a gargantuan black hole some 17 billion times the mass of our Sun.

Бу квазар, ёрқин галактика ядроси бўлиб, у Қуёшникидан тахминан 17 миллиард марта катта улкан қора туйнукдан қувватланади.

The term quasar is used by astronomers to describe a particular type of AGN, or Active Galactic Nucleus. It's the very energetic core of a galaxy which is being powered by an immense black hole that's pulling matter towards itself at a prodigious rate.   Квазар деганда астрономлар маълум турдаги AGN ёки Фаол Галактик Ядрони назарда тутади. Бу жуда қудратли галактик ядро бўлиб, у материяни катта тезликда ўзига тортадиган улкан қора туйнукдан қувват олади.  
All galaxies seem to have a supermassive object at their core, which probably means such objects are intrinsic to the evolution of those galaxies.    Барча галактикалар ядросида ўта массив объект борлиги айтилади. Бу, эҳтимол, бундай объектлар ушбу галактикалар эволюциясининг ажралмас эканлигини кўрсатади.  
"In simple language, it means that without these black holes, our galaxy as we know it wouldn't be what it is today. In fact, all galaxies would be very different without their supermassive black holes. In fact, it may even be possible that all galaxies form around these supermassive black holes," ANU PhD student and co-author Samuel Lai said.   "Содда қилиб айтганда, бу қора туйнукларсиз бизнинг галактикамиз, биз билганимиздек, бугунгидек бўлмайди. Аслида, барча галактикалар ўзининг супермассив қора туйнукларисиз жуда бошқача бўлар эди. Эҳтимол, барча галактикалар ана шу ўта массив қора туйнуклар атрофида пайдо бўлар", дейди Австралия Миллий Университети докторанти ва мақола ҳаммуаллифи Самуэл Лаи.  
Balance of Payments Difficulties 
Тўлов балансидаги муаммолар 
Where either Contracting Party is in a serious balance of payments difficulties, or under threat thereof, the Contracting Party concerned may, in accordance with the conditions laid down within the Articles VIII and XIV of the Articles of Agreement of International Monetary Fund, adopt restrictive measures, which shall be of limited duration and may not go beyond what is necessary to remedy the balance of payments situation. The Contracting Party concerned shall inform the other Contracting Party forthwith of their introduction and present to the other Contracting Party, as soon as possible a time schedule of their removal. Башарти Аҳдлашувчи Томонлардан бири тўлов баланси билан боғлиқ жиддий муаммоларга дуч келганда ёки бундай хавф остида бўлса, Аҳдлашувчи Томонлар Халқаро Валюта Фонди Битимининг VIII ва XIV моддаларида кўрсатилган шартларга мувофиқ, чегараланган муддатда ва тўлов баланси билан боғлиқ вазиятни ҳал этиш учун зарур доирадан чиқмаган ҳолда чеклов чораларини кўриши мумкин. Аҳдлашувчи Томон бошқа Аҳдлашувчи Томонни уларнинг киритилиши тўғрисида дарҳол хабардор қилади ва бошқа Аҳдлашувчи Томонга уларни олиб ташлаш вақт жадвалини имкон қадар тезроқ тақдим этади.
30. Alas for the servants. No messenger ever came to them, but they ridiculed him. 30Бандаларга ҳасратлар бўлсин! Ҳар қачон уларга Пайғамбар келса, уни фақат истеҳзо қилар эдилар.
76. And We saved him and his family from the great calamity. 76Ва Биз унга ва унинг аҳлига улуғ ғамдан нажот бердик.
Shortly after the debate finished, Vice-President Kamala Harris acknowledged that the president had a “slow start” but said that he had finished strong. That is overly optimistic spin, but it’s true that Mr Biden steadied himself as the debate progressed. Дебат тугагаши билан, вице-президент Камала Харрис президентнинг "секин бошланганини" тан олди, аммо у кучли якунланганини айтди. Бу ҳаддан ташқари некбин баёнот, аммо жаноб Байден мунозаралар давомида ўзини ўнглаб олгани бор гап.

For three decades, on World Press Freedom Day, the international community has celebrated the work of journalists and media workers.

Mana o'ttiz yildirki, xalqaro hamjamiyat jurnalistlar va ommaviy axborot vositalari xo-dimlari faoliyatini Jahon matbuoti erkinligi kunida nishonlab kelmoqda.

Truth is threatened by disinformation and hate speech seeking to blur the lines between fact and fiction, between science and conspiracy.  Haqiqat dezinformatsiya va nafrat tili tahdidi ostida qolmoqda. Ular sabab faktlar va uydirma, ilm va konspirologik nazariya o’rtasidagi chegaralarni buzishga harakat qilishmoqda.
The increased concentration of the media industry into the hands of a few, the financial collapse of scores of independent news organizations, and an increase of national laws and regulations that stifle journalists are further expanding censorship and threatening freedom of expression.    Mediaindustriyaning bir necha kishilar qo‘lida jamlanishi, o‘nlab mustaqil axborot tashkilotlarining moliyaviy inqirozga uchrashi, jurnalistikani bo‘g‘uvchi milliy qonun va qoidalarning ko‘payishi senzurani yanada kuchaytirib, so‘z erkinligiga yanada ko’proq tahdid solmoqda.
Meanwhile, journalists and media workers are directly targeted on and offline as they carry out their vital work. They are routinely harassed, intimidated, detained and imprisoned.  Shu bilan birga, o’zlarining muhim ishlarini munosib bajarib kelayotgan jurnalistlar va ommaviy axborot vositalari xodimlari ham Internetda, ham real hayotda muayyan kimsalarning mo’ljaliga aylanishmoqda. Ular muntazam ravishda ta'qib qilinmoqda, qo'rqitilmoqda va hibsga olinishmoqda.
At least 67 media workers were killed in 2022 — an unbelievable 50 per cent increase over the previous year. Nearly three quarters of women journalists have experienced violence online, and one in four have been threatened physically. 2022-yilda kamida 67 nafar ommaviy axborot vositalari xodimi o’ldirildi. Bu esa o‘tgan yilga nisbatan 50 foizga ko‘p degani. Ayol jurnalistlarning qariyb to'rtdan uch qismi onlayn zo'ravonlikka, har to'rtdan biri esa jismoniy tahdidga uchrashgan.
We are proud to stand with you in celebrating this important occasion, which brings together families and communities, and reinforces the values of compassion, generosity, and unity. Oilalar va mahallalarni birlashtirgan, mehr-oqibat, saxovat va birdamlik qadriyatlarini mustahkamlaydigan ushbu muhim bayramni nishonlashda siz bilan birga ekanimizdan faxrlanamiz.