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Found routine: 8 words & 2 translates

English Ўзбек
routine мунтазам
routinely мунтазам равишда
routines тартиблар
subroutine пастки дастур
subroutines пастки дастурлар
when report data is routinely distorted; ҳисобот маълумотлари мунтазам равишда бузиб кўрсатилганда;
Each day grew colder. Four biscuits could not keep up the heat of his body, despite the quantities of hot spruce tea he drank, and he increased his allowance, morning and evening, to three biscuits. In the middle of the day he ate nothing, contenting himself with several cups of excessively weak real tea. This programme became routine. In the morning three biscuits, at noon real tea, and at night three biscuits. In between he drank spruce tea for his scurvy. He caught himself making larger biscuits, and after a severe struggle with himself went back to the old size. Кундан-кун совуқ забтига ола бошлади. Гарчи Моргансон босиб-босиб игнабарг дамламасидан ичса-да, эндиликда тўрт дона кулча билан бўш қоп тик турмасди. Кунлик тановулдаги кулчаларни олтитага кўпайтиришига тўғри келди – учтаси саҳарликда, учтаси кечликда. Кундузи бир тишлам ҳам нон тишламасди. Суюқ, лекин қайноқ чой билан чекланарди, холос. Орада зангилага қарши игнабарг дамламасидан ичиб турди. Кунлар шу тарзда қувлашмачоқ ўйинини давом эттирарди.
Meanwhile, journalists and media workers are directly targeted on and offline as they carry out their vital work. They are routinely harassed, intimidated, detained and imprisoned.  Shu bilan birga, o’zlarining muhim ishlarini munosib bajarib kelayotgan jurnalistlar va ommaviy axborot vositalari xodimlari ham Internetda, ham real hayotda muayyan kimsalarning mo’ljaliga aylanishmoqda. Ular muntazam ravishda ta'qib qilinmoqda, qo'rqitilmoqda va hibsga olinishmoqda.