Found gig: 19 words & 2 translates
English | Ўзбек |
gig | консерт |
gigabytes | гигабайт |
gigantic | улкан |
gigantically | улкан |
gigavolt | гигаволт |
giggle | кулмоқ |
giggled | кулди |
giggles | кулади |
giggling | кулиш |
giggly | кулиб |
gigolo | гиголо |
whirligig | айланма |
The little bunch of fruit hiding under a gigantic leaf had ripened fully and, true to its name, produced round, bright-red berries, as tiny as dewdrops, so that they looked more like a pretty toy than fruit. | Бояги шингил ҳам қирмизка номига монанд, узилмай панада ётаверганидан, қип-қирмизи бўлиб етишган, юм-юмалоқ узумчалари ҳам - зўри келса - шабнам томчисидан зиёда эмас, худди ўйинчоқ ғужумнинг ўзгинаси. |
Its Kabul schoolyard brims with giggles and chatter. But thousands of girls, in classes seven to 12, aren’t here; the Taliban say most secondary schools for girls must stay shut for now. Afghans fear they will never re-open, just like they didn’t under Taliban rule in the 1990s. Education is now a front line in the battle to protect the rights of Afghan women and girls. | Кобулдаги мактаб ҳовлиси, шодон кулги ва суҳбатлар. Аммо еттинчидан ўн иккинчи синфгача бўлган минглаб ўқувчи қизлар бу ерда йўқ. Толибоннинг айтишича, аксарият қизлар ўрта мактаблари ҳозирча ёпиқ қолади. Афғонлар 1990-йиллардаги Толибон даврида бўлганидек, улар ҳеч қачон қайта очилмайди деб қўрқмоқда. Таълим ҳозир афғон аёллари ва қизлари ҳуқуқларини ҳимоя қилиш учун курашда биринчи ўринда туради. |
Uzbekistan fully supports this initiative and will consistently continue its active investment policy to increase the capacity of green energy sources to 27 gigawatts by 2030. | Ўзбекистон ушбу ташаббусни тўлиқ қўллаб-қувватлайди ва 2030 йилгача “яшил” энергетика манбаларини 27 гигаваттга етказиш учун фаол инвестиция сиёсатини изчил давом эттиради. |
Currently, we are actively implementing projects for construction of 22 solar and wind power stations with a total capacity of 9 gigawatts in our country. | Ҳозир юртимизда 9 гигаваттли 22 та қуёш ва шамол электр станцияларини қуриш лойиҳалари устида жадал ишлаяпмиз. |
This day highlights a basic truth: all our freedom depends on press freedom. | Ushbu kun “bizning erkinligimiz matbuot erkinligiga bog'liq” kabi oddiy haqiqatni anglashga imkon beradi. |
The increased concentration of the media industry into the hands of a few, the financial collapse of scores of independent news organizations, and an increase of national laws and regulations that stifle journalists are further expanding censorship and threatening freedom of expression. | Mediaindustriyaning bir necha kishilar qo‘lida jamlanishi, o‘nlab mustaqil axborot tashkilotlarining moliyaviy inqirozga uchrashi, jurnalistikani bo‘g‘uvchi milliy qonun va qoidalarning ko‘payishi senzurani yanada kuchaytirib, so‘z erkinligiga yanada ko’proq tahdid solmoqda. |
The United Nations is proud to be a partner of Uzbekistan in its development journey and we will continue working together to build a better future for all in Uzbekistan with a focus on leaving no one behind. | Birlashgan Millatlar Tashkiloti Oʻzbekistonning rivojlanish yoʻlida hamkori ekanligidan faxrlanadi va hech kim e'tibordan chetda qolib ketmasligiga urg’u bergan holda Oʻzbekistonda barcha uchun farovon kelajak qurish yoʻlida birgalikda ishlashni davom ettiramiz. |