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English Ўзбек
At least 67 media workers were killed in 2022 — an unbelievable 50 per cent increase over the previous year. Nearly three quarters of women journalists have experienced violence online, and one in four have been threatened physically. 2022-yilda kamida 67 nafar ommaviy axborot vositalari xodimi o’ldirildi. Bu esa o‘tgan yilga nisbatan 50 foizga ko‘p degani. Ayol jurnalistlarning qariyb to'rtdan uch qismi onlayn zo'ravonlikka, har to'rtdan biri esa jismoniy tahdidga uchrashgan.
According to the Main Department for Crime Prevention of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Uzbekistan from January to August (inclusive) of 2022, security agencies across the country received 32,783 complaints about harassment and violence against women. Ўзбекистон Республикаси Ички ишлар вазирлиги жиноятчиликнинг олдини олиш Бош бошқармаси маълумотларига кўра , 2022 йил январь ойидан август ойи охиригача мамлакат бўйлаб хавфсизлик идораларига аёлларга нисбатан тазйиқ ва зўравонлик ҳақида 32 783 та шикоят келиб тушган.