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English | Ўзбек |
But in every corner of the world, freedom of the press is under attack. | Shu bilan birga matbuot erkinligi dunyoning har bir burchagida hujumga uchramoqda. |
Truth is threatened by disinformation and hate speech seeking to blur the lines between fact and fiction, between science and conspiracy. | Haqiqat dezinformatsiya va nafrat tili tahdidi ostida qolmoqda. Ular sabab faktlar va uydirma, ilm va konspirologik nazariya o’rtasidagi chegaralarni buzishga harakat qilishmoqda. |
The increased concentration of the media industry into the hands of a few, the financial collapse of scores of independent news organizations, and an increase of national laws and regulations that stifle journalists are further expanding censorship and threatening freedom of expression. | Mediaindustriyaning bir necha kishilar qo‘lida jamlanishi, o‘nlab mustaqil axborot tashkilotlarining moliyaviy inqirozga uchrashi, jurnalistikani bo‘g‘uvchi milliy qonun va qoidalarning ko‘payishi senzurani yanada kuchaytirib, so‘z erkinligiga yanada ko’proq tahdid solmoqda. |
Meanwhile, journalists and media workers are directly targeted on and offline as they carry out their vital work. They are routinely harassed, intimidated, detained and imprisoned. | Shu bilan birga, o’zlarining muhim ishlarini munosib bajarib kelayotgan jurnalistlar va ommaviy axborot vositalari xodimlari ham Internetda, ham real hayotda muayyan kimsalarning mo’ljaliga aylanishmoqda. Ular muntazam ravishda ta'qib qilinmoqda, qo'rqitilmoqda va hibsga olinishmoqda. |
At least 67 media workers were killed in 2022 — an unbelievable 50 per cent increase over the previous year. Nearly three quarters of women journalists have experienced violence online, and one in four have been threatened physically. | 2022-yilda kamida 67 nafar ommaviy axborot vositalari xodimi o’ldirildi. Bu esa o‘tgan yilga nisbatan 50 foizga ko‘p degani. Ayol jurnalistlarning qariyb to'rtdan uch qismi onlayn zo'ravonlikka, har to'rtdan biri esa jismoniy tahdidga uchrashgan. |
Ten years ago, the United Nations established a Plan of Action on the Safety of Journalists to protect media workers and end impunity for crimes committed against them. | O'n yil oldin Birlashgan Millatlar Tashkiloti OAV xodimlarini himoya qilish va ularga qarshi sodir etilgan jinoyatlar uchun jazosiz qolishga barham berish maqsadida Jurnalistlar xavfsizligi bo'yicha Harakatlar rejasini ishlab chiqqan. |
On this and every World Press Freedom Day, the world must speak with one voice. | Ushbu kunda va kelgusi Jahon matbuot erkinligi kunlarida dunyo hamjihatlikda harakat qilishi kerak. |
On behalf of the United Nations Country Team in Uzbekistan, I would like to extend my warmest congratulations to our national and international partners and people of Uzbekistan on the occasion of Eid al-Fitr. |
Birlashgan Millatlar Tashkilotining O‘zbekistondagi jamoasi nomidan milliy va xalqaro hamkorlarimizni hamda O‘zbekiston xalqini Ramazon hayiti munosabati bilan samimiy tabriklarimni yo‘llayman. |
On this occasion, I would also like to thank all our partners across Uzbekistan and express my gratitude for your commitment to promoting peace, development, and human rights, and for your support to the work of the United Nations family in Uzbekistan. | Fursatdan foydalanib, men O‘zbekistondagi barcha hamkorlarimizga tinchlik, taraqqiyot va inson huquqlarini ta’minlashga sodiqligingiz hamda O‘zbekistondagi Birlashgan Millatlar Tashkiloti oilasi faoliyatini qo‘llab-quvvatlayotganingiz uchun o‘z minnatdorchiligimni bildiraman. |
The United Nations is proud to be a partner of Uzbekistan in its development journey and we will continue working together to build a better future for all in Uzbekistan with a focus on leaving no one behind. | Birlashgan Millatlar Tashkiloti Oʻzbekistonning rivojlanish yoʻlida hamkori ekanligidan faxrlanadi va hech kim e'tibordan chetda qolib ketmasligiga urg’u bergan holda Oʻzbekistonda barcha uchun farovon kelajak qurish yoʻlida birgalikda ishlashni davom ettiramiz. |
May this blessed day bring happiness and prosperity to you and your loved ones. Wish you a peaceful and blessed celebration. | Ushbu muborak kun sizga va yaqinlaringizga baxt va farovonlik olib kelsin. Sizga farovonlik, tinchlik va osoyishtalik tilaymiz. |
4. None argues against God’s revelations except those who disbelieve. So do not be impressed by their activities in the land. | 4Аллоҳнинг оятлари ҳақида фақатгина куфр келтирганлар талашиб тортишурлар. Бас, уларнинг юртларда айланиб юришлари сени алдаб қўймасин. |
5. Before them the people of Noah rejected the truth, as did the confederates after them. Every community plotted against their messenger, to capture him. And they argued with falsehood, to defeat with it the truth. But I seized them. What a punishment it was! | 5Улардан олдин Нуҳ қавми ва улар кетидан келган фирқалар ҳам ёлғончи қилган эдилар. Ҳар уммат ўз Пайғамбарини тутишга қасд қилди ва ҳақни йўқотиш учун ботил ила мужодала этди. Бас, Мен уларни тутдим. Бас, Менинг иқобим қандай бўлди! |
6. Thus the sentence of your Lord became realized against those who disbelieve, that they are to be inmates of the Fire. | 6Куфр келтирганларга ҳам Роббингнинг (азоб) сўзи худди ана шундай ҳақ бўлди. Албатта, улар дўзах эгаларидир. |
7. Those who carry the Throne, and those around it, glorify their Lord with praise, and believe in Him, and ask for forgiveness for those who believe: “Our Lord, You have encompassed everything in mercy and knowledge; so forgive those who repent and follow Your path, and protect them from the agony of the Blaze. | 7Аршни кўтариб турадиганлар ва унинг атрофидагилар Роббларига ҳамд ила тасбиҳ айтурлар, Унга иймон келтирурлар ва иймон келтирганларга мағфират сўраб: «Эй Роббимиз, раҳматинг ва илминг ила ҳар бир нарсани қуршагансан, бас, тавба қилиб, йўлингга эргашганларни мағфират қилгин ва уларни дўзах азобидан сақлагин. |
8. And admit them, Our Lord, into the Gardens of Eternity, which You have promised them, and the righteous among their parents, and their spouses, and their offspring. You are indeed the Almighty, the Most Wise. | 8Эй Роббимиз, уларни ҳам, оталаридан, жуфтларидан ва зурриётларидан аҳли солиҳ бўлганларини ҳам Ўзинг уларга ваъда қилган адн жаннатларига киритгин. Албатта, Сенинг Ўзинг азизу ўта ҳикматли зотсан. |
9. And shield them from the evil deeds. Whomever You shield from the evil deeds, on that Day, You have had mercy on him. That is the supreme achievement.” | 9Ва уларни ёмонликлардан сақла, ўша куни кимни ёмонликлардан сақласанг, батаҳқиқ, унга раҳм қилибсан. Ана ўша буюк ютуқдир», (дерлар). |
10. Those who disbelieved will be addressed, “The loathing of God is greater than your loathing of yourselves—for you were invited to the faith, but you refused.” | 10Албатта, куфр келтирганларга: «Иймонга чақирилганингизда куфр келтирган чоғингиздаги Аллоҳнинг ғазаби сизнинг ўзингизга (ҳозирги) ғазабингиздан каттароқдир», деб нидо қилинур. |
11. They will say, “Our Lord, you made us die twice, and twice you gave us life. Now we acknowledge our sins. Is there any way out?” | 11Улар: «Эй Роббимиз, Сен бизни икки марта ўлдирдинг, икки марта тирилтирдинг. Бас, биз гуноҳларимизни эътироф этдик. Энди чиқишнинг бирон йўли борми?» дедилар. |
12. That is because when God alone was called upon, you disbelieved; but when others were associated with Him, you believed. Judgment rests with God the Sublime, the Majestic. | 12Бундай бўлишингиз Аллоҳнинг ёлғиз Ўзига даъват қилинганида, куфр келтирганингиз, Унга ширк келтирилса, иймон келтирганингиз учундир. Бас, ҳукм олий ва улуғ Аллоҳникидир. |