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English Ўзбек
It is our responsibility to help build that world of peace, sustainable development and human rights for all. Tinchlik, barqaror rivojlanish va barcha uchun inson huquqlarini o‘z ichiga olgan yaxshiroq kelajakni qurishga yordam berish bizning majburiyatimizdir.
Above all, it is rooted in a spirit of determination to heal divisions, repair relations, and build peace. Uning zamirida tafovutlarni yengish, munosabatlarni tiklash va tinchlik o‘rnatish uchun qat’iylik ruhi yotadi.
On this occasion, I would also like to thank all our partners across Uzbekistan and express my gratitude for your commitment to promoting peace, development, and human rights, and for your support to the work of the United Nations family in Uzbekistan. Fursatdan foydalanib, men O‘zbekistondagi barcha hamkorlarimizga tinchlik, taraqqiyot va inson huquqlarini ta’minlashga sodiqligingiz hamda O‘zbekistondagi Birlashgan Millatlar Tashkiloti oilasi faoliyatini qo‘llab-quvvatlayotganingiz uchun o‘z minnatdorchiligimni bildiraman.
May this blessed day bring happiness and prosperity to you and your loved ones. Wish you a peaceful and blessed celebration. Ushbu muborak kun sizga va yaqinlaringizga baxt va farovonlik olib kelsin. Sizga farovonlik, tinchlik va osoyishtalik tilaymiz.

In prison you can’t avoid getting a kicking. In 1926, too, Abdulla had been beaten within an inch of his life. What made his blood boil was not the physical pain so much as the treachery of his own people, black-eyed blood relatives whom he had trusted and considered to be friends. Back then he’d begged for death’s release: that would have been easier to bear than the company of his own black-eyed friends. He’d been too young then: he hadn’t thought of his children, nor of Rahbar.

Қамоқ борки қамоқда тепки емасдан қолмайсан. 26-нчи йили ҳам Абдуллани ўлардек тепкилашган. Унда ўзининг эгиз ўзбеклари. Лекин унда ҳам юрагини қон қилгани бу тепкилару муштлар эмас, ўзи ишонган, ўзи дўст деб тутинган қора кўзларнинг хиёнати бўлган эди. Ўшанда шу қора кўзларга қайта қараш ўрнига маҳкамадан тузукроғи уни отиб ташлашни сўраган эди. Ўшанда бебок ёшлик ғурурида на бола-чақасини, на Раҳбарини ўйлаган экан...