Found las: 543 words & 2 translates
English | Ўзбек |
I had at last resolved to make a kite of it, and, taking advantage of Beaupré's slumbers, I had set to work. My father came in just at the very moment when I was tying a tail to the Cape of Good Hope. | Мен шу қоғоздан варрак қилмоқчи бўлиб, Бопренинг уйқуда эканини ғанимат билиб, ишга киришган эдим. Варракни ясаб, Добрая Надежда бурнига энди дум боғлаётганимда отам кириб келди. |
At last my father threw the _Almanack_ away from him on the sofa, and remained deep in a brown study, which never betokened anything good. | Оқибат, отам календарни диванга қараб улоқтирди-да ўйга ботди, унинг бу авзойи яхшилик нишонаси эмас эди. |
At last he finished his letter, put it with my commission into the same cover, took off his spectacles, called me, and said-- "This letter is addressed to Andréj Karlovitch R., my old friend and comrade. | Оқибат хат битди. Отам уни паспорт билан бир конвертга солди, кўзойнагини олиб, мени ёнига чақирди ва:”Мана сенга хат, буни менинг қадрдон ўртоғим ва дўстим Андрей Карлович Р. га бер. |
On the morning of the following day a travelling _kibitka_ stood before the hall door. There were packed in it a trunk and a box containing a tea service, and some napkins tied up full of rolls and little cakes, the last I should get of home pampering. |
Эртасига эрталаб эшик олдига соябон арава келди; чемодан, чой анжомлари солинган сандиқча билан булка ва пироглар тугилган тугунча унга жойланди, булар уйдаги эркалигимнинг сўнгги аломатлари эди. |
3. Is not to God that sincere faith is due? As for those who take guardians besides Him, “We only worship them that they may bring us nearer to God.” God will judge between them regarding their differences. God does not guide the lying blasphemer. | 3Огоҳ бўлингким, холис дин Аллоҳникидир. Ундан ўзга авлиёдўстлар тутганлар: «Биз уларга фақат бизларни Аллоҳга жуда ҳам яқин қилишлари учунгина ибодат қилурмиз», (дерлар). Албатта, У зот улар орасида ихтилоф этаётган нарсалар бўйича ҳукм қилур. Албатта, Аллоҳ ёлғончи ва кофир кимсаларни ҳидоят қилмас. |
40. Who will receive a humiliating punishment, and on whom will fall a lasting torment.” | 40Кимга уни расво қиладиган азоб келажагини ва кимга давомли азоб тушажагини», деб айт. |
63. To Him belong the reins of the heavens and the earth. But those who blaspheme against the revelations of God—it is they who are the losers. | 63Осмонлару ернинг калитлари Унгагина хосдир. Аллоҳнинг оятларига куфр келтирганлар, ана ўшалар зиёнкорлардир. |
The United Nations is a reflection of the world as it is – and an aspiration of the world we know it can be. |
Birlashgan Millatlar Tashkiloti biz yashayotgan dunyoni va kelajakda uni qanday bo’lishiga intilishimizni anglatadi. |
I know we can do it. The Charter of the United Nations – which entered into force 78 years ago today – points the way. | Bilaman, bu bizning qo’limizdan keladi. Bundan 78 yil avval kuchga kirgan Birlashgan Millatlar Tashkilotining Nizomi bizga yo‘l ko‘rsatib turibdi. |
Above all, it is rooted in a spirit of determination to heal divisions, repair relations, and build peace. | Uning zamirida tafovutlarni yengish, munosabatlarni tiklash va tinchlik o‘rnatish uchun qat’iylik ruhi yotadi. |
To ensure justice, equality and empowerment for women and girls. | Ayollar va qizlarga adolat, tenglik va imkoniyatlarni kafolatlash. |
And to be flexible enough to address challenges that did not even exist when the UN was born – from the existential climate crisis to the perils and promise of artificial intelligence. | Shuningdek, Birlashgan Millatlar Tashkiloti yaratilgan paytda mavjud bo'lmagan muammolarni, shu jumladan, iqlim inqirozidan tortib sun'iy intellekt tahdidi. |
The United Nations is guided by timeless values and principles, but it must never be frozen in time. That is why we must always keep strengthening ways of working and applying a 21st century lens to all we do. | Birlashgan Millatlar Tashkiloti barqaror qadriyatlar va tamoyillarga amal qiladi, lekin u hech qachon bir joyda qotib qolmasligi kerak. Shuning uchun ham biz doimo ish uslubimizni takomillashtirib borishimiz va har bir ishimizga XXI-asr voqeliklarini hisobga olgan holda yondashishimiz kerak. |
On this United Nations Day, let us commit with hope and determination to build the better world of our aspirations. | Birlashgan Millatlar Tashkiloti kunida umid va qat'iyat bilan oldimizga o'zimiz xohlagan yaxshiroq dunyoni qurishga maqsad qilib qo’yaylik. |
We are a divided world. We can and must be united nations. | Biz bo'lingan va har tomonlama ajralgan dunyoda yashamoqdamiz. Aslida, harakat qilsak birlashgan millatlar bo'la olamiz va bo'lishimiz ham shart. |
This day highlights a basic truth: all our freedom depends on press freedom. | Ushbu kun “bizning erkinligimiz matbuot erkinligiga bog'liq” kabi oddiy haqiqatni anglashga imkon beradi. |
Ten years ago, the United Nations established a Plan of Action on the Safety of Journalists to protect media workers and end impunity for crimes committed against them. | O'n yil oldin Birlashgan Millatlar Tashkiloti OAV xodimlarini himoya qilish va ularga qarshi sodir etilgan jinoyatlar uchun jazosiz qolishga barham berish maqsadida Jurnalistlar xavfsizligi bo'yicha Harakatlar rejasini ishlab chiqqan. |
On behalf of the United Nations Country Team in Uzbekistan, I would like to extend my warmest congratulations to our national and international partners and people of Uzbekistan on the occasion of Eid al-Fitr. |
Birlashgan Millatlar Tashkilotining O‘zbekistondagi jamoasi nomidan milliy va xalqaro hamkorlarimizni hamda O‘zbekiston xalqini Ramazon hayiti munosabati bilan samimiy tabriklarimni yo‘llayman. |
We are proud to stand with you in celebrating this important occasion, which brings together families and communities, and reinforces the values of compassion, generosity, and unity. | Oilalar va mahallalarni birlashtirgan, mehr-oqibat, saxovat va birdamlik qadriyatlarini mustahkamlaydigan ushbu muhim bayramni nishonlashda siz bilan birga ekanimizdan faxrlanamiz. |
On this occasion, I would also like to thank all our partners across Uzbekistan and express my gratitude for your commitment to promoting peace, development, and human rights, and for your support to the work of the United Nations family in Uzbekistan. | Fursatdan foydalanib, men O‘zbekistondagi barcha hamkorlarimizga tinchlik, taraqqiyot va inson huquqlarini ta’minlashga sodiqligingiz hamda O‘zbekistondagi Birlashgan Millatlar Tashkiloti oilasi faoliyatini qo‘llab-quvvatlayotganingiz uchun o‘z minnatdorchiligimni bildiraman. |