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English Ўзбек
The President congratulated Muslims of our country and the entire Islamic ummah of the world on the approaching month of Ramadan. Президент юртимиз мусулмонларини, бутун ислом умматини яқинлашиб келаётган Рамазон ойи билан ҳам муборакбод этди.
225. Do you not see how they ramble in every style? 225Уларнинг ҳар водийда дайдишини.
Our country is actively participating in the Istanbul Programme of Action, the Global Operational Network, the Eurasian and Egmont groups and many other platforms. Мамлакатимиз Истанбул ҳаракатлар дастури, Глобал оператив тармоқ, Евроосиё ва Эгмонт гуруҳлари, бошқа кўплаб платформаларда самарали иштирок этиб келмоқда. 
In this regard, we are interested in the wide-scale implementation of the United Nations Global Resource for Anti-Corruption Education and Youth Empowerment Program. Бу борада Бирлашган Миллатлар Ташкилотининг Коррупцияга қарши таълим ва ёшларнинг имкониятларини кенгайтириш глобал ресурси дастурини Ўзбекистонда кенг жорий этишдан манфаатдормиз.
The diagram below shows why positronium is so unique. Қуйидаги диаграмма позитроний нимаси билан ноёб эканини кўрсатади.
As a goodwill ambassador of the United Nations Environment Programme, Mirza spreads the message on issues such as climate change, clean air and wildlife protection. БМТнинг Атроф-муҳит дастурининг эзгу ният элчиси сифатида Мирза иқлим ўзгариши, тоза ҳаво ва ёввойи табиатни муҳофаза қилиш каби масалалар бўйича хабардорликни оширишга ҳаракат қилади.
After surviving two strokes when she was in high school, Marijeta Mojasevic's life changed dramatically. Ўрта мактабда ўқиб юрганида икки марта инсультни бошдан кечирган Мариета Мояшевичнинг ҳаёти тубдан ўзгарди.
Proceedings of the Arbitration Panel and the time frame that the Arbitration Panel has to submit its decision shall be established by the Joint Committee. Арбитраж кенгаши ишини юритиш ва Арбитраж кенгашининг ўз қарорини қабул қилиш муддати Қўшма қўмита тарафидан белгиланади.
The president came into the debate with a low bar to clear, and he stumbled. He was flat. He was rambling. He was unclear. Президент мунозарага маррани паст олиб чиқди ва қоқилди. У бир текис (ҳорғин ҳолда) эди. У довдиради. У тушунарсиз эди.
For 90 minutes, more often than not, he was on the ropes. Particularly early in the evening, some of his answers were nonsensical. After losing his train of thought he ended one answer by saying, “We finally beat Medicare” – an odd reference to the government-run healthcare programme for the elderly. 90 дақиқа давомида Жо Байден дор устида юргандай бўлди. Айниқса, бошида унинг баъзи жавоблари бемаъни чиқди. Фикридан адашганидан кейин, у бир жавобни "Биз Ниҳоят Medicare ни мағлуб этдик" деб якунлади. Бу ҳукумат томонидан кексалар учун соғлиқни сақлаш дастурига ғалати ишора эди.
she, who did not at all like these kind of jokes, in her turn complained to my father, who, a man of hasty temperament, instantly sent for that _rascal of a Frenchman_. онам бунақа ишлар тўғрисида жуда қаттиққўл эди, отамга шикоят қилибди. Отамнинг жаҳли ёмон эди. у дарҳол шум франсузни чақиртирибди.
But in every corner of the world, freedom of the press is under attack. Shu bilan birga matbuot erkinligi dunyoning har bir burchagida hujumga uchramoqda.

On behalf of the United Nations Country Team in Uzbekistan, I would like to extend my warmest congratulations to our national and international partners and people of Uzbekistan on the occasion of Eid al-Fitr.

Birlashgan Millatlar Tashkilotining O‘zbekistondagi jamoasi nomidan  milliy va xalqaro hamkorlarimizni hamda O‘zbekiston xalqini Ramazon hayiti munosabati bilan samimiy tabriklarimni yo‘llayman.

We are proud to stand with you in celebrating this important occasion, which brings together families and communities, and reinforces the values of compassion, generosity, and unity. Oilalar va mahallalarni birlashtirgan, mehr-oqibat, saxovat va birdamlik qadriyatlarini mustahkamlaydigan ushbu muhim bayramni nishonlashda siz bilan birga ekanimizdan faxrlanamiz.
On this occasion, I would also like to thank all our partners across Uzbekistan and express my gratitude for your commitment to promoting peace, development, and human rights, and for your support to the work of the United Nations family in Uzbekistan. Fursatdan foydalanib, men O‘zbekistondagi barcha hamkorlarimizga tinchlik, taraqqiyot va inson huquqlarini ta’minlashga sodiqligingiz hamda O‘zbekistondagi Birlashgan Millatlar Tashkiloti oilasi faoliyatini qo‘llab-quvvatlayotganingiz uchun o‘z minnatdorchiligimni bildiraman.
The United Nations is proud to be a partner of Uzbekistan in its development journey and we will continue working together to build a better future for all in Uzbekistan with a focus on leaving no one behind. Birlashgan Millatlar Tashkiloti Oʻzbekistonning rivojlanish yoʻlida hamkori ekanligidan faxrlanadi va hech kim  e'tibordan chetda   qolib ketmasligiga urg’u bergan holda Oʻzbekistonda barcha uchun farovon kelajak qurish yoʻlida birgalikda ishlashni davom ettiramiz.
29. Those who disbelieved will say, “Our Lord, show us those who led us astray—among jinn and humans—and we will trample them under our feet, so they become of the lowest.” 29Куфр келтирганлар: «Эй Роббимиз, бизни адаштирган жин ва инсдан бўлган шахсларни бизга кўрсатгин, уларни оёқларимиз остига олайлик, токи улар энг пастлардан бўлсинлар», дедилар.
Issues related to the accession of Uzbekistan to the WTO, the renewal of the GSP system, the deepening of practical interaction within the framework of the "C5+1" and the Framework Agreement on Trade and Investment were discussed. Ўзбекистоннинг Жаҳон савдо ташкилотига аъзо бўлиши, GSP тизимини қайта тиклаш, "C5+1" формати ҳамда Савдо ва инвестициялар бўйича ҳадли битим доирасида амалий ҳамкорликни чуқурлаштириш билан боғлиқ масалалар кўриб чиқилди.
Gender awareness, in other words, it is mandatory recognition that social inequalities between men and women exist and must be corrected by addressin women's needs and priorities, and by analyzing programs and projects for their differential impact on women and men. ·      Гендер хабардорликни ошириш, яъни эркак ва аёллар ўртасида ижтимоий тенгсизлик мавжудлигини албатта эътироф этиш, бу тенгсизлик аёлларнинг эҳтиёж ва устуворликларини таъминлаш орқали тузатиш, шунингдек дастур ва лойиҳаларнинг аёл ва эркакларга турлича таъсир этишини таҳлил қилиш керак.
To know what needs men and women have in politics, in society, in programs and projects, gender analysis is conducted. It is a sex-disaggregated study that considers different roles of men and women. This analysis is necessary to consider different experiences, knowledge, talents, and needs. ·      Эркак ва аёлларнинг сиёсат, жамият, дастур ва лойиҳаларга қандай эҳтиёжлари борлигини билиш учун гендер таҳлили ўтказилади. Ушбу тадқиқот жинслар кесимида ўтказилиб, эркак ва аёлларнинг турли ролларини ҳисобга олади. Бундай таҳлил турли тажриба, билим, истеъдод ва эҳтиёжларни ҳисобга олиш учун зарурдир.