Found jam: 25 words & 2 translates
English | Ўзбек |
After the horses came Muriel, the white goat, and Benjamin, the donkey. Benjamin was the oldest animal on the farm, and the worst tempered. He seldom talked, and when he did, it was usually to make some cynical remark—for instance, he would say that God had given him a tail to keep the flies off, but that he would sooner have had no tail and no flies. Alone among the animals on the farm he never laughed. If asked why, he would say that he saw nothing to laugh at. Nevertheless, without openly admitting it, he was devoted to Boxer; the two of them usually spent their Sundays together in the small paddock beyond the orchard, grazing side by side and never speaking. | Отлардан сўнг оқ эчки Мюриэл ва эшак Бенжамин келди. У бу молхонада энг кўп яшаган ҳайвон бўлиб, хаддан зиёд расво характери бор эди. У кам гапирар, мабодо гапириб қолса, юзинг-бетинг демай, шарттакилик қиларди — масалан, у бир куни Яратган менга сўна-пашшаларни ҳайдаш учун дум берган, аммо пашшалар ҳам, дум ҳам бўлмаса афзал эди, деган. Ҳайвонлар орасида ҳеч қачон кулмаган ва кулмайдиган жонивор ҳам у эди. Нега бундай ғамгин экани ҳақида савол берилганда, у бу дунёда қувонч учун сабаб ҳали йўқлигини айтганди. Шунга қарамасдан, у тулпор Боксёрга боғланиб қолганди; одатда, улар якшанба кунларини боғ ёнидаги мўъжазгина яйловда майсаларни ковшаниб, ёнма-ён ўтказишарди. |
One autumn day, my mother was making honey jam in her parlour, while, licking my lips, I was watching the operations, and occasionally tasting the boiling liquid. | Куз кунларининг бирида онам меҳмонхонада асалдан мураббо қайнатар, мен эса тамшаниб, қайнаётган кўпикка қараб турардим. |
For three decades, on World Press Freedom Day, the international community has celebrated the work of journalists and media workers. |
Mana o'ttiz yildirki, xalqaro hamjamiyat jurnalistlar va ommaviy axborot vositalari xo-dimlari faoliyatini Jahon matbuoti erkinligi kunida nishonlab kelmoqda. |
The increased concentration of the media industry into the hands of a few, the financial collapse of scores of independent news organizations, and an increase of national laws and regulations that stifle journalists are further expanding censorship and threatening freedom of expression. | Mediaindustriyaning bir necha kishilar qo‘lida jamlanishi, o‘nlab mustaqil axborot tashkilotlarining moliyaviy inqirozga uchrashi, jurnalistikani bo‘g‘uvchi milliy qonun va qoidalarning ko‘payishi senzurani yanada kuchaytirib, so‘z erkinligiga yanada ko’proq tahdid solmoqda. |
On behalf of the United Nations Country Team in Uzbekistan, I would like to extend my warmest congratulations to our national and international partners and people of Uzbekistan on the occasion of Eid al-Fitr. |
Birlashgan Millatlar Tashkilotining O‘zbekistondagi jamoasi nomidan milliy va xalqaro hamkorlarimizni hamda O‘zbekiston xalqini Ramazon hayiti munosabati bilan samimiy tabriklarimni yo‘llayman. |