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On August 20th 636, at Yarmouk, after six grueling days only one side was left standing. | 636 йил 20 август куни Ярмукда, олти кун кечган оғир жангдан сўнг, фақат бир томон тик турарди. |
The celebration continued with a grand festive concert. The performances of folk and ethnographic ensembles and artists, national games and askiyas had created a great atmosphere for everyone. | Байрам катта концерт дастури билан давом этди. Фальклор-этнографик жамоалар ва санъаткорларнинг чиқишлари, миллий ўйин ва аскиялар барчага завқ-шавқ улашди. |
13. And when a group of them said, “O people of Yathrib, you cannot make a stand, so retreat.” And a faction of them asked the Prophet to excuse them, saying, “Our homes are exposed,” although they were not exposed. They only wanted to flee. | 13Ўшанда улардан бир тоифаси: «Эй Ясриб аҳли, бу ерда сизга туриш имкони йўқ. Бас, қайтинглар», деди. Улардан бир гуруҳлари Набийдан изн сўраб: «Уйларимиз очиқсочиқ қолган», дейдилар. Ҳолбуки, улар очиқсочиқ эмас. Улар қочишдан бошқани ирода қилмаслар. |
(h) “customs value” means the transaction value of imported goods, which is the price actually paid or payable for the goods when sold for export to the country of importation, including other leviable charges and adjustment; | (h) «божхона қиймати» импорт қилувчи мамлакатга экспорт қилишда тўланиши лозим бўлган харажатлар ва нархга тузатишларни инобатга олган ҳолда товарлар учун тўланадиган ёки аслида тўланган нархни акс эттирувчи импорт қилинадиган товарларнинг битим қийматини англатади; |
1. Ya, Seen. |
1Йасин. |
177. When it descends into their yard, miserable will be the morning of those forewarned. | 177Қачонки, у уларнинг ҳовлисига тушганида, огоҳлантирилганларнинг тонги жуда ёмон бўлур. |
83. Except for your loyal servants among them.” | 83Магар улардан танланган бандаларинггина (мустаснодир)», деди. |
I lived like a stay-at-home son (_nédoross'l_),[4] amusing myself by scaring the pigeons on the roofs, and playing leapfrog with the lads of the courtyard,[5] till I was past the age of sixteen. But at this age my life underwent a great change. | Мен ҳали вояга етмаган бола бўлиб, куним каптар учириб, ҳовлидаги болалар билан сакрамачоқ ўйнаб ўтарди. Шундай қилиб ўн олти ёшга ҳам тўлдим. Энди тақдирим ўзгача бўлди. |
The United Nations is a reflection of the world as it is – and an aspiration of the world we know it can be. |
Birlashgan Millatlar Tashkiloti biz yashayotgan dunyoni va kelajakda uni qanday bo’lishiga intilishimizni anglatadi. |
It is our responsibility to help build that world of peace, sustainable development and human rights for all. | Tinchlik, barqaror rivojlanish va barcha uchun inson huquqlarini o‘z ichiga olgan yaxshiroq kelajakni qurishga yordam berish bizning majburiyatimizdir. |
To expand opportunities, and leave no one behind. | Yangi imkoniyatlarni topish va hech kimni e’tibordan chetda qoldirmaslik. |
To ensure justice, equality and empowerment for women and girls. | Ayollar va qizlarga adolat, tenglik va imkoniyatlarni kafolatlash. |
And to be flexible enough to address challenges that did not even exist when the UN was born – from the existential climate crisis to the perils and promise of artificial intelligence. | Shuningdek, Birlashgan Millatlar Tashkiloti yaratilgan paytda mavjud bo'lmagan muammolarni, shu jumladan, iqlim inqirozidan tortib sun'iy intellekt tahdidi. |
The United Nations is guided by timeless values and principles, but it must never be frozen in time. That is why we must always keep strengthening ways of working and applying a 21st century lens to all we do. | Birlashgan Millatlar Tashkiloti barqaror qadriyatlar va tamoyillarga amal qiladi, lekin u hech qachon bir joyda qotib qolmasligi kerak. Shuning uchun ham biz doimo ish uslubimizni takomillashtirib borishimiz va har bir ishimizga XXI-asr voqeliklarini hisobga olgan holda yondashishimiz kerak. |
On this United Nations Day, let us commit with hope and determination to build the better world of our aspirations. | Birlashgan Millatlar Tashkiloti kunida umid va qat'iyat bilan oldimizga o'zimiz xohlagan yaxshiroq dunyoni qurishga maqsad qilib qo’yaylik. |
We are a divided world. We can and must be united nations. | Biz bo'lingan va har tomonlama ajralgan dunyoda yashamoqdamiz. Aslida, harakat qilsak birlashgan millatlar bo'la olamiz va bo'lishimiz ham shart. |
For three decades, on World Press Freedom Day, the international community has celebrated the work of journalists and media workers. |
Mana o'ttiz yildirki, xalqaro hamjamiyat jurnalistlar va ommaviy axborot vositalari xo-dimlari faoliyatini Jahon matbuoti erkinligi kunida nishonlab kelmoqda. |
Freedom of the press is the foundation of democracy and justice. It gives all of us the facts we need to shape opinions and speak truth to power. And as this year’s theme reminds us, press freedom represents the very lifeblood of human rights. | Matbuot erkinligi demokratiya va adolat asosidir. U bizga fikrlarni shakllantirish uchun kerakli bo’lgan aniq faktlarni beradi. Bu yilgi mavzu esa matbuot erkinligi inson huquqlari uchun nihoyatda muhim ekanligini barchamizga yana bir bor eslatadi. |
Truth is threatened by disinformation and hate speech seeking to blur the lines between fact and fiction, between science and conspiracy. | Haqiqat dezinformatsiya va nafrat tili tahdidi ostida qolmoqda. Ular sabab faktlar va uydirma, ilm va konspirologik nazariya o’rtasidagi chegaralarni buzishga harakat qilishmoqda. |
The increased concentration of the media industry into the hands of a few, the financial collapse of scores of independent news organizations, and an increase of national laws and regulations that stifle journalists are further expanding censorship and threatening freedom of expression. | Mediaindustriyaning bir necha kishilar qo‘lida jamlanishi, o‘nlab mustaqil axborot tashkilotlarining moliyaviy inqirozga uchrashi, jurnalistikani bo‘g‘uvchi milliy qonun va qoidalarning ko‘payishi senzurani yanada kuchaytirib, so‘z erkinligiga yanada ko’proq tahdid solmoqda. |